blob: e51124f5d3826d66be321e0ee708cb9b2fff76fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../command.dart';
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../null_safety_analysis.dart';
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../solver.dart';
import '../source/hosted.dart';
import '../yaml_edit/editor.dart';
/// Handles the `upgrade` pub command.
class UpgradeCommand extends PubCommand {
String get name => 'upgrade';
String get description =>
"Upgrade the current package's dependencies to latest versions.";
String get argumentsDescription => '[dependencies...]';
String get docUrl => '';
bool get isOffline => argResults['offline'];
UpgradeCommand() {
help: 'Use cached packages instead of accessing the network.');
abbr: 'n',
negatable: false,
help: "Report what dependencies would change but don't change any.");
help: 'Precompile executables in immediate dependencies.');
negatable: false,
help: 'Upgrade constraints in pubspec.yaml to null-safety versions');
argParser.addFlag('nullsafety', negatable: false, hide: true);
argParser.addFlag('packages-dir', hide: true);
/// Avoid showing spinning progress messages when not in a terminal.
bool get _shouldShowSpinner => stdout.hasTerminal;
bool get _dryRun => argResults['dry-run'];
Future<void> runProtected() async {
if (argResults.wasParsed('packages-dir')) {
'The --packages-dir flag is no longer used and does nothing.'));
if (argResults['nullsafety'] || argResults['null-safety']) {
return await _runUpgradeNullSafety();
return await _runUpgrade();
Future<void> _runUpgrade() async {
await entrypoint.acquireDependencies(
dryRun: _dryRun,
precompile: argResults['precompile'],
Future<void> _runUpgradeNullSafety() async {
final directDeps = [
final upgradeOnly = ? directDeps :;
// Check that all package names in upgradeOnly are direct-dependencies
if (upgradeOnly.any((name) => !directDeps.contains(name))) {
final notDirectDeps =
upgradeOnly.where((name) => !directDeps.contains(name)).toList();
Dependencies specified in `dart pub upgrade --nullsafety <dependencies>` must
be direct 'dependencies' or 'dev_dependencies', following packages are not:
- ${notDirectDeps.join('\n - ')}
final nullsafetyPubspec = await _upgradeToNullSafetyConstraints(
/// Solve [nullsafetyPubspec] in-memory and consolidate the resolved
/// versions of the packages into a map for quick searching.
final resolvedPackages = <String, PackageId>{};
await log.spinner('Resolving dependencies', () async {
final solveResult = await resolveVersions(
for (final resolvedPackage in solveResult?.packages ?? []) {
resolvedPackages[] = resolvedPackage;
}, condition: _shouldShowSpinner);
/// Changes to be made to `pubspec.yaml`.
/// Mapping from original to changed value.
final changes = <PackageRange, PackageRange>{};
final declaredHostedDependencies = [
].where((dep) => dep.source is HostedSource);
for (final dep in declaredHostedDependencies) {
final resolvedPackage = resolvedPackages[];
assert(resolvedPackage != null);
if (resolvedPackage == null || !upgradeOnly.contains( {
// If we're not to upgrade this package, or it wasn't in the
// resolution somehow, then we ignore it.
final constraint = VersionConstraint.compatibleWith(
if (dep.constraint.allowsAll(constraint) &&
constraint.allowsAll(dep.constraint)) {
// If constraint allows the same as the existing constraint then
// there is no need to make changes.
changes[dep] = dep.withConstraint(constraint);
if (!_dryRun) {
await _updatePubspec(changes);
// TODO: Allow Entrypoint to be created with in-memory pubspec, so that
// we can show the changes in --dry-run mode. For now we only show
// the changes made to pubspec.yaml in dry-run mode.
await Entrypoint.current(cache).acquireDependencies(
precompile: argResults['precompile'],
// Warn if not all dependencies were migrated to a null-safety compatible
// version. This can happen because:
// - `upgradeOnly` was given,
// - root has SDK dependencies,
// - root has git or path dependencies,
// - root has dependency_overrides
final nonMigratedDirectDeps = <String>[];
await Future.wait( async {
final resolvedPackage = resolvedPackages[name];
assert(resolvedPackage != null);
final boundSource = resolvedPackage.source.bind(cache);
final pubspec = await boundSource.describe(resolvedPackage);
if (!pubspec.languageVersion.supportsNullSafety) {
if (nonMigratedDirectDeps.isNotEmpty) {
\nFollowing direct 'dependencies' and 'dev_dependencies' are not migrated to
null-safety yet:
- ${nonMigratedDirectDeps.join('\n - ')}
You may have to:
* Upgrade git and path dependencies manually,
* Upgrade to a newer SDK for newer SDK dependencies,
* Remove dependency_overrides, and/or,
* Find other packages to use.
/// Updates `pubspec.yaml` with given [changes].
Future<void> _updatePubspec(
Map<PackageRange, PackageRange> changes,
) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(changes, 'changes');
if (changes.isEmpty) return;
final yamlEditor = YamlEditor(readTextFile(entrypoint.pubspecPath));
final deps = entrypoint.root.pubspec.dependencies.keys;
final devDeps = entrypoint.root.pubspec.devDependencies.keys;
for (final change in changes.values) {
if (deps.contains( {
// TODO(jonasfj): Fix support for third-party pub servers.
} else if (devDeps.contains( {
// TODO: Fix support for third-party pub servers
/// Windows line endings are already handled by [yamlEditor]
writeTextFile(entrypoint.pubspecPath, yamlEditor.toString());
/// Outputs a summary of changes made to `pubspec.yaml`.
void _outputChangeSummary(
Map<PackageRange, PackageRange> changes,
) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(changes, 'changes');
if (changes.isEmpty) {
final wouldBe = _dryRun ? 'would be made to' : 'to';
log.message('\nNo changes $wouldBe pubspec.yaml!');
} else {
final s = changes.length == 1 ? '' : 's';
final changed = _dryRun ? 'Would change' : 'Changed';
log.message('\n$changed ${changes.length} constraint$s in pubspec.yaml:');
changes.forEach((from, to) {
log.message(' ${}: ${from.constraint} -> ${to.constraint}');
void _showOfflineWarning() {
if (isOffline) {
log.warning('Warning: Upgrading when offline may not update you to the '
'latest versions of your dependencies.');
/// Returns new pubspec with the same dependencies as [original], but with:
/// * the lower-bound of hosted package constraint set to first null-safety
/// compatible version, and,
/// * the upper-bound of hosted package constraints removed.
/// Only changes listed in [upgradeOnly] will have their constraints touched.
/// Throws [ApplicationException] if one of the dependencies does not have
/// a null-safety compatible version.
Future<Pubspec> _upgradeToNullSafetyConstraints(
Pubspec original,
List<String> upgradeOnly,
) async {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(original, 'original');
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(upgradeOnly, 'upgradeOnly');
final hasNoNullSafetyVersions = <String>{};
final hasNullSafetyVersions = <String>{};
Future<Iterable<PackageRange>> _removeUpperConstraints(
Iterable<PackageRange> dependencies,
) async =>
await Future.wait( async {
if (dep.source is! HostedSource) {
return dep;
if (!upgradeOnly.contains( {
return dep;
final boundSource = dep.source.bind(cache);
final packages = await boundSource.getVersions(dep.toRef());
packages.sort((a, b) => a.version.compareTo(b.version));
for (final package in packages) {
final pubspec = await boundSource.describe(package);
if (pubspec.languageVersion.supportsNullSafety) {
return dep.withConstraint(
VersionRange(min: package.version, includeMin: true),
return null;
final deps = _removeUpperConstraints(original.dependencies.values);
final devDeps = _removeUpperConstraints(original.devDependencies.values);
await Future.wait([deps, devDeps]);
if (hasNoNullSafetyVersions.isNotEmpty) {
throw ApplicationException('''
null-safety compatible versions do not exist for:
- ${hasNoNullSafetyVersions.join('\n - ')}
You can choose to upgrade only some dependencies to null-safety using:
dart pub upgrade --nullsafety ${hasNullSafetyVersions.join(' ')}
Warning: Using null-safety features before upgrading all dependencies is
discouraged. For more details see: ${NullSafetyAnalysis.guideUrl}
return Pubspec(,
version: original.version,
sdkConstraints: original.sdkConstraints,
dependencies: await deps,
devDependencies: await devDeps,
dependencyOverrides: original.dependencyOverrides.values,