blob: 75c3ee1add2c955f56b04b7453cb951afbfb1b49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub/src/exit_codes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../descriptor.dart';
import '../test_pub.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
test('Recreates .dart_tool/package_config.json, redownloads archives',
() async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': 'any'}).create();
await pubGet();
final packageConfig =
File(path(p.join(appPath, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json')));
await runPub(args: ['cache', 'clean', '-f']);
await pubGet(args: ['--enforce-lockfile']);
expect(packageConfig.existsSync(), isTrue);
await cacheDir({'foo': '1.0.0'}).validate();
await appPackageConfigFile([
packageConfigEntry(name: 'foo', version: '1.0.0'),
test('Refuses to get if no lockfile exists', () async {
await appDir(dependencies: {}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile'],
error: '''
Retrieving dependencies failed.
Cannot do `--enforce-lockfile` without an existing `pubspec.lock`.
Try running `dart pub get` to create `pubspec.lock`.
test('Refuses to get in ./example if hash is updated', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serveContentHashes = true;
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
server.serve('bar', '1.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': '^1.0.0'}).create();
await dir(appPath, [
dir('example', [
deps: {
'bar': '1.0.0',
'myapp': {'path': '../'},
await pubGet(args: ['--example']);
contents: [
file('', 'Including this will change the content-hash.'),
// Deleting the version-listing cache will cause it to be refetched, and the
// error will happen.
File(p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'bar-versions.json'))
final example = p.join('.', 'example');
final examplePubspec = p.join('example', 'pubspec.yaml');
final examplePubspecLock = p.join('example', 'pubspec.lock');
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile', '--example'],
output: allOf(
contains('Got dependencies!'),
contains('Resolving dependencies in `$example`...'),
error: allOf(
'Unable to satisfy `$examplePubspec` using `$examplePubspecLock` in `$example`.',
'To update `$examplePubspecLock` run `dart pub get` in `$example` without\n'
exitCode: DATA,
test('Refuses to get if lockfile is missing package', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {}).create();
await pubGet();
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': 'any'}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile'],
output: allOf(
contains('+ foo 1.0.0'),
contains('Would have changed 1 dependency.'),
error: contains('Unable to satisfy `pubspec.yaml` using `pubspec.lock`.'),
exitCode: DATA,
test('Refuses to get if package is locked to version not matching constraint',
() async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
server.serve('foo', '2.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': '^1.0.0'}).create();
await pubGet();
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': '^2.0.0'}).create();
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile'],
output: allOf([
contains('> foo 2.0.0 (was 1.0.0)'),
contains('Would have changed 1 dependency.'),
error: contains('Unable to satisfy `pubspec.yaml` using `pubspec.lock`.'),
exitCode: DATA,
test("Refuses to get if hash on server doesn't correspond to lockfile",
() async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serveContentHashes = true;
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': '^1.0.0'}).create();
await pubGet();
contents: [
file('', 'Including this will change the content-hash.'),
// Deleting the version-listing cache will cause it to be refetched, and the
// error will happen.
File(p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'foo-versions.json'))
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile'],
output: allOf(
contains('~ foo 1.0.0 (was 1.0.0)'),
contains('Would have changed 1 dependency.'),
error: allOf(
contains('Cached version of foo-1.0.0 has wrong hash - redownloading.'),
'The existing content-hash from pubspec.lock doesn\'t match contents for:',
' * foo-1.0.0 from "${server.url}"',
'Unable to satisfy `pubspec.yaml` using `pubspec.lock`.',
exitCode: DATA,
'Refuses to get if archive on legacy server doesn\'t have hash corresponding to lockfile',
() async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serveContentHashes = false;
server.serve('foo', '1.0.0');
await appDir(dependencies: {'foo': '^1.0.0'}).create();
await pubGet();
await runPub(args: ['cache', 'clean', '-f']);
contents: [
file('', 'Including this will change the content-hash.'),
await pubGet(
args: ['--enforce-lockfile'],
output: allOf(
contains('~ foo 1.0.0 (was 1.0.0)'),
contains('Would have changed 1 dependency.'),
error: allOf(
The existing content-hash from pubspec.lock doesn't match contents for:
* foo-1.0.0 from "${server.url}"'''),
contains('Unable to satisfy `pubspec.yaml` using `pubspec.lock`.'),
exitCode: DATA,