blob: 310b6850e5305687dd7eadff31e057d779698b31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart' as d;
import 'test_pub.dart';
main() {
group("creates a snapshot", () {
test("for an immediate dependency", () async {
await servePackages((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "1.2.3", contents: [
d.dir("bin", [
d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('hello!');"),
d.file("goodbye.dart", "void main() => print('goodbye!');"),
d.file("", "echo shell"),
"subdir", [d.file("sub.dart", "void main() => print('sub!');")])
await d.appDir({"foo": "1.2.3"}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'],
output: allOf([
contains("Precompiled foo:hello."),
contains("Precompiled foo:goodbye.")
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin'), [
d.file('sdk-version', '0.1.2+3\n'),
d.dir('foo', [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello!')),
d.file('goodbye.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('goodbye!')),
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("hello!"));
await process.shouldExit();
process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:goodbye']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("goodbye!"));
await process.shouldExit();
test("for an immediate dependency that's also transitive", () async {
await servePackages((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "1.2.3", contents: [
d.dir("bin", [
d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('hello!');"),
d.file("goodbye.dart", "void main() => print('goodbye!');"),
d.file("", "echo shell"),
"subdir", [d.file("sub.dart", "void main() => print('sub!');")])
builder.serve("bar", "1.2.3", deps: {"foo": "1.2.3"});
await d.appDir({"foo": "1.2.3"}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'],
output: allOf([
contains("Precompiled foo:hello."),
contains("Precompiled foo:goodbye.")
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin'), [
d.file('sdk-version', '0.1.2+3\n'),
d.dir('foo', [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello!')),
d.file('goodbye.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('goodbye!')),
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("hello!"));
await process.shouldExit();
process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:goodbye']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("goodbye!"));
await process.shouldExit();
group("again if", () {
test("its package is updated", () async {
await servePackages((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "1.2.3", contents: [
[d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('hello!');")])
await d.appDir({"foo": "any"}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello!'))
globalPackageServer.add((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "1.2.4", contents: [
[d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('hello 2!');")])
await pubUpgrade(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello 2!'))
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("hello 2!"));
await process.shouldExit();
test("a dependency of its package is updated", () async {
await servePackages((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "1.2.3", pubspec: {
"dependencies": {"bar": "any"}
}, contents: [
d.dir("bin", [
d.file("hello.dart", """
import 'package:bar/bar.dart';
void main() => print(message);
builder.serve("bar", "1.2.3", contents: [
d.dir("lib", [d.file("bar.dart", "final message = 'hello!';")])
await d.appDir({"foo": "any"}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello!'))
globalPackageServer.add((builder) {
builder.serve("bar", "1.2.4", contents: [
d.dir("lib", [d.file("bar.dart", "final message = 'hello 2!';")]),
await pubUpgrade(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello 2!'))
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("hello 2!"));
await process.shouldExit();
test("a git dependency of its package is updated", () async {
await d.git('foo.git', [
d.pubspec({"name": "foo", "version": "0.0.1"}),
"bin", [d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('Hello!');")])
await d.appDir({
"foo": {"git": "../foo.git"}
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('Hello!'))
await d.git('foo.git', [
[d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('Goodbye!');")])
await pubUpgrade(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin', 'foo'), [
d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('Goodbye!'))
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
expect(process.stdout, emits("Goodbye!"));
await process.shouldExit();
test("the SDK is out of date", () async {
await servePackages((builder) {
builder.serve("foo", "5.6.7", contents: [
[d.file("hello.dart", "void main() => print('hello!');")])
await d.appDir({"foo": "5.6.7"}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--precompile'], output: contains("Precompiled foo:hello."));
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin'), [
d.dir('foo', [d.outOfDateSnapshot('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2')])
var process = await pubRun(args: ['foo:hello']);
// In the real world this would just print "hello!", but since we collect
// all output we see the precompilation messages as well.
expect(process.stdout, emits("Precompiling executable..."));
expect(process.stdout, emitsThrough("hello!"));
await process.shouldExit();
await d.dir(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'pub', 'bin'), [
d.file('sdk-version', '0.1.2+3\n'),
'foo', [d.file('hello.dart.snapshot.dart2', contains('hello!'))])