blob: c8840312e430313d0a3f55b8d7d03881a8fde39c [file] [log] [blame]
part of petitparser;
* An [int] used to mark an unbounded maximum repetition.
const int unbounded = -1;
* An abstract parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of
* its delegate.
abstract class RepeatingParser extends DelegateParser {
final int _min;
final int _max;
RepeatingParser(Parser parser, this._min, this._max) : super(parser) {
assert(0 <= _min);
assert(_max == unbounded || _min <= _max);
String toString() {
var max = _max == unbounded ? '*' : _max;
return '${super.toString()}[$_min..$max]';
bool hasEqualProperties(Parser other) {
return other is RepeatingParser &&
super.hasEqualProperties(other) &&
_min == other._min &&
_max == other._max;
* A greedy parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of
* its delegate.
class PossessiveRepeatingParser extends RepeatingParser {
PossessiveRepeatingParser(Parser parser, int min, int max)
: super(parser, min, max);
Result parseOn(Context context) {
var current = context;
var elements = new List();
while (elements.length < _min) {
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return result;
current = result;
while (_max == unbounded || elements.length < _max) {
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return current.success(elements);
current = result;
return current.success(elements);
Parser copy() => new PossessiveRepeatingParser(_delegate, _min, _max);
* An abstract parser that repeatedly parses between 'min' and 'max' instances of
* its delegate and that requires the input to be completed with a specified parser
* 'limit'. Subclasses provide repeating behavior as typically seen in regular
* expression implementations (non-blind).
abstract class LimitedRepeatingParser extends RepeatingParser {
Parser _limit;
LimitedRepeatingParser(Parser parser, this._limit, int min, int max)
: super(parser, min, max);
List<Parser> get children => [_delegate, _limit];
void replace(Parser source, Parser target) {
super.replace(source, target);
if (_limit == source) {
_limit = target;
* A greedy repeating parser, commonly seen in regular expression implementations. It
* aggressively consumes as much input as possible and then backtracks to meet the
* 'limit' condition.
class GreedyRepeatingParser extends LimitedRepeatingParser {
GreedyRepeatingParser(Parser parser, Parser limit, int min, int max)
: super(parser, limit, min, max);
Result parseOn(Context context) {
var current = context;
var elements = new List();
while (elements.length < _min) {
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return result;
current = result;
var contexts = new List.from([current]);
while (_max == unbounded || elements.length < _max) {
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
contexts.add(current = result);
while (true) {
var limit = _limit.parseOn(contexts.last);
if (limit.isSuccess) {
return contexts.last.success(elements);
if (elements.isEmpty) {
return limit;
if (contexts.isEmpty) {
return limit;
Parser copy() => new GreedyRepeatingParser(_delegate, _limit, _min, _max);
* A lazy repeating parser, commonly seen in regular expression implementations. It
* limits its consumption to meet the 'limit' condition as early as possible.
class LazyRepeatingParser extends LimitedRepeatingParser {
LazyRepeatingParser(Parser parser, Parser limit, int min, int max)
: super(parser, limit, min, max);
Result parseOn(Context context) {
var current = context;
var elements = new List();
while (elements.length < _min) {
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return result;
current = result;
while (true) {
var limit = _limit.parseOn(current);
if (limit.isSuccess) {
return current.success(elements);
} else {
if (_max != unbounded && elements.length >= _max) {
return limit;
var result = _delegate.parseOn(current);
if (result.isFailure) {
return limit;
current = result;
Parser copy() => new LazyRepeatingParser(_delegate, _limit, _min, _max);