blob: 0c5af4fb259985328b852de8625a5e4051d0d8a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
/// Transforms the ChartData based on the specified dimension columns and facts
/// columns indices. The values in the facts columns will be aggregated by the
/// tree hierarchy generated by the dimension columns. Expand and Collapse
/// methods may be called to display different levels of aggregation.
/// The output ChartData produced by transform() will contain only columns in the
/// original ChartData that were specified in dimensions or facts column indices.
/// The output column will be re-ordered first by the indices specified in the
/// dimension column indices then by the facts column indices. The data in the
/// cells of each row will also follow this rule.
class AggregationTransformer extends ChangeNotifier
implements ChartDataTransform, ChartData {
static const String AGGREGATION_TYPE_SUM = 'sum';
static const String AGGREGATION_TYPE_MIN = 'min';
static const String AGGREGATION_TYPE_MAX = 'max';
static const String AGGREGATION_TYPE_VALID = 'valid';
final SubscriptionsDisposer _dataSubscriptions = new SubscriptionsDisposer();
final Set<List> _expandedSet = new Set();
List<ChartColumnSpec> columns;
ObservableList<List> rows = new ObservableList<List>();
List<int> _dimensionColumnIndices;
List<int> _factsColumnIndices;
String _aggregationType;
AggregationModel _model;
bool _expandAllDimension = false;
List _selectedColumns = [];
FieldAccessor _indexFieldAccessor = (List row, int index) => row[index];
ChartData _data;
AggregationTransformer(this._dimensionColumnIndices, this._factsColumnIndices,
[String aggregationType = AGGREGATION_TYPE_SUM]) {
_aggregationType = aggregationType;
/// Transforms the ChartData base on the specified dimension columns and facts
/// columns, aggregation type and currently expanded dimensions.
ChartData transform(ChartData data) {
assert(data.columns.length > max(_dimensionColumnIndices));
assert(data.columns.length > max(_factsColumnIndices));
_data = data;
return this;
/// Registers listeners if data.rows or data.columns are Observable.
_registerListeners() {
if (_data is Observable) {
var observable = (_data as Observable);
_dataSubscriptions.add(observable.changes.listen((records) {
// NOTE: Currently we're only passing the first change because the chart
// area just draw with the updated data. When we add partial update
// to chart area, we'll need to handle this better.
/// Performs the filter transform with _data. This is called on transform and
/// onChange if the input ChartData is Observable.
_transform() {
_model = new AggregationModel(
_data.rows, _dimensionColumnIndices, _factsColumnIndices,
aggregationTypes: [_aggregationType],
dimensionAccessor: _indexFieldAccessor,
factsAccessor: _indexFieldAccessor);
// If user called expandAll prior to model initiation, do it now.
if (_expandAllDimension) {
// Process rows.
var transformedRows = <List>[];
for (var value in _model.valuesForDimension(_dimensionColumnIndices[0])) {
_generateAggregatedRow(transformedRows, [value]);
// Process columns.
columns = new List<ChartColumnSpec>.generate(_selectedColumns.length,
(index) => _data.columns.elementAt(_selectedColumns[index]));
/// Fills the aggregatedRows List with data base on the set of expanded values
/// recursively. Currently when a dimension is expanded, rows are
/// generated for its children but not for itself. If we want to change the
/// logic to include itself, just move the expand check around the else clause
/// and always write a row of data whether it's expanded or not.
List<List> aggregatedRows, List<String> dimensionValues) {
var entity = _model.facts(dimensionValues);
var dimensionLevel = dimensionValues.length - 1;
// Dimension is not expanded at this level. Generate data rows and fill int
// value base on whether the column is dimension column or facts column.
if (!_isExpanded(dimensionValues) ||
dimensionValues.length == _dimensionColumnIndices.length) {
aggregatedRows.add(new List.generate(_selectedColumns.length, (index) {
// Dimension column.
if (index < _dimensionColumnIndices.length) {
if (index < dimensionLevel) {
// If column index is in a higher level, write parent value.
return dimensionValues[0];
} else if (index == dimensionLevel) {
// If column index is at current level, write value.
return dimensionValues.last;
} else {
// If column Index is in a lower level, write empty string.
return '';
} else {
// Write aggregated value for facts column.
return entity['${_aggregationType}(${_selectedColumns[index]})'];
} else {
// Dimension is expanded, process each child dimension in the expanded
// dimension.
for (AggregationItem childAggregation in entity.lowerAggregations()) {
_generateAggregatedRow(aggregatedRows, childAggregation.dimensions);
/// Expands a specific dimension and optionally expands all of its parent
/// dimensions.
void expand(List dimension, [bool expandParent = true]) {
_expandAllDimension = false;
if (expandParent && dimension.length > 1) {
Function eq = const ListEquality().equals;
var dim = dimension.take(dimension.length - 1).toList();
if (!_expandedSet.any((e) => eq(e, dim))) {
/// Collapses a specific dimension and optionally collapse all of its
/// Children dimensions.
void collapse(List dimension, [bool collapseChildren = true]) {
_expandAllDimension = false;
if (collapseChildren) {
Function eq = const ListEquality().equals;
// Doing this because _expandedSet.where doesn't work.
var collapseList = [];
for (List dim in _expandedSet) {
if (eq(dim.take(dimension.length).toList(), dimension)) {
} else {
/// Expands all dimensions.
void expandAll() {
if (_model != null) {
for (var value in _model.valuesForDimension(_dimensionColumnIndices[0])) {
_expandAllDimension = false;
} else {
_expandAllDimension = true;
void _expandAll(List<String> value) {
var entity = _model.facts(value);
for (AggregationItem childAggregation in entity.lowerAggregations()) {
/// Collapses all dimensions.
void collapseAll() {
_expandAllDimension = false;
/// Tests if specific dimension is expanded.
bool _isExpanded(List dimension) {
Function eq = const ListEquality().equals;
return _expandedSet.any((e) => eq(e, dimension));