blob: 549f95ba94b0b79cc4c6cd59b597bd7ba72529a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library path.internal_style;
import 'context.dart';
import 'style.dart';
/// The internal interface for the [Style] type.
/// Users should be able to pass around instances of [Style] like an enum, but
/// the members that [Context] uses should be hidden from them. Those members
/// are defined on this class instead.
abstract class InternalStyle extends Style {
/// The default path separator for this style.
/// On POSIX, this is `/`. On Windows, it's `\`.
String get separator;
/// Returns whether [path] contains a separator.
bool containsSeparator(String path);
/// Returns whether [codeUnit] is the character code of a separator.
bool isSeparator(int codeUnit);
/// Returns whether this path component needs a separator after it.
/// Windows and POSIX styles just need separators when the previous component
/// doesn't already end in a separator, but the URL always needs to place a
/// separator between the root and the first component, even if the root
/// already ends in a separator character. For example, to join "file://" and
/// "usr", an additional "/" is needed (making "file:///usr").
bool needsSeparator(String path);
/// Returns the number of characters of the root part.
/// Returns 0 if the path is relative.
/// If the path is root-relative, the root length is 1.
int rootLength(String path);
/// Gets the root prefix of [path] if path is absolute. If [path] is relative,
/// returns `null`.
String getRoot(String path) {
var length = rootLength(path);
if (length > 0) return path.substring(0, length);
return isRootRelative(path) ? path[0] : null;
/// Returns whether [path] is root-relative.
/// If [path] is relative or absolute and not root-relative, returns `false`.
bool isRootRelative(String path);
/// Returns the path represented by [uri] in this style.
String pathFromUri(Uri uri);
/// Returns the URI that represents the relative path made of [parts].
Uri relativePathToUri(String path) {
var segments = context.split(path);
// Ensure that a trailing slash in the path produces a trailing slash in the
// URL.
if (isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1))) segments.add('');
return new Uri(pathSegments: segments);
/// Returns the URI that represents [path], which is assumed to be absolute.
Uri absolutePathToUri(String path);