blob: be9f45fdfabc8ed88f0f5eea7ccd9eab686f7555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../parsed_path.dart';
import '../internal_style.dart';
/// The style for Windows paths.
class WindowsStyle extends InternalStyle {
final name = 'windows';
final separator = '\\';
final separatorPattern = new RegExp(r'[/\\]');
final needsSeparatorPattern = new RegExp(r'[^/\\]$');
final rootPattern = new RegExp(r'^(\\\\[^\\]+\\[^\\/]+|[a-zA-Z]:[/\\])');
final relativeRootPattern = new RegExp(r"^[/\\](?![/\\])");
String pathFromUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme != '' && uri.scheme != 'file') {
throw new ArgumentError("Uri $uri must have scheme 'file:'.");
var path = uri.path;
if ( == '') {
// Drive-letter paths look like "file:///C:/path/to/file". The
// replaceFirst removes the extra initial slash.
if (path.startsWith('/')) path = path.replaceFirst("/", "");
} else {
// Network paths look like "file://hostname/path/to/file".
path = '\\\\${}$path';
return Uri.decodeComponent(path.replaceAll("/", "\\"));
Uri absolutePathToUri(String path) {
var parsed = new ParsedPath.parse(path, this);
if (parsed.root.startsWith(r'\\')) {
// Network paths become "file://server/share/path/to/file".
// The root is of the form "\\server\share". We want "server" to be the
// URI host, and "share" to be the first element of the path.
var rootParts = parsed.root.split('\\').where((part) => part != '');, rootParts.last);
if (parsed.hasTrailingSeparator) {
// If the path has a trailing slash, add a single empty component so the
// URI has a trailing slash as well."");
return new Uri(scheme: 'file', host: rootParts.first,
} else {
// Drive-letter paths become "file:///C:/path/to/file".
// If the path is a bare root (e.g. "C:\"), [] will currently
// be empty. We add an empty component so the URL constructor produces
// "file:///C:/", with a trailing slash. We also add an empty component if
// the URL otherwise has a trailing slash.
if ( == 0 || parsed.hasTrailingSeparator) {"");
// Get rid of the trailing "\" in "C:\" because the URI constructor will
// add a separator on its own., parsed.root.replaceAll(separatorPattern, ""));
return new Uri(scheme: 'file', pathSegments:;