blob: dbb56f897c23d2f78fb101100e796a8e7abccdca [file] [log] [blame]
part of petitparser;
* Helper to conveniently define and build complex, recursive grammars using
* plain Dart code.
* To create a new grammar definition subclass [GrammarDefinition]. For every
* production create a new method returning the primitive parser defining it.
* The method called [start] is supposed to return the start production of the
* grammar. To refer to a production defined in the same definition use [ref]
* with the function reference as the first argument.
* Consider the following example to parse a list of numbers:
* class ListGrammarDefinition extends GrammarDefinition {
* start() => ref(list).end();
* list() => ref(element) & char(',') & ref(list)
* | ref(element);
* element() => digit().plus().flatten();
* }
* Since this is plain Dart code, common refactorings such as renaming a production
* updates all references correctly. Also code navigation and code completion
* works as expected.
* To attach custom production actions you might want to further subclass your
* grammar definition and override overriding the necessary productions defined
* in the superclass:
* class ListParserDefinition extends ListGrammarDefinition {
* element() => super.element().map((value) => int.parse(value));
* }
* Note that productions can be parametrized. Define such productions with positional
* arguments and reference to multiple instances by passing the arguments to [ref].
* Consider extending the above grammar with a parametrized token production:
* class TokenizedListGrammarDefinition extends GrammarDefinition {
* start() => ref(list).end();
* list() => ref(element) & ref(token, char(',')) & ref(list)
* | ref(element);
* element() => ref(token, digit().plus());
* token(p) => p.token().trim();
* }
abstract class GrammarDefinition {
* The starting production of this definition.
Parser start();
* Returns a parser reference to a production defined by a [function].
* The optional arguments parametrize the called production.
Parser ref(Function function, [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6]) {
var arguments = [
].takeWhile((each) => each != null).toList(growable: false);
return new _Reference(function, arguments);
* Builds a composite parser from this definition.
* The optional [start] reference specifies a different starting production into
* the grammar. The optional [arguments] list parametrizes the called production.
Parser build({Function start: null, List arguments: const []}) {
return _resolve(
new _Reference(start != null ? start : this.start, arguments));
* Internal helper to resolve a complete parser graph.
Parser _resolve(_Reference reference) {
var mapping = new Map();
Parser _dereference(_Reference reference) {
var parser = mapping[reference];
if (parser == null) {
var references = [reference];
parser = reference.resolve();
while (parser is _Reference) {
if (references.contains(parser)) {
throw new StateError('Recursive references detected: $references');
parser = parser.resolve();
for (var each in references) {
mapping[each] = parser;
return parser;
var todo = [_dereference(reference)];
var seen = new Set.from(todo);
while (todo.isNotEmpty) {
var parent = todo.removeLast();
for (var child in parent.children) {
if (child is _Reference) {
var referenced = _dereference(child);
parent.replace(child, referenced);
child = referenced;
if (!seen.contains(child)) {
return mapping[reference];
* A helper to build a parser from a {@link GrammarDefinition}.
class GrammarParser extends DelegateParser {
GrammarParser(GrammarDefinition definition) : super(;
class _Reference extends Parser {
final Function function;
final List arguments;
_Reference(this.function, this.arguments);
Parser resolve() => Function.apply(function, arguments);
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! _Reference ||
other.function != function ||
other.arguments.length != arguments.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var a = arguments[i],
b = other.arguments[i];
if (a is Parser && a is! _Reference && b is Parser && b is! _Reference) {
// for parsers do a deep equality check
if (!a.isEqualTo(b)) {
return false;
} else {
// for everything else just do standard equality
if (a != b) {
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => function.hashCode;
Parser copy() => throw new UnsupportedError('References cannot be copied.');
Result parseOn(Context context) =>
throw new UnsupportedError('References cannot be parsed.');