blob: b15ec2d47b1112878a632d3275ea91017fcce5ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub/src/exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../../test_pub.dart';
void main() {
test('path dependency with absolute path', () async {
await d
.dir('foo', [d.libDir('foo'), d.libPubspec('foo', '0.0.1')]).create();
await d.appDir({}).create();
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(args: ['foo', '--path', absolutePath]);
await d.appPackagesFile({'foo': absolutePath}).validate();
await d.appDir({
'foo': {'path': absolutePath}
test('adds a package from absolute path with version constraint', () async {
await d
.dir('foo', [d.libDir('foo'), d.libPubspec('foo', '0.0.1')]).create();
await d.appDir({}).create();
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(args: ['foo:0.0.1', '--path', absolutePath]);
await d.appDir({
'foo': {'path': absolutePath, 'version': '0.0.1'}
test('fails when adding multiple packages through local path', () async {
await d.git(
'foo.git', [d.libDir('foo'), d.libPubspec('foo', '1.0.0')]).create();
await d.appDir({}).create();
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(
args: ['foo:2.0.0', 'bar:0.1.3', 'baz:1.3.1', '--path', absolutePath],
error: contains('Can only add a single local package at a time.'),
exitCode: exit_codes.USAGE);
await d.appDir({}).validate();
await d.dir(appPath, [
test('fails when adding with an invalid version constraint', () async {
await d.git(
'foo.git', [d.libDir('foo'), d.libPubspec('foo', '1.0.0')]).create();
await d.appDir({}).create();
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(
args: ['foo:2.0.0', '--path', absolutePath],
error: equalsIgnoringWhitespace(
'Because myapp depends on foo from path which doesn\'t exist '
'(could not find package foo at "$absolutePath"), version solving '
exitCode: exit_codes.DATA);
await d.appDir({}).validate();
await d.dir(appPath, [
test('fails if path does not exist', () async {
await d.appDir({}).create();
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(
args: ['foo', '--path', absolutePath],
error: equalsIgnoringWhitespace(
'Because myapp depends on foo from path which doesn\'t exist '
'(could not find package foo at "$absolutePath"), version solving '
exitCode: exit_codes.DATA);
await d.appDir({}).validate();
await d.dir(appPath, [
test('can be overriden by dependency override', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.2.2');
await d
.dir('foo', [d.libDir('foo'), d.libPubspec('foo', '0.0.1')]).create();
await d.dir(appPath, [
'name': 'myapp',
'dependencies': {},
'dependency_overrides': {'foo': '1.2.2'}
final absolutePath = path.join(d.sandbox, 'foo');
await pubAdd(args: ['foo', '--path', absolutePath]);
await d.cacheDir({'foo': '1.2.2'}).validate();
await d.appPackagesFile({'foo': '1.2.2'}).validate();
await d.dir(appPath, [
'name': 'myapp',
'dependencies': {
'foo': {'path': absolutePath}
'dependency_overrides': {'foo': '1.2.2'}