blob: 2da73eee043a147f43a1a4d80713be1755b14d85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library barback.transformer.transform;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import '../asset/asset.dart';
import '../asset/asset_id.dart';
import '../errors.dart';
import 'aggregate_transform.dart';
import 'transform_logger.dart';
/// Creates a new [Transform] wrapping an [AggregateTransform].
/// Although barback internally works in terms of [AggregateTransformer]s, most
/// transformers only work on individual primary inputs in isolation. We want to
/// allow those transformers to implement the more user-friendly [Transformer]
/// interface which takes the more user-friendly [Transform] object. This method
/// wraps the more general [AggregateTransform] to return a [Transform] instead.
Future<Transform> newTransform(AggregateTransform aggregate) {
// A wrapped [Transformer] will assign each primary input a unique transform
// key, so we can safely get the first asset emitted. We don't want to wait
// for the stream to close, since that requires barback to prove that no more
// new assets will be generated.
return aggregate.primaryInputs.first.then((primaryInput) =>
new Transform._(aggregate, primaryInput));
/// While a [Transformer] represents a *kind* of transformation, this defines
/// one specific usage of it on a set of files.
/// This ephemeral object exists only during an actual transform application to
/// facilitate communication between the [Transformer] and the code hosting
/// the transformation. It lets the [Transformer] access inputs and generate
/// outputs.
class Transform {
/// The underlying aggregate transform.
final AggregateTransform _aggregate;
/// Gets the primary input asset.
/// While a transformation can use multiple input assets, one must be a
/// special "primary" asset. This will be the "entrypoint" or "main" input
/// file for a transformation.
/// For example, with a dart2js transform, the primary input would be the
/// entrypoint Dart file. All of the other Dart files that that imports
/// would be secondary inputs.
final Asset primaryInput;
/// A logger so that the [Transformer] can report build details.
TransformLogger get logger => _aggregate.logger;
Transform._(this._aggregate, this.primaryInput);
/// Gets the asset for an input [id].
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<Asset> getInput(AssetId id) => _aggregate.getInput(id);
/// A convenience method to the contents of the input with [id] as a string.
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] followed by [Asset.readAsString].
/// If the asset was created from a [String] the original string is always
/// returned and [encoding] is ignored. Otherwise, the binary data of the
/// asset is decoded using [encoding], which defaults to [UTF8].
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<String> readInputAsString(AssetId id, {Encoding encoding}) =>
_aggregate.readInputAsString(id, encoding: encoding);
/// A convenience method to the contents of the input with [id].
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] followed by [].
/// If the asset was created from a [String], this returns its UTF-8 encoding.
/// If an input with [id] cannot be found, throws an [AssetNotFoundException].
Stream<List<int>> readInput(AssetId id) => _aggregate.readInput(id);
/// A convenience method to return whether or not an asset exists.
/// This is equivalent to calling [getInput] and catching an
/// [AssetNotFoundException].
Future<bool> hasInput(AssetId id) => _aggregate.hasInput(id);
/// Stores [output] as an output created by this transformation.
/// A transformation can output as many assets as it wants.
void addOutput(Asset output) => _aggregate.addOutput(output);
/// Consume the primary input so that it doesn't get processed by future
/// phases or emitted once processing has finished.
/// Normally the primary input will automatically be forwarded unless the
/// transformer overwrites it by emitting an input with the same id. This
/// allows the transformer to tell barback not to forward the primary input
/// even if it's not overwritten.
void consumePrimary() => _aggregate.consumePrimary(;