blob: a3358bfdc515430d31a56cb56f82390b1b585b1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library plugin.src.plugin_impl;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:plugin/manager.dart';
import 'package:plugin/plugin.dart';
* A concrete implementation of an [ExtensionManager].
class ExtensionManagerImpl implements ExtensionManager {
* A table mapping the id's of extension points to the corresponding
* extension points.
Map<String, ExtensionPointImpl> extensionPoints =
new HashMap<String, ExtensionPointImpl>();
void processPlugins(List<Plugin> plugins) {
for (Plugin plugin in plugins) {
for (Plugin plugin in plugins) {
* Register an [extension] to the extension point with the given unique
* [identifier].
void registerExtension(String identifier, Object extension) {
ExtensionPointImpl extensionPoint = extensionPoints[identifier];
if (extensionPoint == null) {
throw new ExtensionError(
'There is no extension point with the id "$identifier"');
* Register the given [extensionPoint].
void registerExtensionPoint(ExtensionPoint extensionPoint) {
String uniqueIdentifier = extensionPoint.uniqueIdentifier;
if (extensionPoints.containsKey(uniqueIdentifier)) {
throw new ExtensionError(
'There is already an extension point with the id "$uniqueIdentifier"');
extensionPoints[uniqueIdentifier] = extensionPoint as ExtensionPointImpl;
* A concrete representation of an extension point.
class ExtensionPointImpl<E> implements ExtensionPoint<E> {
final Plugin plugin;
final String simpleIdentifier;
* The function used to validate extensions to this extension point.
final ValidateExtension validateExtension;
* The list of extensions to this extension point.
final List<E> _extensions = <E>[];
* Initialize a newly create extension point to belong to the given [plugin]
* and have the given [simpleIdentifier]. If [validateExtension] is non-`null`
* it will be used to validate extensions associated with this extension
* point.
this.plugin, this.simpleIdentifier, this.validateExtension);
* Return a list containing all of the extensions that have been registered
* for this extension point.
List<E> get extensions => new UnmodifiableListView<E>(_extensions);
* Return the identifier used to uniquely identify this extension point. The
* unique identifier is the identifier for the plugin, followed by a period
* (`.`), followed by the [simpleIdentifier] for the extension point.
String get uniqueIdentifier =>
Plugin.buildUniqueIdentifier(plugin, simpleIdentifier);
* Validate that the given [extension] is appropriate for this extension
* point, and if it is then add it to the list of registered exceptions.
void add(Object extension) {
if (validateExtension != null) {
_extensions.add(extension as E);