blob: af2f540ab95fd5bfcb12a5775213a9069ab90a60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
library charted.test.selection;
import 'dart:html' show document, Element;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:charted/selection/selection.dart';
part 'selection_scope_test.dart';
selectionTests() {
testSelections() {
String markup = '<div class="charted-scope-root">'
'<div class="charted-scope-inner">'
'<div class="charted-scope-leaf"></div>'
'<div class="charted-scope-leaf"></div>'
Element root;
SelectionScope scope;
Selection empty, single, multiple;
setup() {
root = new Element.html(markup);
scope = new SelectionScope.selector('.charted-scope-root');
empty = scope.selectAll('.node');
single ='.charted-scope-inner');
multiple = scope.selectAll('.charted-scope-leaf');
teardown() {
test('toCallback() creates a callback to return the given value', () {
num value = 100;
SelectionCallback<num> cb = toCallback(value);
expect(cb(null, null, null), equals(value));
test('toValueAccessor() creates an accessor to return the given value', () {
num value = 100;
SelectionValueAccessor<num> cb = toValueAccessor(value);
expect(cb(null, null), equals(value));
group('Selection created from scope', () {
test('has isEmpty=true when the selection is empty', () {
expect(empty.isEmpty, equals(true));
expect(single.isEmpty, equals(false));
expect(multiple.isEmpty, equals(false));
test('has length set to number of non-null elements', () {
expect(empty.length, equals(0));
expect(single.length, equals(1));
expect(multiple.length, equals(2));
test('has first=null when there selection is empty', () {
expect(empty.first, equals(null));
test('has first set to first non-null element in selection', () {
expect(single.first.className, equals('charted-scope-inner'));
expect(multiple.first.className, equals('charted-scope-leaf'));
test('has exactly one group', () {
expect(empty.groups.length, equals(1));
expect(single.groups.length, equals(1));
expect(multiple.groups.length, equals(1));
group('Selection created from another selection', () {
Selection selection1, selection2, selection3;
setUp(() {
selection1 = empty.selectAll('.child-nodes');
selection2 = single.selectAll('.child-nodes');
selection3 = multiple.selectAll('.child-nodes');
test('has length set to number of non-null elements', () {
expect(selection1.length, equals(0));
expect(selection2.length, equals(0));
expect(selection3.length, equals(0));
test('has first=null when there selection is empty', () {
expect(selection1.first, equals(null));
expect(selection2.first, equals(null));
expect(selection3.first, equals(null));
test('has same number of groups as number of non-null elements '
'in source selection', () {
expect(selection1.groups.length, equals(empty.length));
expect(selection2.groups.length, equals(single.length));
expect(selection3.groups.length, equals(multiple.length));
group('Selection', () {
test('attr sets attribute to the specified value on selected', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['height'], isNull);
multiple.attr('height', '10');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['height'], equals('10'));
test('attrWithCallBack sets attribute to the specified value '
'on selected elements with callback', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['height'], isNull);
multiple.attrWithCallback('height', (d, i, e) => '${i * 10}');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['height'], equals('${i * 10}'));
test('classed sets class to the specified value on selected', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf new-class'));
multiple.classed('new-class', false);
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf'));
test('classedWithCallBack sets class to the specified value '
'on selected elements with callback', () {
multiple.classedWithCallback('new-class', (d, i, e) => i % 2 > 0);
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
if (i % 2 > 0) {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf new-class'));
} else {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf'));
multiple.classedWithCallback('new-class', (d, i, e) => i % 2 == 0);
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf new-class'));
} else {
expect(e.attributes['class'], equals('charted-scope-leaf'));
test('style sets CSS style to specified value on selected', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['style'], isNull);
});'height', '10px');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['style'], equals('height: 10px;'));
test('attrWithCallBack sets CSS style to the specified value '
'on selected elements with callback', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['style'], isNull);
multiple.styleWithCallback('height', (d, i, e) => '${i * 10}px');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['style'], equals('height: ${i * 10}px;'));
test('text sets text to specified value on selected', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.text, '');
multiple.text('some text');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.text, equals('some text'));
test('textWithCallBack sets text to the specified value '
'on selected elements with callback', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.text, '');
multiple.textWithCallback((d, i, e) => 'text-${i}');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.text, equals('text-${i}'));
test('html sets inner html to specified value on selected', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.innerHtml, '');
multiple.text('some html');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.innerHtml, equals('some html'));
test('htmlWithCallBack sets inner html to the specified value '
'on selected elements with callback', () {
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.innerHtml, '');
multiple.htmlWithCallback((d, i, e) => 'html-${i}');
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.innerHtml, equals('html-${i}'));
test('append appends new child elements to selection', () {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended').length, equals(0));
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended').length, equals(multiple.length));
equals(multiple.length * 2));
test('appendWithCallback appends new child elements '
'to selection with callback', () {
for (var i = 0; i < multiple.length; i++) {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended-${i}').length, equals(0));
multiple.appendWithCallback((d, i, e) {
Element newItem = new Element.tag('div')
..className = 'appended-${i}';
return newItem;
for (var i = 0; i < multiple.length; i++) {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended-${i}').length, equals(1));
test('insert inserts new child elements to selection', () {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended').length, equals(0));
multiple.insert('div', before: '.appended')..classed('appended');
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended').length, equals(multiple.length));
multiple.insert('div', before: '.appended')..classed('appended');
equals(multiple.length * 2));
test('insertWithCallback inserts new child elements '
'to selection with callback', () {
for (var i = 0; i < multiple.length; i++) {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended-${i}').length, equals(0));
multiple.insertWithCallback((d, i, e) {
Element newItem = new Element.tag('div')
..className = 'appended-${i}';
return newItem;
}, beforeFn: (d, i, e) => multiple.selectAll('.appended-${i}').first);
for (var i = 0; i < multiple.length; i++) {
expect(multiple.selectAll('.appended-${i}').length, equals(1));
test('remove removes selected elements', () {
Selection remove = scope.selectAll('.charted-scope-leaf');
expect(remove.length, equals(2));
remove = scope.selectAll('.charted-scope-leaf');
expect(remove.length, equals(0));
test('each visits each selected element in order', () {
multiple.attrWithCallback('height', (d, i, e) => i * 10);
int count = 0;
multiple.each((d, i, e) {
expect(e.attributes['height'], equals('${i * 10}'));
expect(count, equals(multiple.length));
test('data binds data to selected elements', () {
List dataList = [1, 2];;
multiple.each((d, i, e) => expect(d, dataList[i]));
test('dataWithCallback binds data to elements with callback', () {
List dataList = [1, 2];
multiple.dataWithCallback((d, i, e) => dataList);
multiple.each((d, i, e) => expect(d, dataList[i]));