blob: 50b140fa09f2abd227c94e9460546bcd4d15318c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Utility methods used by more than one library in the package.
library package_config.util;
import "errors.dart";
// All ASCII characters that are valid in a package name, with space
// for all the invalid ones (including space).
const String _validPackageNameCharacters =
r" ! $ &'()*+,-. 0123456789 ; = "
r"@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ _ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ~ ";
/// Tests whether something is a valid Dart package name.
bool isValidPackageName(String string) {
return checkPackageName(string) < 0;
/// Check if a string is a valid package name.
/// Valid package names contain only characters in [_validPackageNameCharacters]
/// and must contain at least one non-'.' character.
/// Returns `-1` if the string is valid.
/// Otherwise returns the index of the first invalid character,
/// or `string.length` if the string contains no non-'.' character.
int checkPackageName(String string) {
// Becomes non-zero if any non-'.' character is encountered.
var nonDot = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var c = string.codeUnitAt(i);
if (c > 0x7f || _validPackageNameCharacters.codeUnitAt(c) <= $space) {
return i;
nonDot += c ^ $dot;
if (nonDot == 0) return string.length;
return -1;
/// Validate that a [Uri] is a valid `package:` URI.
/// Used to validate user input.
/// Returns the package name extracted from the package URI,
/// which is the path segment between `package:` and the first `/`.
String checkValidPackageUri(Uri packageUri, String name) {
if (packageUri.scheme != "package") {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(packageUri, name, "Not a package: URI");
if (packageUri.hasAuthority) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package URIs must not have a host part");
if (packageUri.hasQuery) {
// A query makes no sense if resolved to a file: URI.
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package URIs must not have a query part");
if (packageUri.hasFragment) {
// We could leave the fragment after the URL when resolving,
// but it would be odd if "package:foo/foo.dart#1" and
// "package:foo/foo.dart#2" were considered different libraries.
// Keep the syntax open in case we ever get multiple libraries in one file.
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package URIs must not have a fragment part");
if (packageUri.path.startsWith('/')) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package URIs must not start with a '/'");
var firstSlash = packageUri.path.indexOf('/');
if (firstSlash == -1) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(packageUri, name,
"Package URIs must start with the package name followed by a '/'");
var packageName = packageUri.path.substring(0, firstSlash);
var badIndex = checkPackageName(packageName);
if (badIndex >= 0) {
if (packageName.isEmpty) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package names mus be non-empty");
if (badIndex == packageName.length) {
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(packageUri, name,
"Package names must contain at least one non-'.' character");
assert(badIndex < packageName.length);
var badCharCode = packageName.codeUnitAt(badIndex);
var badChar = "U+" + badCharCode.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0');
if (badCharCode >= 0x20 && badCharCode <= 0x7e) {
// Printable character.
badChar = "'${packageName[badIndex]}' ($badChar)";
throw PackageConfigArgumentError(
packageUri, name, "Package names must not contain $badChar");
return packageName;
/// Checks whether URI is just an absolute directory.
/// * It must have a scheme.
/// * It must not have a query or fragment.
/// * The path must end with `/`.
bool isAbsoluteDirectoryUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.hasQuery) return false;
if (uri.hasFragment) return false;
if (!uri.hasScheme) return false;
var path = uri.path;
if (!path.endsWith("/")) return false;
return true;
/// Whether the former URI is a prefix of the latter.
bool isUriPrefix(Uri prefix, Uri path) {
return path.toString().startsWith(prefix.toString());
/// Finds the first non-JSON-whitespace character in a file.
/// Used to heuristically detect whether a file is a JSON file or an .ini file.
int firstNonWhitespaceChar(List<int> bytes) {
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
var char = bytes[i];
if (char != 0x20 && char != 0x09 && char != 0x0a && char != 0x0d) {
return char;
return -1;
/// Attempts to return a relative path-only URI for [uri].
/// First removes any query or fragment part from [uri].
/// If [uri] is already relative (has no scheme), it's returned as-is.
/// If that is not desired, the caller can pass `baseUri.resolveUri(uri)`
/// as the [uri] instead.
/// If the [uri] has a scheme or authority part which differs from
/// the [baseUri], or if there is no overlap in the paths of the
/// two URIs at all, the [uri] is returned as-is.
/// Otherwise the result is a path-only URI which satsifies
/// `baseUri.resolveUri(result) == uri`,
/// The `baseUri` must be absolute.
Uri relativizeUri(Uri uri, Uri /*?*/ baseUri) {
if (baseUri == null) return uri;
if (uri.hasQuery || uri.hasFragment) {
uri = Uri(
scheme: uri.scheme,
userInfo: uri.hasAuthority ? uri.userInfo : null,
host: uri.hasAuthority ? : null,
port: uri.hasAuthority ? uri.port : null,
path: uri.path);
// Already relative. We assume the caller knows what they are doing.
if (!uri.isAbsolute) return uri;
if (baseUri.scheme != uri.scheme) {
return uri;
// If authority differs, we could remove the scheme, but it's not worth it.
if (uri.hasAuthority != baseUri.hasAuthority) return uri;
if (uri.hasAuthority) {
if (uri.userInfo != baseUri.userInfo || != ||
uri.port != baseUri.port) {
return uri;
baseUri = baseUri.normalizePath();
var base = [...baseUri.pathSegments];
if (base.isNotEmpty) base.removeLast();
uri = uri.normalizePath();
var target = [...uri.pathSegments];
if (target.isNotEmpty && target.last.isEmpty) target.removeLast();
var index = 0;
while (index < base.length && index < target.length) {
if (base[index] != target[index]) {
if (index == base.length) {
if (index == target.length) {
return Uri(path: "./");
return Uri(path: target.skip(index).join('/'));
} else if (index > 0) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
for (var n = base.length - index; n > 0; --n) {
buffer.writeAll(target.skip(index), "/");
return Uri(path: buffer.toString());
} else {
return uri;
// Character constants used by this package.
/// "Line feed" control character.
const int $lf = 0x0a;
/// "Carriage return" control character.
const int $cr = 0x0d;
/// Space character.
const int $space = 0x20;
/// Character `#`.
const int $hash = 0x23;
/// Character `.`.
const int $dot = 0x2e;
/// Character `:`.
const int $colon = 0x3a;
/// Character `?`.
const int $question = 0x3f;
/// Character `{`.
const int $lbrace = 0x7b;