blob: b588c5485f188496958df225de65b7350d37f1e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as packages_file;
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
import 'utils_io_stub.dart'
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
if ( 'utils_io.dart' as io;
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
import 'utils_isolate_stub.dart'
// ignore: uri_does_not_exist
if (dart.library.isolate) 'utils_isolate.dart' as isolate;
/// Loads the configuration map from [uri].
/// This supports `http`, `file`, `data`, and `package` URIs. If [client] is
/// passed and an HTTP request is needed, it's used to make that request;
/// otherwise, a default client is used.
Future<Map<String, Uri>> loadConfigMap(Uri uri, {http.Client client}) async {
var resolved = Uri.base.resolveUri(uri);
var text;
if (resolved.scheme == 'http') {
text = await (client == null ? :;
} else if (resolved.scheme == 'file') {
text = await io.readFileAsString(resolved);
} else if (resolved.scheme == 'data') {
text =;
} else if (resolved.scheme == 'package') {
return loadConfigMap(await isolate.resolvePackageUri(uri), client: client);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'PackageInfo.loadConfig doesn\'t support URI scheme "${uri.scheme}:".');
return packages_file.parse(utf8.encode(text), resolved);
/// Converts [uri] to a [Uri] and verifies that it's a valid `package:` URI.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [uri] isn't a [String] or a [Uri]. [name] is
/// used as the argument name in that error.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [uri] isn't a `package:` URI or doesn't have
/// at least one path segment.
Uri asPackageUri(uri, String name) {
uri = asUri(uri, name);
if (uri.scheme != 'package') {
throw new FormatException(
"Can only resolve a package: URI.", uri.toString(), 0);
} else if (uri.pathSegments.isEmpty) {
throw new FormatException(
"Expected package name.", uri.toString(), "package:".length);
return uri;
/// Converts [uri] to a [Uri].
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if [uri] isn't a [String] or a [Uri]. [name] is
/// used as the argument name in that error.
Uri asUri(uri, String name) {
if (uri is Uri) return uri;
if (uri is String) return Uri.parse(uri);
throw new ArgumentError.value(uri, name, "Must be a String or a Uri.");
/// Returns a copy of [uri] with a trailing slash.
/// If [uri] already ends in a slash, returns it as-is.
Uri ensureTrailingSlash(Uri uri) {
if (uri.pathSegments.isEmpty) return uri.replace(path: "/");
if (uri.pathSegments.last.isEmpty) return uri;
return uri.replace(pathSegments: uri.pathSegments.toList()..add(""));
String packagePathForRoot(String package, Uri root) =>
io.packagePathForRoot(package, root);