blob: 095a6672f5e0679241c63abd07aab4353ace02b8 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'manifest_entry.dart';
/// An entry in the process invocation manifest for `canRun`.
class CanRunManifestEntry extends ManifestEntry {
final String type = 'can_run';
/// The name of the executable for which the run-ability is checked.
final String executable;
/// The result of the check.
final bool result;
/// Creates a new manifest entry with the given properties.
CanRunManifestEntry({this.executable, this.result});
/// Creates a new manifest entry populated with the specified JSON [data].
/// If any required fields are missing from the JSON data, this will throw
/// a [FormatException].
factory CanRunManifestEntry.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
checkRequiredField(data, 'executable');
checkRequiredField(data, 'result');
CanRunManifestEntry entry = new CanRunManifestEntry(
executable: data['executable'],
result: data['result'],
return entry;
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => new JsonBuilder()
.add('executable', executable)
.add('result', result)