blob: 02fb83421ce1c0fa17cb05ea78d411eec56c5101 [file] [log] [blame]
library which.src.is_executable;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:when/when.dart';
import 'has_permission.dart';
Future<bool> isExecutable(String path, bool isWindows, Future<FileStat> getStat(path)) =>
_isExecutable(path, isWindows, getStat);
bool isExecutableSync(String path, bool isWindows, FileStat getStat(path)) =>
_isExecutable(path, isWindows, getStat);
_isExecutable(String path, bool isWindows, getStat(path)) =>
when(() => getStat(path), onSuccess: (stat) => isExecutableStat(stat, isWindows));
/// Tests whether the file exists and is executable.
bool isExecutableStat(FileStat stat, bool isWindows) {
if (FileSystemEntityType.FILE != stat.type) return false;
// There is no concept of executable on windows.
if (isWindows) return true;
// TODO: This currently produces false positives (returns true when it
// shouldn't) when the uid/gid of current user and executable don't
// match. Fix if/when uid/gid support is added:
return FilePermissionRole.values.any((role) =>
hasPermission(stat.mode, FilePermission.EXECUTE, role: role));