blob: 071d548a5b061599812bfe05cc66143631b42d4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package_config_impl.dart";
import "util.dart";
import "errors.dart";
/// The language version prior to the release of language versioning.
/// This is the default language version used by all packages from a
/// `.packages` file.
final LanguageVersion _languageVersion = LanguageVersion(2, 7);
/// Parses a `.packages` file into a [PackageConfig].
/// The [source] is the byte content of a `.packages` file, assumed to be
/// UTF-8 encoded. In practice, all significant parts of the file must be ASCII,
/// so Latin-1 or Windows-1252 encoding will also work fine.
/// If the file content is available as a string, its [String.codeUnits] can
/// be used as the `source` argument of this function.
/// The [baseLocation] is used as a base URI to resolve all relative
/// URI references against.
/// If the content was read from a file, `baseLocation` should be the
/// location of that file.
/// Returns a simple package configuration where each package's
/// [Package.packageUriRoot] is the same as its [Package.root]
/// and it has no [Package.languageVersion].
PackageConfig parse(
List<int> source, Uri baseLocation, void onError(Object error)) {
if (baseLocation.isScheme("package")) {
baseLocation, "baseLocation", "Must not be a package: URI"));
return PackageConfig.empty;
var index = 0;
var packages = <Package>[];
var packageNames = <String>{};
while (index < source.length) {
var ignoreLine = false;
var start = index;
var separatorIndex = -1;
var end = source.length;
var char = source[index++];
if (char == $cr || char == $lf) {
if (char == $colon) {
"Missing package name", source, index - 1));
ignoreLine = true; // Ignore if package name is invalid.
} else {
ignoreLine = char == $hash; // Ignore if comment.
var queryStart = -1;
var fragmentStart = -1;
while (index < source.length) {
char = source[index++];
if (char == $colon && separatorIndex < 0) {
separatorIndex = index - 1;
} else if (char == $cr || char == $lf) {
end = index - 1;
} else if (char == $question && queryStart < 0 && fragmentStart < 0) {
queryStart = index - 1;
} else if (char == $hash && fragmentStart < 0) {
fragmentStart = index - 1;
if (ignoreLine) continue;
if (separatorIndex < 0) {
PackageConfigFormatException("No ':' on line", source, index - 1));
var packageName = String.fromCharCodes(source, start, separatorIndex);
var invalidIndex = checkPackageName(packageName);
if (invalidIndex >= 0) {
"Not a valid package name", source, start + invalidIndex));
if (queryStart >= 0) {
"Location URI must not have query", source, queryStart));
end = queryStart;
} else if (fragmentStart >= 0) {
"Location URI must not have fragment", source, fragmentStart));
end = fragmentStart;
var packageValue = String.fromCharCodes(source, separatorIndex + 1, end);
Uri packageLocation;
try {
packageLocation = baseLocation.resolve(packageValue);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
if (packageLocation.isScheme("package")) {
"Package URI as location for package", source, separatorIndex + 1));
var path = packageLocation.path;
if (!path.endsWith('/')) {
path += "/";
packageLocation = packageLocation.replace(path: path);
if (packageNames.contains(packageName)) {
"Same package name occured more than once", source, start));
var rootUri = packageLocation;
if (path.endsWith("/lib/")) {
// Assume default Pub package layout. Include package itself in root.
rootUri =
packageLocation.replace(path: path.substring(0, path.length - 4));
var package = SimplePackage.validate(
packageName, rootUri, packageLocation, _languageVersion, null, (error) {
if (error is ArgumentError) {
onError(PackageConfigFormatException(error.message, source));
} else {
if (package != null) {
return SimplePackageConfig(1, packages, null, onError);
/// Writes the configuration to a [StringSink].
/// If [comment] is provided, the output will contain this comment
/// with `# ` in front of each line.
/// Lines are defined as ending in line feed (`'\n'`). If the final
/// line of the comment doesn't end in a line feed, one will be added.
/// If [baseUri] is provided, package locations will be made relative
/// to the base URI, if possible, before writing.
/// If [allowDefaultPackage] is `true`, the [packageMapping] may contain an
/// empty string mapping to the _default package name_.
/// All the keys of [packageMapping] must be valid package names,
/// and the values must be URIs that do not have the `package:` scheme.
void write(StringSink output, PackageConfig config,
{Uri? baseUri, String? comment}) {
if (baseUri != null && !baseUri.isAbsolute) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(baseUri, "baseUri", "Must be absolute");
if (comment != null) {
var lines = comment.split('\n');
if (lines.last.isEmpty) lines.removeLast();
for (var commentLine in lines) {
output.write('# ');
} else {
output.write("# generated by package:package_config at ");
for (var package in config.packages) {
var packageName =;
var uri = package.packageUriRoot;
// Validate packageName.
if (!isValidPackageName(packageName)) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
config, "config", '"$packageName" is not a valid package name');
if (uri.scheme == "package") {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
config, "config", "Package location must not be a package URI: $uri");
// If baseUri is provided, make the URI relative to baseUri.
if (baseUri != null) {
uri = relativizeUri(uri, baseUri)!;
if (!uri.path.endsWith('/')) {
uri = uri.replace(path: uri.path + '/');