blob: 7c285567dd41f2ae4138f969d93883b68cfc59d8 [file] [log] [blame]
part of debug;
* Returns a transformed [parser] that when being used measures
* the activation count and total time of each parser.
* For example, the snippet
* var parser = letter() & word().star();
* profile(parser).parse('f1234567890');
* produces the following output:
* 1 2006 Instance of 'SequenceParser'
* 1 697 Instance of 'PossessiveRepeatingParser'[0..*]
* 11 406 Instance of 'CharacterParser'[letter or digit expected]
* 1 947 Instance of 'CharacterParser'[letter expected]
* The first number refers to the number of activations of each parser, and
* the second number is the microseconds spent in this parser and all its
* children.
Parser profile(Parser root, [OutputHandler output = print]) {
var count = new Map();
var watch = new Map();
var parsers = new List();
return new ContinuationParser(transformParser(root, (parser) {
return new ContinuationParser(parser, (continuation, context) {
var result = continuation(context);
return result;
}), (continuation, context) {
parsers.forEach((parser) {
count[parser] = 0;
watch[parser] = new Stopwatch();
var result = continuation(context);
parsers.forEach((parser) {
return result;