blob: ce2b4c191b5d415ae905c95727308ac1155e004b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../http.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../sdk.dart';
import '../system_cache.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'incompatibility.dart';
import 'incompatibility_cause.dart';
import 'term.dart';
/// A cache of all the versions of a single package that provides information
/// about those versions to the solver.
class PackageLister {
/// The package that is being listed.
final PackageRef _ref;
/// The version of this package in the lockfile.
/// This is `null` if this package isn't locked or if the current version
/// solve isn't a `pub get`.
final PackageId? _locked;
// The version of this package that, if retracted, is still allowed in the
// current version solve.
// We don't allow a retracted version during solving unless it is already
// present in `pubspec.lock` or pinned in `dependency_overrides`.
// This is `null` if there is no retracted version that can be allowed.
final Version? _allowedRetractedVersion;
final SystemCache _systemCache;
/// The type of the dependency from the root package onto [_ref].
final DependencyType _dependencyType;
/// The set of packages that were overridden by the root package.
final Set<String> _overriddenPackages;
/// Whether this is a downgrade, in which case the package priority should be
/// reversed.
final bool _isDowngrade;
/// A map from dependency names to constraints indicating which versions of
/// [_ref] have already had their dependencies on the given versions returned
/// by [incompatibilitiesFor].
/// This allows us to avoid returning the same incompatibilities multiple
/// times.
final _alreadyListedDependencies = <String, VersionConstraint>{};
/// A constraint indicating which versions of [_ref] are already known to be
/// invalid for some reason.
/// This allows us to avoid returning the same incompatibilities from
/// [incompatibilitiesFor] multiple times.
var _knownInvalidVersions = VersionConstraint.empty;
/// Whether we've returned incompatibilities for [_locked].
var _listedLockedVersion = false;
/// The versions of [_ref] that have been downloaded and cached, or `null` if
/// they haven't been downloaded yet.
List<PackageId>? get cachedVersions => _cachedVersions;
List<PackageId>? _cachedVersions;
/// All versions of the package, sorted by [Version.compareTo].
Future<List<PackageId>> get _versions => _versionsMemo.runOnce(() async {
var cachedVersions = (await withDependencyType(
() => _systemCache.getVersions(_ref,
allowedRetractedVersion: _allowedRetractedVersion)))
..sort((id1, id2) => id1.version.compareTo(id2.version));
_cachedVersions = cachedVersions;
return cachedVersions;
final _versionsMemo = AsyncMemoizer<List<PackageId>>();
/// The most recent version of this package (or the oldest, if we're
/// downgrading).
Future<PackageId?> get latest =>
_latestMemo.runOnce(() => bestVersion(VersionConstraint.any));
final _latestMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageId?>();
/// Creates a package lister for the dependency identified by [_ref].
{bool downgrade = false})
: _isDowngrade = downgrade;
/// Creates a package lister for the root [package].
PackageLister.root(Package package, this._systemCache)
: _ref = PackageRef.root(package),
// Treat the package as locked so we avoid the logic for finding the
// boundaries of various constraints, which is useless for the root
// package.
_locked = PackageId.root(package),
_dependencyType = DependencyType.none,
_overriddenPackages =
_isDowngrade = false,
_allowedRetractedVersion = null;
/// Returns the number of versions of this package that match [constraint].
Future<int> countVersions(VersionConstraint constraint) async {
if (_locked != null && constraint.allows(_locked!.version)) return 1;
try {
return (await _versions)
.where((id) => constraint.allows(id.version))
} on PackageNotFoundException {
// If it fails for any reason, just treat that as no versions. This will
// sort this reference higher so that we can traverse into it and report
// the error in a user-friendly way.
return 0;
/// Returns the best version of this package that matches [constraint]
/// according to the solver's prioritization scheme, or `null` if no versions
/// match.
/// Throws a [PackageNotFoundException] if this lister's package doesn't
/// exist.
Future<PackageId?> bestVersion(VersionConstraint constraint) async {
final locked = _locked;
if (locked != null && constraint.allows(locked.version)) return locked;
var versions = await _versions;
// If [constraint] has a minimum (or a maximum in downgrade mode), we can
// bail early once we're past it.
var isPastLimit = (Version _) => false;
if (constraint is VersionRange) {
if (_isDowngrade) {
var max = constraint.max;
if (max != null) isPastLimit = (version) => version > max;
} else {
var min = constraint.min;
if (min != null) isPastLimit = (version) => version < min;
// Return the most preferable version that matches [constraint]: the latest
// non-prerelease version if one exists, or the latest prerelease version
// otherwise.
PackageId? bestPrerelease;
for (var id in _isDowngrade ? versions : versions.reversed) {
if (isPastLimit(id.version)) break;
if (!constraint.allows(id.version)) continue;
if (!id.version.isPreRelease) {
return id;
bestPrerelease ??= id;
return bestPrerelease;
/// Returns incompatibilities that encapsulate [id]'s dependencies, or that
/// indicate that it can't be safely selected.
/// If multiple subsequent versions of this package have the same
/// dependencies, this will return incompatibilities that reflect that. It
/// won't return incompatibilities that have already been returned by a
/// previous call to [incompatibilitiesFor].
Future<List<Incompatibility>> incompatibilitiesFor(PackageId id) async {
if (_knownInvalidVersions.allows(id.version)) return const [];
Pubspec pubspec;
try {
pubspec = await withDependencyType(
_dependencyType, () => _systemCache.describe(id));
} on PubspecException catch (error) {
// The lockfile for the pubspec couldn't be parsed,
log.fine('Failed to parse pubspec for $id:\n$error');
_knownInvalidVersions = _knownInvalidVersions.union(id.version);
return [
[Term(id.toRange(), true)], IncompatibilityCause.noVersions)
} on PackageNotFoundException {
// We can only get here if the lockfile refers to a specific package
// version that doesn't exist (probably because it was yanked).
_knownInvalidVersions = _knownInvalidVersions.union(id.version);
return [
[Term(id.toRange(), true)], IncompatibilityCause.noVersions)
if (_cachedVersions == null &&
_locked != null &&
id.version == _locked!.version) {
if (_listedLockedVersion) return const [];
var depender = id.toRange();
_listedLockedVersion = true;
for (var sdk in sdks.values) {
if (!_matchesSdkConstraint(pubspec, sdk)) {
return [
Incompatibility([Term(depender, true)],
SdkCause(pubspec.sdkConstraints[sdk.identifier], sdk))
if (id.isRoot) {
var incompatibilities = <Incompatibility>[];
for (var range in pubspec.dependencies.values) {
if (_overriddenPackages.contains( continue;
incompatibilities.add(_dependency(depender, range));
for (var range in pubspec.devDependencies.values) {
if (_overriddenPackages.contains( continue;
incompatibilities.add(_dependency(depender, range));
for (var range in pubspec.dependencyOverrides.values) {
incompatibilities.add(_dependency(depender, range));
return incompatibilities;
} else {
return pubspec.dependencies.values
.where((range) => !_overriddenPackages.contains(
.map((range) => _dependency(depender, range))
var versions = await _versions;
var index = lowerBound(versions, id,
compare: (dynamic id1, dynamic id2) =>
assert(index < versions.length);
assert(versions[index].version == id.version);
for (var sdk in sdks.values) {
var sdkIncompatibility = await _checkSdkConstraint(index, sdk);
if (sdkIncompatibility != null) return [sdkIncompatibility];
// Don't recompute dependencies that have already been emitted.
var dependencies = Map<String, PackageRange>.from(pubspec.dependencies);
for (var package in dependencies.keys.toList()) {
if (_overriddenPackages.contains(package)) {
var constraint = _alreadyListedDependencies[package];
if (constraint != null && constraint.allows(id.version)) {
var lower = await _dependencyBounds(dependencies, index, upper: false);
var upper = await _dependencyBounds(dependencies, index);
return ordered(dependencies.keys).map((package) {
var constraint = VersionRange(
min: lower[package],
includeMin: true,
max: upper[package],
alwaysIncludeMaxPreRelease: true);
_alreadyListedDependencies[package] = constraint.union(
_alreadyListedDependencies[package] ?? VersionConstraint.empty);
return _dependency(
_ref.withConstraint(constraint), dependencies[package]!);
/// Returns an [Incompatibility] that represents a dependency from [depender]
/// onto [target].
Incompatibility _dependency(PackageRange depender, PackageRange target) =>
Incompatibility([Term(depender, true), Term(target, false)],
/// If the version at [index] in [_versions] isn't compatible with the current
/// version of [sdk], returns an [Incompatibility] indicating that.
/// Otherwise, returns `null`.
Future<Incompatibility?> _checkSdkConstraint(int index, Sdk sdk) async {
var versions = await _versions;
bool allowsSdk(Pubspec pubspec) => _matchesSdkConstraint(pubspec, sdk);
if (allowsSdk(await _describeSafe(versions[index]))) return null;
var bounds = await _findBounds(index, (pubspec) => !allowsSdk(pubspec));
var incompatibleVersions = VersionRange(
min: bounds.first == 0 ? null : versions[bounds.first].version,
includeMin: true,
max: bounds.last == versions.length - 1
? null
: versions[bounds.last + 1].version,
alwaysIncludeMaxPreRelease: true);
_knownInvalidVersions = incompatibleVersions.union(_knownInvalidVersions);
var sdkConstraint = await foldAsync(
slice(versions, bounds.first, bounds.last + 1), VersionConstraint.empty,
(dynamic previous, dynamic version) async {
var pubspec = await _describeSafe(version);
return previous.union(
pubspec.sdkConstraints[sdk.identifier] ?? VersionConstraint.any);
return Incompatibility(
[Term(_ref.withConstraint(incompatibleVersions), true)],
SdkCause(sdkConstraint, sdk));
/// Returns the first and last indices in [_versions] of the contiguous set of
/// versions whose pubspecs match [match].
/// Assumes [match] returns true for the pubspec whose version is at [index].
Future<Pair<int, int>> _findBounds(
int start, bool Function(Pubspec) match) async {
var versions = await _versions;
var first = start - 1;
while (first > 0) {
if (!match(await _describeSafe(versions[first]))) break;
var last = start + 1;
while (last < versions.length) {
if (!match(await _describeSafe(versions[last]))) break;
return Pair(first + 1, last - 1);
/// Returns a map where each key is a package name and each value is the upper
/// or lower (according to [upper]) bound of the range of versions with an
/// identical dependency to that in [dependencies], around the version at
/// [index].
/// If a package is absent from the return value, that indicates indicate that
/// all versions above or below [index] (according to [upper]) have the same
/// dependency.
Future<Map<String, Version?>> _dependencyBounds(
Map<String, PackageRange> dependencies, int index,
{bool upper = true}) async {
var versions = await _versions;
var bounds = <String, Version>{};
var previous = versions[index];
for (var id in upper
? versions.skip(index + 1)
: versions.reversed.skip(versions.length - index)) {
var pubspec = await _describeSafe(id);
// The upper bound is exclusive and so is the first package with a
// different dependency. The lower bound is inclusive, and so is the last
// package with the same dependency.
var boundary = (upper ? id : previous).version;
// Once we hit an incompatible version, it doesn't matter whether it has
// the same dependencies.
for (var sdk in sdks.values) {
if (_matchesSdkConstraint(pubspec, sdk)) continue;
for (var name in dependencies.keys) {
bounds.putIfAbsent(name, () => boundary);
break outer;
for (var range in dependencies.values) {
if (bounds.containsKey( continue;
if (pubspec.dependencies[] != range) {
bounds[] = boundary;
if (bounds.length == dependencies.length) break;
previous = id;
return bounds;
/// Returns the pubspec for [id], or an empty pubspec matching [id] if the
/// real pubspec for [id] fails to load for any reason.
/// This makes the bounds-finding logic resilient to broken pubspecs while
/// keeping the actual error handling in a central location.
Future<Pubspec> _describeSafe(PackageId id) async {
try {
return await withDependencyType(
_dependencyType, () => _systemCache.describe(id));
} catch (_) {
return Pubspec(, version: id.version);
/// Returns whether [pubspec]'s constraint on [sdk] matches the current
/// version.
bool _matchesSdkConstraint(Pubspec pubspec, Sdk sdk) {
if (_overriddenPackages.contains( return true;
var constraint = pubspec.sdkConstraints[sdk.identifier];
if (constraint == null) return true;
return sdk.isAvailable && constraint.allows(sdk.version!);