blob: ef15e0545eefed45c18907e003000f251a69be88 [file] [log] [blame]
part of lisp;
* The native functions.
class Natives {
/** Imports the native functions into the [environment]. */
static Environment import(Environment environment) {
// basic functions
environment.define(new Name('define'), _define);
environment.define(new Name('lambda'), _lambda);
environment.define(new Name('quote'), _quote);
environment.define(new Name('eval'), _eval);
environment.define(new Name('apply'), _apply);
environment.define(new Name('let'), _let);
environment.define(new Name('set!'), _set);
environment.define(new Name('print'), _print);
// control structures
environment.define(new Name('if'), _if);
environment.define(new Name('while'), _while);
environment.define(new Name('and'), _and);
environment.define(new Name('or'), _or);
environment.define(new Name('not'), _not);
// arithmetic operators
environment.define(new Name('+'), _plus);
environment.define(new Name('-'), _minus);
environment.define(new Name('*'), _multiply);
environment.define(new Name('/'), _divide);
environment.define(new Name('%'), _modulo);
// arithmetic comparators
environment.define(new Name('<'), _smaller);
environment.define(new Name('<='), _smallerOrEqual);
environment.define(new Name('='), _equal);
environment.define(new Name('!='), _notEqual);
environment.define(new Name('>'), _larger);
environment.define(new Name('>='), _largerOrEqual);
// list operators
environment.define(new Name('cons'), _cons);
environment.define(new Name('car'), _car);
environment.define(new Name('car!'), _carSet);
environment.define(new Name('cdr'), _cdr);
environment.define(new Name('cdr!'), _cdrSet);
return environment;
static _define(Environment env, args) {
if (args.head is Name) {
return env.define(args.head, evalList(env, args.tail));
} else if (args.head.head is Name) {
return env.define(
args.head.head, _lambda(env, new Cons(args.head.tail, args.tail)));
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid define: $args');
static _lambda(Environment lambda_env, lambda_args) {
return (Environment env, args) {
var inner = lambda_env.create();
var names = lambda_args.head;
var values = evalArguments(env, args);
while (names != null && values != null) {
inner.define(names.head, values.head);
names = names.tail;
values = values.tail;
return evalList(inner, lambda_args.tail);
static _quote(Environment env, args) {
return args;
static _eval(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env.create(), eval(env, args.head));
static _apply(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head)(env.create(), args.tail);
static _let(Environment env, args) {
var inner = env.create();
var binding = args.head;
while (binding != null) {
inner.define(binding.head.head, eval(env, binding.head.tail.head));
binding = binding.tail;
return evalList(inner, args.tail);
static _set(Environment env, args) {
return env[args.head] = eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _print(Environment env, args) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
while (args != null) {
buffer.write(eval(env, args.head));
args = args.tail;
return null;
static _if(Environment env, args) {
var condition = eval(env, args.head);
if (condition) {
if (args.tail != null) {
return eval(env, args.tail.head);
} else {
if (args.tail != null && args.tail.tail != null) {
return eval(env, args.tail.tail.head);
return null;
static _while(Environment env, args) {
var result = null;
while (eval(env, args.head)) {
result = evalList(env, args.tail);
return result;
static _and(Environment env, args) {
while (args != null) {
if (!eval(env, args.head)) {
return false;
args = args.tail;
return true;
static _or(Environment env, args) {
while (args != null) {
if (eval(env, args.head)) {
return true;
args = args.tail;
return false;
static _not(Environment env, args) {
return !eval(env, args.head);
static _plus(Environment env, args) {
var value = eval(env, args.head);
for (args = args.tail; args != null; args = args.tail) {
value += eval(env, args.head);
return value;
static _minus(Environment env, args) {
var value = eval(env, args.head);
if (args.tail == null) {
return -value;
for (args = args.tail; args != null; args = args.tail) {
value -= eval(env, args.head);
return value;
static _multiply(Environment env, args) {
var value = eval(env, args.head);
for (args = args.tail; args != null; args = args.tail) {
value *= eval(env, args.head);
return value;
static _divide(Environment env, args) {
var value = eval(env, args.head);
for (args = args.tail; args != null; args = args.tail) {
value /= eval(env, args.head);
return value;
static _modulo(Environment env, args) {
var value = eval(env, args.head);
for (args = args.tail; args != null; args = args.tail) {
value %= eval(env, args.head);
return value;
static _smaller(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) < eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _smallerOrEqual(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) <= eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _equal(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) == eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _notEqual(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) != eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _larger(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) > eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _largerOrEqual(Environment env, args) {
return eval(env, args.head) >= eval(env, args.tail.head);
static _cons(Environment env, args) {
return new Cons(eval(env, args.head), eval(env, args.tail.head));
static _car(Environment env, args) {
var cons = eval(env, args.head);
return cons is Cons ? cons.head : null;
static _carSet(Environment env, args) {
var cons = eval(env, args.head);
if (cons is Cons) {
cons.head = eval(env, args.tail.head);
return cons;
static _cdr(Environment env, args) {
var cons = eval(env, args.head);
return cons is Cons ? cons.tail : null;
static _cdrSet(Environment env, args) {
var cons = eval(env, args.head);
if (cons is Cons) {
cons.tail = eval(env, args.tail.head);
return cons;