blob: 23b2e2fcdfdbbbb5421c39453f2b3191fff023a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package_name.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'incompatibility.dart';
import 'incompatibility_cause.dart';
/// An exception indicating that version solving failed.
class SolveFailure implements ApplicationException {
/// The root incompatibility.
/// This will always indicate that the root package is unselectable. That is,
/// it will have one term, which will be the root package.
final Incompatibility incompatibility;
String get message => toString();
/// Returns a [PackageNotFoundException] that (transitively) caused this
/// failure, or `null` if it wasn't caused by a [PackageNotFoundException].
/// If multiple [PackageNotFoundException]s caused the error, it's undefined
/// which one is returned.
PackageNotFoundException? get packageNotFound {
for (var incompatibility in incompatibility.externalIncompatibilities) {
var cause = incompatibility.cause;
if (cause is PackageNotFoundCause) return cause.exception;
return null;
: assert(incompatibility.terms.isEmpty ||
/// Describes how [incompatibility] was derived, and thus why version solving
/// failed.
String toString() => _Writer(incompatibility).write();
/// A class that writes a human-readable description of the cause of a
/// [SolveFailure].
/// See
/// for details on how this algorithm works.
class _Writer {
/// The root incompatibility.
final Incompatibility _root;
/// The number of times each [Incompatibility] appears in [_root]'s derivation
/// tree.
/// When an [Incompatibility] is used in multiple derivations, we need to give
/// it a number so we can refer back to it later on.
final _derivations = <Incompatibility, int>{};
/// The lines in the proof.
/// Each line is a message/number pair. The message describes a single
/// incompatibility, and why its terms are incompatible. The number is
/// optional and indicates the explicit number that should be associated with
/// the line so it can be referred to later on.
final _lines = <Pair<String, int?>>[];
// A map from incompatibilities to the line numbers that were written for
// those incompatibilities.
final _lineNumbers = <Incompatibility, int>{};
_Writer(this._root) {
/// Populates [_derivations] for [incompatibility] and its transitive causes.
void _countDerivations(Incompatibility incompatibility) {
_derivations.update(incompatibility, (value) => value + 1, ifAbsent: () {
var cause = incompatibility.cause;
if (cause is ConflictCause) {
return 1;
String write() {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
// Find all notices from incompatibility causes. This allows an
// [IncompatibilityCause] to provide a notice that is printed before the
// explanation of the conflict.
// Notably, this is used for stating which SDK version is currently
// installed, if an SDK is incompatible with a dependency.
final notices = _root.externalIncompatibilities
.map((c) => c.cause.notice)
.toSet() // Avoid duplicates
.sortedBy((n) => n); // sort for consistency
for (final n in notices) {
if (notices.isNotEmpty) buffer.writeln();
if (_root.cause is ConflictCause) {
_visit(_root, const {});
} else {
_write(_root, 'Because $_root, version solving failed.');
// Only add line numbers if the derivation actually needs to refer to a line
// by number.
var padding =
_lineNumbers.isEmpty ? 0 : '(${_lineNumbers.values.last}) '.length;
var lastWasEmpty = false;
for (var line in _lines) {
var message = line.first;
if (message.isEmpty) {
if (!lastWasEmpty) buffer.writeln();
lastWasEmpty = true;
} else {
lastWasEmpty = false;
var number = line.last;
if (number != null) {
message = '($number)'.padRight(padding) + message;
} else {
message = ' ' * padding + message;
buffer.writeln(wordWrap(message, prefix: ' ' * (padding + 2)));
// Iterate through all hints, these are intended to be actionable, such as:
// * How to install an SDK, and,
// * How to provide authentication.
// Hence, it makes sense to show these at the end of the explanation, as the
// user will ideally see these before reading the actual conflict and
// understand how to fix the issue.
.map((c) => c.cause.hint)
.toSet() // avoid duplicates
.sortedBy((hint) => hint) // sort hints for consistent ordering.
.forEach((hint) {
return buffer.toString();
/// Writes [message] to [_lines].
/// The [message] should describe [incompatibility] and how it was derived (if
/// applicable). If [numbered] is true, this will associate a line number with
/// [incompatibility] and [message] so that the message can be easily referred
/// to later.
void _write(Incompatibility incompatibility, String message,
{bool numbered = false}) {
if (numbered) {
var number = _lineNumbers.length + 1;
_lineNumbers[incompatibility] = number;
_lines.add(Pair(message, number));
} else {
_lines.add(Pair(message, null));
/// Writes a proof of [incompatibility] to [_lines].
/// If [conclusion] is `true`, [incompatibility] represents the last of a
/// linear series of derivations. It should be phrased accordingly and given a
/// line number.
/// The [detailsForIncompatibility] controls the amount of detail that should
/// be written for each package when converting [incompatibility] to a string.
void _visit(Incompatibility incompatibility,
Map<String, PackageDetail> detailsForIncompatibility,
{bool conclusion = false}) {
// Add explicit numbers for incompatibilities that are written far away
// from their successors or that are used for multiple derivations.
var numbered = conclusion || _derivations[incompatibility]! > 1;
var conjunction = conclusion || incompatibility == _root ? 'So,' : 'And';
var incompatibilityString =
var conflictClause = incompatibility.cause as ConflictCause;
var detailsForCause = _detailsForCause(conflictClause);
var cause = conflictClause.conflict.cause;
var otherCause = conflictClause.other.cause;
if (cause is ConflictCause && otherCause is ConflictCause) {
var conflictLine = _lineNumbers[conflictClause.conflict];
var otherLine = _lineNumbers[conflictClause.other];
if (conflictLine != null && otherLine != null) {
'Because ' +
detailsForCause, conflictLine, otherLine) +
', $incompatibilityString.',
numbered: numbered);
} else if (conflictLine != null || otherLine != null) {
Incompatibility withLine;
Incompatibility withoutLine;
int line;
if (conflictLine != null) {
withLine = conflictClause.conflict;
withoutLine = conflictClause.other;
line = conflictLine;
} else {
withLine = conflictClause.other;
withoutLine = conflictClause.conflict;
line = otherLine!;
_visit(withoutLine, detailsForCause);
'$conjunction because ${withLine.toString(detailsForCause)} '
'($line), $incompatibilityString.',
numbered: numbered);
} else {
var singleLineConflict = _isSingleLine(cause);
var singleLineOther = _isSingleLine(otherCause);
if (singleLineOther || singleLineConflict) {
var first =
singleLineOther ? conflictClause.conflict : conflictClause.other;
var second =
singleLineOther ? conflictClause.other : conflictClause.conflict;
_visit(first, detailsForCause);
_visit(second, detailsForCause);
_write(incompatibility, 'Thus, $incompatibilityString.',
numbered: numbered);
} else {
_visit(conflictClause.conflict, {}, conclusion: true);
_lines.add(Pair('', null));
_visit(conflictClause.other, detailsForCause);
'$conjunction because '
'${conflictClause.conflict.toString(detailsForCause)} '
'(${_lineNumbers[conflictClause.conflict]}), '
numbered: numbered);
} else if (cause is ConflictCause || otherCause is ConflictCause) {
var derived = cause is ConflictCause
? conflictClause.conflict
: conflictClause.other;
var ext = cause is ConflictCause
? conflictClause.other
: conflictClause.conflict;
var derivedLine = _lineNumbers[derived];
if (derivedLine != null) {
'Because ' +
ext.andToString(derived, detailsForCause, null, derivedLine) +
', $incompatibilityString.',
numbered: numbered);
} else if (_isCollapsible(derived)) {
var derivedCause = derived.cause as ConflictCause;
var collapsedDerived = derivedCause.conflict.cause is ConflictCause
? derivedCause.conflict
: derivedCause.other;
var collapsedExt = derivedCause.conflict.cause is ConflictCause
? derivedCause.other
: derivedCause.conflict;
detailsForCause = mergeMaps(
detailsForCause, _detailsForCause(derivedCause),
value: (detail1, detail2) => detail1.max(detail2));
_visit(collapsedDerived, detailsForCause);
'$conjunction because '
'${collapsedExt.andToString(ext, detailsForCause)}, '
numbered: numbered);
} else {
_visit(derived, detailsForCause);
'$conjunction because ${ext.toString(detailsForCause)}, '
numbered: numbered);
} else {
'Because '
'${conflictClause.conflict.andToString(conflictClause.other, detailsForCause)}, '
numbered: numbered);
/// Returns whether we can collapse the derivation of [incompatibility].
/// If [incompatibility] is only used to derive one other incompatibility,
/// it may make sense to skip that derivation and just derive the second
/// incompatibility directly from three causes. This is usually clear enough
/// to the user, and makes the proof much terser.
/// For example, instead of writing
/// ... foo ^1.0.0 requires bar ^1.0.0.
/// And, because bar ^1.0.0 depends on baz ^1.0.0, foo ^1.0.0 requires
/// baz ^1.0.0.
/// And, because baz ^1.0.0 depends on qux ^1.0.0, foo ^1.0.0 requires
/// qux ^1.0.0.
/// ...
/// we collapse the two derivations into a single line and write
/// ... foo ^1.0.0 requires bar ^1.0.0.
/// And, because bar ^1.0.0 depends on baz ^1.0.0 which depends on
/// qux ^1.0.0, foo ^1.0.0 requires qux ^1.0.0.
/// ...
/// If this returns `true`, [incompatibility] has one external predecessor
/// and one derived predecessor.
bool _isCollapsible(Incompatibility incompatibility) {
// If [incompatibility] is used for multiple derivations, it will need a
// line number and so will need to be written explicitly.
if (_derivations[incompatibility]! > 1) return false;
var cause = incompatibility.cause as ConflictCause;
// If [incompatibility] is derived from two derived incompatibilities,
// there are too many transitive causes to display concisely.
if (cause.conflict.cause is ConflictCause &&
cause.other.cause is ConflictCause) {
return false;
// If [incompatibility] is derived from two external incompatibilities, it
// tends to be confusing to collapse it.
if (cause.conflict.cause is! ConflictCause &&
cause.other.cause is! ConflictCause) {
return false;
// If [incompatibility]'s internal cause is numbered, collapsing it would
// get too noisy.
var complex =
cause.conflict.cause is ConflictCause ? cause.conflict : cause.other;
return !_lineNumbers.containsKey(complex);
// Returns whether or not [cause]'s incompatibility can be represented in a
// single line without requiring a multi-line derivation.
bool _isSingleLine(ConflictCause cause) =>
cause.conflict.cause is! ConflictCause &&
cause.other.cause is! ConflictCause;
/// Returns the amount of detail needed for each package to accurately
/// describe [cause].
/// If the same package name appears in both of [cause]'s incompatibilities
/// but each has a different source, those incompatibilities should explicitly
/// print their sources, and similarly for differing descriptions.
Map<String, PackageDetail> _detailsForCause(ConflictCause cause) {
var conflictPackages = <String, PackageRange>{};
for (var term in cause.conflict.terms) {
if (term.package.isRoot) continue;
conflictPackages[] = term.package;
var details = <String, PackageDetail>{};
for (var term in cause.other.terms) {
var conflictPackage = conflictPackages[];
if (term.package.isRoot) continue;
if (conflictPackage == null) continue;
if (conflictPackage.description.source !=
term.package.description.source) {
details[] =
const PackageDetail(showSource: true, showVersion: false);
} else if (conflictPackage.toRef() != term.package.toRef()) {
details[] =
const PackageDetail(showDescription: true, showVersion: false);
return details;