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// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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part of quiver.collection;
* A [Set] of items stored in a binary tree according to [comparator].
* Supports bidirectional iteration.
abstract class TreeSet<V> extends IterableBase<V> implements Set<V> {
final Comparator<V> comparator;
int get length;
* Create a new [TreeSet] with an ordering defined by [comparator] or the
* default `(a, b) => a.compareTo(b)`.
factory TreeSet({Comparator<V> comparator}) {
if (comparator == null) {
comparator = (a, b) => a.compareTo(b);
return new AvlTreeSet(comparator: comparator);
* Returns an [BidirectionalIterator] that iterates over this tree.
BidirectionalIterator<V> get iterator;
* Returns an [BidirectionalIterator] that iterates over this tree, in reverse.
BidirectionalIterator<V> get reverseIterator;
* Returns an [BidirectionalIterator] that starts at [anchor].
* By default, the iterator includes the anchor with the first movement;
* set [inclusive] to false if you want to exclude the anchor. Set [reversed]
* to true to change the direction of of moveNext and movePrevious.
* Note: This iterator allows you to walk the entire set. It does not present
* a subview.
BidirectionalIterator<V> fromIterator(V anchor,
{bool reversed: false, bool inclusive: true});
* Search the tree for the matching [object] or the [nearestOption]
* if missing. See [TreeSearch].
V nearest(V object, {TreeSearch nearestOption: TreeSearch.NEAREST});
// TODO: toString or not toString, that is the question.
* Controls the results for [TreeSet.searchNearest]()
class TreeSearch {
* If result not found, always chose the smaler element
static const LESS_THAN = const TreeSearch._(1);
* If result not found, chose the nearest based on comparison
static const NEAREST = const TreeSearch._(2);
* If result not found, always chose the greater element
static const GREATER_THAN = const TreeSearch._(3);
final int _val;
const TreeSearch._(this._val);
* A node in the [TreeSet].
abstract class _TreeNode<V> {
_TreeNode<V> get left;
_TreeNode<V> get right;
//TODO(codefu): Remove need for [parent]; this is just an implementation note
_TreeNode<V> get parent;
V object;
* TreeNodes are always allocated as leafs.
* Return the minimum node for the subtree
_TreeNode<V> get minimumNode {
var node = this;
while (node.left != null) {
node = node.left;
return node;
* Return the maximum node for the subtree
_TreeNode<V> get maximumNode {
var node = this;
while (node.right != null) {
node = node.right;
return node;
* Return the next greatest element (or null)
_TreeNode<V> get successor {
var node = this;
if (node.right != null) {
return node.right.minimumNode;
while (node.parent != null && node == node.parent.right) {
node = node.parent;
return node.parent;
* Return the next smaller element (or null)
_TreeNode<V> get predecessor {
var node = this;
if (node.left != null) {
return node.left.maximumNode;
while (node.parent != null && node.parent._left == node) {
node = node.parent;
return node.parent;
* AVL implementation of a self-balancing binary tree. Optimized for lookup
* operations.
* Notes: Adapted from "Introduction to Algorithms", second edition,
* by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson,
* Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein.
* chapter 13.2
class AvlTreeSet<V> extends TreeSet<V> {
int _length = 0;
AvlNode<V> _root;
// Modification count to the tree, monotonically increasing
int _modCount = 0;
int get length => _length;
AvlTreeSet({Comparator<V> comparator}) : super._(comparator);
* Add the element to the tree.
bool add(V element) {
if (_root == null) {
AvlNode<V> node = new AvlNode<V>(object: element);
_root = node;
return true;
AvlNode<V> x = _root;
while (true) {
int compare = comparator(element, x.object);
if (compare == 0) {
return false;
} else if (compare < 0) {
if (x._left == null) {
AvlNode<V> node = new AvlNode<V>(object: element).._parent = x;
.._left = node
.._balanceFactor -= 1;
x = x.left;
} else {
if (x._right == null) {
AvlNode<V> node = new AvlNode<V>(object: element).._parent = x;
.._right = node
.._balanceFactor += 1;
x = x.right;
// AVL balancing act (for height balanced trees)
// Now that we've inserted, we've unbalanced some trees, we need
// to follow the tree back up to the _root double checking that the tree
// is still balanced and _maybe_ perform a single or double rotation.
// Note: Left additions == -1, Right additions == +1
// Balanced Node = { -1, 0, 1 }, out of balance = { -2, 2 }
// Single rotation when Parent & Child share signed balance,
// Double rotation when sign differs!
AvlNode<V> node = x;
while (node._balanceFactor != 0 && node.parent != null) {
// Find out which side of the parent we're on
if (node.parent._left == node) {
node.parent._balanceFactor -= 1;
} else {
node.parent._balanceFactor += 1;
node = node.parent;
if (node._balanceFactor == 2) {
// Heavy on the right side - Test for which rotation to perform
if (node.right._balanceFactor == 1) {
// Single (left) rotation; this will balance everything to zero
node._balanceFactor = node.parent._balanceFactor = 0;
node = node.parent;
} else {
// Double (Right/Left) rotation
// node will now be old node.right.left
node = node.parent; // Update to new parent (old grandchild)
if (node._balanceFactor == 1) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = -1;
} else if (node._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
node.right._balanceFactor = 1;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
break; // out of loop, we're balanced
} else if (node._balanceFactor == -2) {
// Heavy on the left side - Test for which rotation to perform
if (node.left._balanceFactor == -1) {
node._balanceFactor = node.parent._balanceFactor = 0;
node = node.parent;
} else {
// Double (Left/Right) rotation
// node will now be old node.left.right
node = node.parent;
if (node._balanceFactor == -1) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 1;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else if (node._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = -1;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
break; // out of loop, we're balanced
} // end of while (balancing)
return true;
* Test to see if an element is stored in the tree
AvlNode<V> _getNode(V element) {
if (element == null) return null;
AvlNode<V> x = _root;
while (x != null) {
int compare = comparator(element, x.object);
if (compare == 0) {
// This only means our node matches; we need to search for the exact
// element. We could have been glutons and used a hashmap to back.
return x;
} else if (compare < 0) {
x = x.left;
} else {
x = x.right;
return null;
* This function will right rotate/pivot N with its left child, placing
* it on the right of its left child.
* N Y
* / \ / \
* Y A Z N
* / \ ==> / \ / \
* Z B D CB A
* / \
*D C
* Assertion: must have a left element
void _rotateRight(AvlNode<V> node) {
AvlNode<V> y = node.left;
if (y == null) throw new AssertionError();
// turn Y's right subtree(B) into N's left subtree.
node._left = y.right;
if (node.left != null) {
node.left._parent = node;
y._parent = node.parent;
if (y._parent == null) {
_root = y;
} else {
if (node.parent._left == node) {
node.parent._left = y;
} else {
node.parent._right = y;
y._right = node;
node._parent = y;
* This function will left rotate/pivot N with its right child, placing
* it on the left of its right child.
* N Y
* / \ / \
* A Y N Z
* / \ ==> / \ / \
* B Z A BC D
* / \
* C D
* Assertion: must have a right element
void _rotateLeft(AvlNode<V> node) {
AvlNode<V> y = node.right;
if (y == null) throw new AssertionError();
// turn Y's left subtree(B) into N's right subtree.
node._right = y.left;
if (node.right != null) {
node.right._parent = node;
y._parent = node.parent;
if (y._parent == null) {
_root = y;
} else {
if (node.parent._left == node) {
y.parent._left = y;
} else {
y.parent._right = y;
y._left = node;
node._parent = y;
* This function will double rotate node with right/left operations.
* node is S.
* S G
* / \ / \
* A C S C
* / \ ==> / \ / \
* G B A DC B
* / \
* D C
void _rotateRightLeft(AvlNode<V> node) {
* This function will double rotate node with left/right operations.
* node is S.
* S G
* / \ / \
* C A C S
* / \ ==> / \ / \
* / \
* C D
void _rotateLeftRight(AvlNode<V> node) {
bool addAll(Iterable<V> items) {
bool modified = false;
for (V ele in items) {
modified = add(ele) ? true : modified;
return modified;
void clear() {
_length = 0;
_root = null;
bool containsAll(Iterable<Object> items) {
for (var ele in items) {
if (!contains(ele)) return false;
return true;
bool remove(Object item) {
AvlNode<V> x = _getNode(item);
if (x != null) {
return true;
return false;
void _removeNode(AvlNode<V> node) {
AvlNode<V> y, w;
// note: if you read wikipedia, it states remove the node if its a leaf,
// otherwise, replace it with its predecessor or successor. We're not.
if (node._right == null || node.right._left == null) {
// simple solutions
if (node.right != null) {
y = node.right;
y._parent = node.parent;
y._balanceFactor = node._balanceFactor - 1;
y._left = node.left;
if (y.left != null) {
y.left._parent = y;
} else if (node.left != null) {
y = node.left;
y._parent = node.parent;
y._balanceFactor = node._balanceFactor + 1;
} else {
y = null;
if (_root == node) {
_root = y;
} else if (node.parent._left == node) {
node.parent._left = y;
if (y == null) {
// account for leaf deletions changing the balance
node.parent._balanceFactor += 1;
y = node.parent; // start searching from here;
} else {
node.parent._right = y;
if (y == null) {
node.parent._balanceFactor -= 1;
y = node.parent;
w = y;
} else {
// This node is not a leaf; we should find the successor node, swap
//it with this* and then update the balance factors.
y = node.successor;
y._left = node.left;
if (y.left != null) {
y.left._parent = y;
w = y.parent;
w._left = y.right;
if (w.left != null) {
w.left._parent = w;
// known: we're removing from the left
w._balanceFactor += 1;
// known due to test for n->r->l above
y._right = node.right;
y.right._parent = y;
y._balanceFactor = node._balanceFactor;
y._parent = node.parent;
if (_root == node) {
_root = y;
} else if (node.parent._left == node) {
node.parent._left = y;
} else {
node.parent._right = y;
// Safe to kill node now; its free to go.
node._balanceFactor = 0;
node._left = node._right = node._parent = null;
node.object = null;
// Recalculate max values all the way to the top.
node = w;
while (node != null) {
node = node.parent;
// Re-balance to the top, ending early if OK
node = w;
while (node != null) {
if (node._balanceFactor == -1 || node._balanceFactor == 1) {
// The height of node hasn't changed; done!
if (node._balanceFactor == 2) {
// Heavy on the right side; figure out which rotation to perform
if (node.right._balanceFactor == -1) {
node = node.parent; // old grand-child!
if (node._balanceFactor == 1) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = -1;
} else if (node._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
node.right._balanceFactor = 1;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
// single left-rotation
if (node.parent._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.parent._balanceFactor = -1;
node._balanceFactor = 1;
} else {
node.parent._balanceFactor = 0;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
node = node.parent;
} else if (node._balanceFactor == -2) {
// Heavy on the left
if (node.left._balanceFactor == 1) {
node = node.parent; // old grand-child!
if (node._balanceFactor == -1) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 1;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else if (node._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
node.right._balanceFactor = 0;
node.left._balanceFactor = -1;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
} else {
if (node.parent._balanceFactor == 0) {
node.parent._balanceFactor = 1;
node._balanceFactor = -1;
} else {
node.parent._balanceFactor = 0;
node._balanceFactor = 0;
node = node.parent;
// continue up the tree for testing
if (node.parent != null) {
// The concept of balance here is reverse from addition; since
// we are taking away weight from one side or the other (thus
// the balance changes in favor of the other side)
if (node.parent.left == node) {
node.parent._balanceFactor += 1;
} else {
node.parent._balanceFactor -= 1;
node = node.parent;
* See [Set.removeAll]
void removeAll(Iterable items) {
for (var ele in items) {
* See [Set.retainAll]
void retainAll(Iterable<Object> elements) {
List<V> chosen = [];
for (var target in elements) {
if (contains(target)) {
* See [Set.retainWhere]
void retainWhere(bool test(V element)) {
List<V> chosen = [];
for (var target in this) {
if (test(target)) {
* See [Set.removeWhere]
void removeWhere(bool test(V element)) {
List<V> damned = [];
for (var target in this) {
if (test(target)) {
* See [IterableBase.first]
V get first {
if (_root == null) return null;
AvlNode<V> min = _root.minimumNode;
return min != null ? min.object : null;
* See [IterableBase.last]
V get last {
if (_root == null) return null;
AvlNode<V> max = _root.maximumNode;
return max != null ? max.object : null;
* See [Set.lookup]
V lookup(Object element) {
if (element == null || _root == null) return null;
AvlNode<V> x = _root;
int compare = 0;
while (x != null) {
compare = comparator(element, x.object);
if (compare == 0) {
return x.object;
} else if (compare < 0) {
x = x.left;
} else {
x = x.right;
return null;
V nearest(V object, {TreeSearch nearestOption: TreeSearch.NEAREST}) {
AvlNode<V> found = _searchNearest(object, option: nearestOption);
return (found != null) ? found.object : null;
* Search the tree for the matching element, or the 'nearest' node.
* NOTE: [BinaryTree.comparator] needs to have finer granulatity than -1,0,1
* in order for this to return something that's meaningful.
AvlNode<V> _searchNearest(V element,
{TreeSearch option: TreeSearch.NEAREST}) {
if (element == null || _root == null) {
return null;
AvlNode<V> x = _root;
AvlNode<V> previous;
int compare = 0;
while (x != null) {
previous = x;
compare = comparator(element, x.object);
if (compare == 0) {
return x;
} else if (compare < 0) {
x = x.left;
} else {
x = x.right;
if (option == TreeSearch.GREATER_THAN) {
return (compare < 0) ? previous : previous.successor;
} else if (option == TreeSearch.LESS_THAN) {
return (compare < 0) ? previous.predecessor : previous;
// Default: nearest absolute value
// Fell off the tree looking for the exact match; now we need
// to find the nearest element.
x = (compare < 0) ? previous.predecessor : previous.successor;
if (x == null) {
return previous;
int otherCompare = comparator(element, x.object);
if (compare < 0) {
return compare.abs() < otherCompare ? previous : x;
return otherCompare.abs() < compare ? x : previous;
// [IterableBase]<V> Methods
* See [IterableBase.iterator]
BidirectionalIterator<V> get iterator => new _AvlTreeIterator._(this);
* See [TreeSet.reverseIterator]
BidirectionalIterator<V> get reverseIterator =>
new _AvlTreeIterator._(this, reversed: true);
* See [TreeSet.fromIterator]
BidirectionalIterator<V> fromIterator(V anchor,
{bool reversed: false, bool inclusive: true}) =>
new _AvlTreeIterator<V>._(this,
anchorObject: anchor, reversed: reversed, inclusive: inclusive);
* See [IterableBase.contains]
bool contains(Object object) {
AvlNode<V> x = _getNode(object as V);
return x != null;
// [Set] methods
* See [Set.intersection]
Set<V> intersection(Set<Object> other) {
TreeSet<V> set = new TreeSet(comparator: comparator);
// Opitimized for sorted sets
if (other is TreeSet) {
var i1 = iterator;
var i2 = other.iterator;
var hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
var hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
while (hasMore1 && hasMore2) {
var c = comparator(i1.current, i2.current);
if (c == 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
} else if (c < 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
} else {
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
return set;
// Non-optimized version.
for (var target in this) {
if (other.contains(target)) {
return set;
* See [Set.union]
Set<V> union(Set<V> other) {
TreeSet<V> set = new TreeSet(comparator: comparator);
if (other is TreeSet) {
var i1 = iterator;
var i2 = other.iterator;
var hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
var hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
while (hasMore1 && hasMore2) {
var c = comparator(i1.current, i2.current);
if (c == 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
} else if (c < 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
} else {
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
if (hasMore1 || hasMore2) {
i1 = hasMore1 ? i1 : i2;
do {
} while (i1.moveNext());
return set;
// Non-optimized version.
return set
* See [Set.difference]
Set<V> difference(Set<V> other) {
TreeSet<V> set = new TreeSet(comparator: comparator);
if (other is TreeSet) {
var i1 = iterator;
var i2 = other.iterator;
var hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
var hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
while (hasMore1 && hasMore2) {
var c = comparator(i1.current, i2.current);
if (c == 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
} else if (c < 0) {
hasMore1 = i1.moveNext();
} else {
hasMore2 = i2.moveNext();
if (hasMore1) {
do {
} while (i1.moveNext());
return set;
// Non-optimized version.
for (var target in this) {
if (!other.contains(target)) {
return set;
* Visible for testing only.
AvlNode<V> getNode(V object) => _getNode(object);
typedef bool _IteratorMove();
* This iterator either starts at the beginning or end (see [TreeSet.iterator]
* and [TreeSet.reverseIterator]) or from an anchor point in the set (see
* [TreeSet.fromIterator]). When using fromIterator, the inital
* anchor point is included in the first movement (either [moveNext] or
* [movePrevious]) but can optionally be excluded in the constructor.
class _AvlTreeIterator<V> implements BidirectionalIterator<V> {
static const LEFT = -1;
static const WALK = 0;
static const RIGHT = 1;
final bool reversed;
final AvlTreeSet<V> tree;
final int _modCountGuard;
final Object anchorObject;
final bool inclusive;
_IteratorMove _moveNext;
_IteratorMove _movePrevious;
int state;
_TreeNode<V> _current;
_AvlTreeIterator._(AvlTreeSet<V> tree,
{reversed: false, this.inclusive: true, this.anchorObject: null})
: this.tree = tree,
this._modCountGuard = tree._modCount,
this.reversed = reversed {
if (anchorObject == null || tree.length == 0) {
// If the anchor is far left or right, we're just a normal iterator.
state = reversed ? RIGHT : LEFT;
_moveNext = reversed ? _movePreviousNormal : _moveNextNormal;
_movePrevious = reversed ? _moveNextNormal : _movePreviousNormal;
state = WALK;
// Else we've got an anchor we have to worry about initalizing from.
// This isn't known till the caller actually performs a previous/next.
_moveNext = () {
_current = tree._searchNearest(anchorObject,
option: reversed ? TreeSearch.LESS_THAN : TreeSearch.GREATER_THAN);
_moveNext = reversed ? _movePreviousNormal : _moveNextNormal;
_movePrevious = reversed ? _moveNextNormal : _movePreviousNormal;
if (_current == null) {
state = reversed ? LEFT : RIGHT;
} else if (tree.comparator(_current.object, anchorObject) == 0 &&
!inclusive) {
return state == WALK;
_movePrevious = () {
_current = tree._searchNearest(anchorObject,
option: reversed ? TreeSearch.GREATER_THAN : TreeSearch.LESS_THAN);
_moveNext = reversed ? _movePreviousNormal : _moveNextNormal;
_movePrevious = reversed ? _moveNextNormal : _movePreviousNormal;
if (_current == null) {
state = reversed ? RIGHT : LEFT;
} else if (tree.comparator(_current.object, anchorObject) == 0 &&
!inclusive) {
return state == WALK;
V get current => (state != WALK || _current == null) ? null : _current.object;
bool moveNext() => _moveNext();
bool movePrevious() => _movePrevious();
bool _moveNextNormal() {
if (_modCountGuard != tree._modCount) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(tree);
if (state == RIGHT || tree.length == 0) return false;
switch (state) {
case LEFT:
_current = tree._root.minimumNode;
state = WALK;
return true;
case WALK:
_current = _current.successor;
if (_current == null) {
state = RIGHT;
return state == WALK;
bool _movePreviousNormal() {
if (_modCountGuard != tree._modCount) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationError(tree);
if (state == LEFT || tree.length == 0) return false;
switch (state) {
case RIGHT:
_current = tree._root.maximumNode;
state = WALK;
return true;
case WALK:
_current = _current.predecessor;
if (_current == null) {
state = LEFT;
return state == WALK;
* Private class used to track element insertions in the [TreeSet].
class AvlNode<V> extends _TreeNode<V> {
AvlNode<V> _left;
AvlNode<V> _right;
//TODO(codefu): Remove need for [parent]; this is just an implementation note
AvlNode<V> _parent;
int _balanceFactor = 0;
AvlNode<V> get left => _left;
AvlNode<V> get right => _right;
AvlNode<V> get parent => _parent;
int get balance => _balanceFactor;
AvlNode({V object}) : super(object: object);
String toString() =>
"(b:$balance o: $object l:${left != null} r:${right != null})";