blob: d0a921bd4248795f45fb8150cc20e9361d584100 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pub/src/ascii_tree.dart' as tree;
import 'package:pub/src/package.dart';
import 'package:pub/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart';
import 'golden_file.dart';
import 'test_pub.dart';
/// Removes ansi color codes from [s].
String stripColors(String s) {
return s.replaceAll(RegExp('\u001b\\[.*?m'), '');
void main() {
setUp(() {
forceColors = ForceColorOption.always;
tearDown(() {
forceColors =;
test('tree.fromFiles no files', () {
expect(tree.fromFiles([], showFileSizes: true), equals(''));
List<int> bytes(int size) => List.filled(size, 0);
testWithGolden('tree.fromFiles a complex example', colors: true, (ctx) async {
await dir(appPath, [
libPubspec('app', '1.0.0'),
file('TODO', bytes(10)),
dir('example', [
file('console_example.dart', bytes(1000)),
file('main.dart', bytes(1024)),
dir('web copy', [
file('web_example.dart', bytes(1025)),
dir('test', [
file('absolute_test.dart', bytes(0)),
file('basename_test.dart', bytes(1 << 20)),
file('dirname_test.dart', bytes((1 << 20) + 1)),
file('extension_test.dart', bytes(2300)),
file('is_absolute_test.dart', bytes(2400)),
file('is_relative_test.dart', bytes((1 << 20) * 25)),
file('join_test.dart', bytes(1023)),
file('normalize_test.dart', bytes((1 << 20) - 1)),
file('relative_test.dart', bytes(100)),
file('split_test.dart', bytes(1)),
file('all_test.dart', bytes(100)),
file('path_posix_test.dart', bytes(100)),
file('path_windows_test.dart', bytes(100)),
file('.gitignore', bytes(100)),
file('', bytes(100)),
dir('lib', [
file('path.dart', bytes(100)),
var files = Package.load(
(name) => throw UnimplementedError(),
tree.fromFiles(files, baseDir: path(appPath), showFileSizes: true),
test('tree.fromMap empty map', () {
expect(tree.fromMap({}), equals(''));
testWithGolden('tree.fromMap a complex example', colors: true, (ctx) {
var map = {
'.gitignore': <String, Map>{},
'': <String, Map>{},
'TODO': <String, Map>{},
'example': {
'console_example.dart': <String, Map>{},
'main.dart': <String, Map>{},
'web copy': {'web_example.dart': <String, Map>{}},
'lib': {'path.dart': <String, Map>{}},
'pubspec.yaml': <String, Map>{},
'test': {
'absolute_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'basename_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'dirname_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'extension_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'is_absolute_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'is_relative_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'join_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'normalize_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'relative_test.dart': <String, Map>{},
'split_test.dart': <String, Map>{},