blob: 13c248ad8c14160e28b9a68fe8a0aaafc85fe80d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.core.scales;
class LinearScale extends BaseLinearScale {
LinearScale._clone(LinearScale source) : super._clone(source);
Iterable<num> get ticks => _linearTickRange();
LinearScale clone() => new LinearScale._clone(this);
abstract class BaseLinearScale implements Scale<num, num> {
static const List<int> defaultDomain = const [0, 1];
static const List<int> defaultRange = const [0, 1];
bool _rounded = false;
Iterable<num> _domain;
Iterable<num> _range;
int _ticksCount = 5;
int _forcedTicksCount = -1;
bool _clamp = false;
bool _nice = false;
num Function(num) _invert;
num Function(num) _scale;
: _domain = defaultDomain,
_range = defaultRange;
BaseLinearScale._clone(BaseLinearScale source)
: _domain = new List<num>.from(source._domain),
_range = new List<num>.from(source._range),
_ticksCount = source._ticksCount,
_clamp = source._clamp,
_nice = source._nice,
_rounded = source._rounded {
void _reset({bool nice: false}) {
if (nice) {
_domain = ScaleUtils.nice(
_domain, ScaleUtils.niceStep(_linearTickRange().step));
} else {
if (_forcedTicksCount > 0) {
var tickRange = _linearTickRange();
_domain = [tickRange.first, tickRange.last];
num Function(num) Function(List<num>, List<num>,
InterpolatorGenerator<num, num>, InterpolatorGenerator<num, num>)
linear = math.min(_domain.length, _range.length) > 2
? ScaleUtils.polylinearScale
: ScaleUtils.bilinearScale;
InterpolatorGenerator<num, num> uninterpolator =
clamp ? uninterpolateClamp : uninterpolateNumber;
InterpolatorGenerator<num, num> interpolator =
rounded ? createRoundedNumberInterpolator : createNumberInterpolator;
_invert = linear(_range, _domain, uninterpolator, createNumberInterpolator);
_scale = linear(_domain, _range, uninterpolator, interpolator);
set range(Iterable<num> value) {
assert(value != null);
_range = value;
Iterable<num> get range => _range;
set domain(Iterable<num> value) {
_domain = value;
_reset(nice: _nice);
Iterable<num> get domain => _domain;
set rounded(bool value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != null && _rounded != value) {
_rounded = value;
bool get rounded => _rounded;
set ticksCount(int value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != null && _ticksCount != value) {
_ticksCount = value;
int get ticksCount => _ticksCount;
set forcedTicksCount(int value) {
_forcedTicksCount = value;
_reset(nice: false);
int get forcedTicksCount => _forcedTicksCount;
set clamp(bool value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != null && _clamp != value) {
_clamp = value;
bool get clamp => _clamp;
set nice(bool value) {
assert(value != null);
if (value != null && _nice != value) {
_nice = value;
_reset(nice: _nice);
bool get nice => _nice;
Extent<num> get rangeExtent => ScaleUtils.extent(_range);
num scale(num value) => _scale(value);
num invert(num value) => _invert(value);
Range _linearTickRange([Extent<num> extent]) {
extent ??= ScaleUtils.extent(_domain);
num span = extent.max - extent.min;
if (span == 0) {
span = 1.0; // [span / _ticksCount] should never be equal zero.
num step;
if (_forcedTicksCount > 0) {
// Find the factor (in power of 10) for the max and min of the extent and
// round the max up and min down to make sure the domain of the scale is
// of nicely rounded number and it contains the original domain. This way
// when forcing the ticks count at least the two ends of the scale would
// look nice and has a high chance of having the intermediate tick values
// to be nice.
var maxFactor = extent.max == 0
? 1
: math.pow(
(math.log(extent.max.abs() / forcedTicksCount) / math.ln10)
num max = (extent.max / maxFactor).ceil() * maxFactor;
num minFactor = extent.min == 0
? 1
: math.pow(
(math.log(extent.min.abs() / forcedTicksCount) / math.ln10)
num min = (extent.min / minFactor).floor() * minFactor;
step = (max - min) / forcedTicksCount;
return new Range(min, max + step * 0.5, step);
} else {
step = math.pow(10, (math.log(span / _ticksCount) / math.ln10).floor());
var err = _ticksCount / span * step;
// Filter ticks to get closer to the desired count.
if (err <= .15) {
step *= 10;
} else if (err <= .35) {
step *= 5;
} else if (err <= .75) {
step *= 2;
return new Range((extent.min / step).ceil() * step,
(extent.max / step).floor() * step + step * 0.5, step);
FormatFunction createTickFormatter([String formatStr]) {
if (formatStr == null) {
int precision(num value) {
return -(math.log(value) / math.ln10 + .01).floor();
Range tickRange = _linearTickRange();
formatStr = ".${precision(tickRange.step)}f";
return Scale.numberFormatter.format(formatStr);