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  1. 9cf7663 Point to new repo location in README by stuartmorgan · 8 months ago master
  2. e9bb165 Update readme: drop broken coverage and CI badges (#40) by Kevin Moore · 2 years, 2 months ago
  3. 1ffad63 Remove package root (#38) by Michael Thomsen · 2 years, 5 months ago
  4. 46abb2a Fix formatting (#36) by Greg Spencer · 2 years, 8 months ago
  5. 4b1a41e Switch to GitHub actions, update analysis options, fix analysis issues. (#35) by Greg Spencer · 2 years, 8 months ago



The source for the platform package has moved to the flutter/packages repository.

A generic platform abstraction for Dart.

Like dart:io, package:platform supplies a rich, Dart-idiomatic API for accessing platform-specific information.

package:platform provides a lightweight wrapper around the static Platform properties that exist in dart:io. However, it uses instance properties rather than static properties, making it possible to mock out in tests.