blob: 2f356625212355f8902a90364d2114d5be8dfc48 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'format.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Type flags for [TarHeader].
/// The type flag of a header indicates the kind of file associated with the
/// entry. This enum contains the various type flags over the different TAR
/// formats, and users should be careful that the type flag corresponds to the
/// TAR format they are working with.
enum TypeFlag {
/// [reg] indicates regular files.
/// Old tar implementations have a seperate `TypeRegA` value. This library
/// will transparently read those as [regA].
/// Legacy-version of [reg] in old tar implementations.
/// This is only used internally.
/// Hard link - header-only, may not have a data body
/// Symbolic link - header-only, may not have a data body
/// Character device node - header-only, may not have a data body
/// Block device node - header-only, may not have a data body
/// Directory - header-only, may not have a data body
/// FIFO node - header-only, may not have a data body
/// Currently does not have any meaning, but is reserved for the future.
/// Used by the PAX format to store key-value records that are only relevant
/// to the next file.
/// This package transparently handles these types.
/// Used by the PAX format to store key-value records that are relevant to all
/// subsequent files.
/// This package only supports parsing and composing such headers,
/// but does not currently support persisting the global state across files.
/// Indiates a sparse file in the GNU format
/// Used by the GNU format for a meta file to store the path or link name for
/// the next file.
/// This package transparently handles these types.
/// Vendor specific typeflag, as defined in POSIX.1-1998. Seen as outdated but
/// may still exist on old files.
/// This library uses a single enum to catch them all.
/// Header of a tar entry
/// A tar header stores meta-information about the matching tar entry, such as
/// its name.
abstract class TarHeader {
/// Type of header entry. In the V7 TAR format, this field was known as the
/// link flag.
TypeFlag get typeFlag;
/// Name of file or directory entry.
String get name;
/// Target name of link (valid for hard links or symbolic links).
String? get linkName;
/// Permission and mode bits.
int get mode;
/// User ID of owner.
int get userId;
/// Group ID of owner.
int get groupId;
/// User name of owner.
String? get userName;
/// Group name of owner.
String? get groupName;
/// Logical file size in bytes.
int get size;
/// The time of the last change to the data of the TAR file.
DateTime get modified;
/// The time of the last access to the data of the TAR file.
DateTime? get accessed;
/// The time of the last change to the data or metadata of the TAR file.
DateTime? get changed;
/// Major device number
int get devMajor;
/// Minor device number
int get devMinor;
/// The TAR format of the header.
TarFormat get format;
/// Checks if this header indicates that the file will have content.
bool get hasContent {
switch (typeFlag) {
case TypeFlag.symlink:
case TypeFlag.block:
case TypeFlag.dir:
case TypeFlag.char:
case TypeFlag.fifo:
return false;
return true;
/// Creates a tar header from the individual field.
factory TarHeader({
required String name,
TarFormat? format,
TypeFlag? typeFlag,
DateTime? modified,
String? linkName,
int mode = 0,
int size = -1,
String? userName,
int userId = 0,
int groupId = 0,
String? groupName,
DateTime? accessed,
DateTime? changed,
int devMajor = 0,
int devMinor = 0,
}) {
return HeaderImpl.internal(
name: name,
modified: modified ?? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0),
format: format ?? TarFormat.pax,
typeFlag: typeFlag ?? TypeFlag.reg,
linkName: linkName,
mode: mode,
size: size,
userName: userName,
userId: userId,
groupId: groupId,
groupName: groupName,
accessed: accessed,
changed: changed,
devMajor: devMajor,
devMinor: devMinor,
class HeaderImpl extends TarHeader {
TypeFlag internalTypeFlag;
String name;
String? linkName;
int mode;
int userId;
int groupId;
String? userName;
String? groupName;
int size;
DateTime modified;
DateTime? accessed;
DateTime? changed;
int devMajor;
int devMinor;
TarFormat format;
TypeFlag get typeFlag {
return internalTypeFlag == TypeFlag.regA ? TypeFlag.reg : internalTypeFlag;
/// This constructor is meant to help us deal with header-only headers (i.e.
/// meta-headers that only describe the next file instead of being a header
/// to files themselves)
required this.modified,
required this.format,
required TypeFlag typeFlag,
this.mode = 0,
this.size = -1,
this.userId = 0,
this.groupId = 0,
this.devMajor = 0,
this.devMinor = 0,
}) : internalTypeFlag = typeFlag,
factory HeaderImpl.parseBlock(Uint8List headerBlock,
{Map<String, String> paxHeaders = const {}}) {
assert(headerBlock.length == 512);
final format = _getFormat(headerBlock);
final size = paxHeaders.size ?? headerBlock.readOctal(124, 12);
// Start by reading data available in every format.
final header = HeaderImpl.internal(
format: format,
name: headerBlock.readString(0, 100),
mode: headerBlock.readOctal(100, 8),
// These should be octal, but some weird tar implementations ignore that?!
// Encountered with package:RAL, version 1.28.0 on pub
userId: headerBlock.readNumeric(108, 8),
groupId: headerBlock.readNumeric(116, 8),
size: size,
modified: secondsSinceEpoch(headerBlock.readOctal(136, 12)),
typeFlag: typeflagFromByte(headerBlock[156]),
linkName: headerBlock.readStringOrNullIfEmpty(157, 100),
if (header.hasContent && size < 0) {
throw TarException.header('Indicates an invalid size of $size');
if (format.isValid() && format != TarFormat.v7) {
// If it's a valid header that is not of the v7 format, it will have the
// USTAR fields
..userName ??= headerBlock.readStringOrNullIfEmpty(265, 32)
..groupName ??= headerBlock.readStringOrNullIfEmpty(297, 32)
..devMajor = headerBlock.readNumeric(329, 8)
..devMinor = headerBlock.readNumeric(337, 8);
// Prefix to the file name
var prefix = '';
if (format.has(TarFormat.ustar) || format.has(TarFormat.pax)) {
prefix = headerBlock.readString(345, 155);
if (headerBlock.any(isNotAscii)) {
header.format = format.mayOnlyBe(TarFormat.pax);
} else if (format.has( {
prefix = headerBlock.readString(345, 131);
..accessed = secondsSinceEpoch(headerBlock.readNumeric(476, 12))
..changed = secondsSinceEpoch(headerBlock.readNumeric(488, 12));
} else if (format.has(TarFormat.gnu)) {
header.format = TarFormat.gnu;
if (headerBlock[345] != 0) {
header.accessed = secondsSinceEpoch(headerBlock.readNumeric(345, 12));
if (headerBlock[357] != 0) {
header.changed = secondsSinceEpoch(headerBlock.readNumeric(357, 12));
if (prefix.isNotEmpty) { = '$prefix/${}';
return header.._applyPaxHeaders(paxHeaders);
void _applyPaxHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) {
for (final entry in headers.entries) {
if (entry.value == '') {
continue; // Keep the original USTAR value
switch (entry.key) {
case paxPath:
name = entry.value;
case paxLinkpath:
linkName = entry.value;
case paxUname:
userName = entry.value;
case paxGname:
groupName = entry.value;
case paxUid:
userId = parseInt(entry.value);
case paxGid:
groupId = parseInt(entry.value);
case paxAtime:
accessed = parsePaxTime(entry.value);
case paxMtime:
modified = parsePaxTime(entry.value);
case paxCtime:
changed = parsePaxTime(entry.value);
case paxSize:
size = parseInt(entry.value);
/// Checks that [rawHeader] represents a valid tar header based on the
/// checksum, and then attempts to guess the specific format based
/// on magic values. If the checksum fails, then an error is thrown.
TarFormat _getFormat(Uint8List rawHeader) {
final checksum = rawHeader.readOctal(checksumOffset, checksumLength);
// Modern TAR archives use the unsigned checksum, but we check the signed
// checksum as well for compatibility.
if (checksum != rawHeader.computeUnsignedHeaderChecksum() &&
checksum != rawHeader.computeSignedHeaderChecksum()) {
throw TarException.header('Checksum does not match');
final hasUstarMagic = rawHeader.matchesHeader(magicUstar);
if (hasUstarMagic) {
return rawHeader.matchesHeader(trailerStar, offset: starTrailerOffset)
: TarFormat.ustar | TarFormat.pax;
if (rawHeader.matchesHeader(magicGnu) &&
rawHeader.matchesHeader(versionGnu, offset: versionOffset)) {
return TarFormat.gnu;
return TarFormat.v7;
extension _ReadPaxHeaders on Map<String, String> {
int? get size {
final sizeStr = this[paxSize];
return sizeStr == null ? null : int.tryParse(sizeStr);