blob: 25d52f5e04a80a196860997406b01cfae0a0f020 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' show Context;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
const Map<String, String> _osToPathStyle = <String, String>{
'linux': 'posix',
'macos': 'posix',
'android': 'posix',
'ios': 'posix',
'fuchsia': 'posix',
'windows': 'windows',
/// Sanitizes the executable path on Windows.
String sanitizeExecutablePath(String executable,
{Platform platform = const LocalPlatform()}) {
if (executable.isEmpty) {
return executable;
if (!platform.isWindows) {
return executable;
if (executable.contains(' ') && !executable.contains('"')) {
// Use quoted strings to indicate where the file name ends and the arguments begin;
// otherwise, the file name is ambiguous.
return '"$executable"';
return executable;
/// Searches the `PATH` for the executable that [executable] is supposed to launch.
/// This first builds a list of candidate paths where the executable may reside.
/// If [executable] is already an absolute path, then the `PATH` environment
/// variable will not be consulted, and the specified absolute path will be the
/// only candidate that is considered.
/// Once the list of candidate paths has been constructed, this will pick the
/// first such path that represents an existent file.
/// Return `null` if there were no viable candidates, meaning the executable
/// could not be found.
/// If [platform] is not specified, it will default to the current platform.
String? getExecutablePath(
String executable,
String? workingDirectory, {
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
FileSystem fs = const LocalFileSystem(),
bool throwOnFailure = false,
}) {
assert(_osToPathStyle[platform.operatingSystem] ==;
try {
workingDirectory ??= fs.currentDirectory.path;
} on FileSystemException {
// The `currentDirectory` getter can throw a FileSystemException for example
// when the process doesn't have read/list permissions in each component of
// the cwd path. In this case, fall back on '.'.
workingDirectory ??= '.';
Context context = Context(style:, current: workingDirectory);
// TODO(goderbauer): refactor when
// is available.
String pathSeparator = platform.isWindows ? ';' : ':';
List<String> extensions = <String>[];
if (platform.isWindows && context.extension(executable).isEmpty) {
extensions = platform.environment['PATHEXT']!.split(pathSeparator);
List<String> candidates = <String>[];
List<String> searchPath;
if (executable.contains(context.separator)) {
// Deal with commands that specify a relative or absolute path differently.
searchPath = <String>[workingDirectory];
} else {
searchPath = platform.environment['PATH']!.split(pathSeparator);
candidates = _getCandidatePaths(executable, searchPath, extensions, context);
final List<String> foundCandidates = <String>[];
for (String path in candidates) {
final File candidate = fs.file(path);
FileStat stat = candidate.statSync();
// Only return files or links that exist.
if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.notFound ||
stat.type == {
// File exists, but we don't know if it's readable/executable yet.
const int isExecutable = 0x40;
const int isReadable = 0x100;
const int isExecutableAndReadable = isExecutable | isReadable;
// Should only return files or links that are readable and executable by the
// user.
// On Windows it's not actually possible to only return files that are
// readable, since Dart reports files that have had read permission removed
// as being readable, but not checking for it is the same as checking for it
// and finding it readable, so we use the same check here on all platforms,
// so that if Dart ever gets fixed, it'll just work.
if (stat.mode & isExecutableAndReadable == isExecutableAndReadable) {
return path;
if (throwOnFailure) {
if (foundCandidates.isNotEmpty) {
throw ProcessPackageExecutableNotFoundException(
'Found candidates, but lacked sufficient permissions to execute "$executable".',
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
candidates: foundCandidates,
searchPath: searchPath,
} else {
throw ProcessPackageExecutableNotFoundException(
message: 'Failed to find "$executable" in the search path.',
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
searchPath: searchPath,
return null;
/// Returns all possible combinations of `$searchPath\$command.$ext` for
/// `searchPath` in [searchPaths] and `ext` in [extensions].
/// If [extensions] is empty, it will just enumerate all
/// `$searchPath\$command`.
/// If [command] is an absolute path, it will just enumerate
/// `$command.$ext`.
List<String> _getCandidatePaths(
String command,
List<String> searchPaths,
List<String> extensions,
Context context,
) {
List<String> withExtensions = extensions.isNotEmpty
? ext) => '$command$ext').toList()
: <String>[command];
if (context.isAbsolute(command)) {
return withExtensions;
return searchPaths
.map((String path) => command) => context.join(path, command)))
.expand((Iterable<String> e) => e)