blob: a73ace379fe698eb91d9e78f86696e3eab8a61d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
/// Displays either one or two dimension axes and zero or more measure axis.
/// The number of measure axes displayed is zero in charts like bubble chart
/// which contain two dimension axes.
class DefaultCartesianAreaImpl implements CartesianArea {
/// Default identifiers used by the measure axes
static const MEASURE_AXIS_IDS = const <String>['_default'];
/// Orientations used by measure axes. First, when "x" axis is the primary
/// and the only dimension. Second, when "y" axis is the primary and the only
/// dimension.
static const MEASURE_AXIS_ORIENTATIONS = const [
/// Orientations used by the dimension axes. First, when "x" is the
/// primary dimension and the last one for cases where "y" axis is primary
/// dimension.
static const DIMENSION_AXIS_ORIENTATIONS = const [
/// Mapping of measure axis Id to it's axis.
final _measureAxes = new LinkedHashMap<String, DefaultChartAxisImpl>();
/// Mapping of dimension column index to it's axis.
final _dimensionAxes = new LinkedHashMap<int, DefaultChartAxisImpl>();
/// Disposer for all change stream subscriptions related to data.
final _dataEventsDisposer = new SubscriptionsDisposer();
/// Disposer for all change stream subscriptions related to config.
final _configEventsDisposer = new SubscriptionsDisposer();
final Element host;
final bool useTwoDimensionAxes;
final bool useRowColoring;
/// Indicates whether any renderers need bands on primary dimension
final List<int> dimensionsUsingBands = [];
final ChartState state;
_ChartAreaLayout layout = new _ChartAreaLayout();
Selection upperBehaviorPane;
Selection lowerBehaviorPane;
bool isReady = false;
ChartTheme theme;
ChartData _data;
ChartConfig _config;
bool _autoUpdate = false;
SelectionScope _scope;
Selection _svg;
Selection visualization;
Iterable<ChartSeries> _series;
bool _pendingLegendUpdate = false;
bool _pendingAxisConfigUpdate = false;
List<ChartBehavior> _behaviors = [];
Map<ChartSeries, _ChartSeriesInfo> _seriesInfoCache = {};
StreamController<ChartEvent> _valueMouseOverController;
StreamController<ChartEvent> _valueMouseOutController;
StreamController<ChartEvent> _valueMouseClickController;
StreamController<ChartArea> _chartAxesUpdatedController;
ChartData data,
ChartConfig config,
bool autoUpdate,
: _autoUpdate = autoUpdate {
assert(host != null);
assert(isNotInline(host)); = data;
this.config = config;
theme = new QuantumChartTheme();
Transition.defaultEasingType = theme.transitionEasingType;
Transition.defaultEasingMode = theme.transitionEasingMode;
Transition.defaultDurationMilliseconds =
void dispose() {
if (_valueMouseOverController != null) {
_valueMouseOverController = null;
if (_valueMouseOutController != null) {
_valueMouseOutController = null;
if (_valueMouseClickController != null) {
_valueMouseClickController = null;
if (_chartAxesUpdatedController != null) {
_chartAxesUpdatedController = null;
if (_behaviors.isNotEmpty) {
_behaviors.forEach((behavior) => behavior.dispose());
static bool isNotInline(Element e) =>
e != null && e.getComputedStyle().display != 'inline';
/// Set new data for this chart. If [value] is [Observable], subscribes to
/// changes and updates the chart when data changes.
set data(ChartData value) {
_data = value;
_pendingLegendUpdate = true;
if (autoUpdate && _data != null && _data is Observable) {
_dataEventsDisposer.add((_data as Observable).changes.listen((_) {
_pendingLegendUpdate = true;
ChartData get data => _data;
/// Set new config for this chart. If [value] is [Observable], subscribes to
/// changes and updates the chart when series or dimensions change.
set config(ChartConfig value) {
_config = value;
_pendingLegendUpdate = true;
_pendingAxisConfigUpdate = true;
if (_config != null && _config is Observable) {
_configEventsDisposer.add((_config as Observable).changes.listen((_) {
_pendingAxisConfigUpdate = true;
_pendingLegendUpdate = true;
ChartConfig get config => _config;
set autoUpdate(bool value) {
if (_autoUpdate != value) {
_autoUpdate = value; = _data;
this.config = _config;
bool get autoUpdate => _autoUpdate;
/// Gets measure axis from cache - creates a new instance of _ChartAxis
/// if one was not already created for the given [axisId].
DefaultChartAxisImpl _getMeasureAxis(String axisId) {
_measureAxes.putIfAbsent(axisId, () {
var axisConf = config.getMeasureAxis(axisId),
axis = axisConf != null
? new DefaultChartAxisImpl.withAxisConfig(this, axisConf)
: new DefaultChartAxisImpl(this);
return axis;
return _measureAxes[axisId];
/// Gets a dimension axis from cache - creates a new instance of _ChartAxis
/// if one was not already created for the given dimension [column].
DefaultChartAxisImpl _getDimensionAxis(int column) {
_dimensionAxes.putIfAbsent(column, () {
var axisConf = config.getDimensionAxis(column);
var axis = axisConf != null
? new DefaultChartAxisImpl.withAxisConfig(this, axisConf)
: new DefaultChartAxisImpl(this);
return axis;
return _dimensionAxes[column];
/// All columns rendered by a series must be of the same type.
bool _isSeriesValid(ChartSeries s) {
var first = data.columns.elementAt(s.measures.first).type;
return s.measures.every((i) =>
(i < data.columns.length) && data.columns.elementAt(i).type == first);
Iterable<Scale> get dimensionScales => column) => _getDimensionAxis(column).scale);
Iterable<Scale> measureScales(ChartSeries series) {
var axisIds = isNullOrEmpty(series.measureAxisIds)
: series.measureAxisIds;
return id) => _getMeasureAxis(id).scale);
/// Computes the size of chart and if changed from the previous time
/// size was computed, sets attributes on svg element
Rect _computeChartSize() {
int width = host.clientWidth, height = host.clientHeight;
if (config.minimumSize != null) {
width = max([width, config.minimumSize.width]).toInt();
height = max([height, config.minimumSize.height]).toInt();
AbsoluteRect padding = theme.padding;
num paddingLeft = config.isRTL ? padding.end : padding.start;
Rect current = new Rect(
width - (padding.start + padding.end),
height - ( + padding.bottom));
if (layout.chartArea == null || layout.chartArea != current) {
_svg.attr('width', width.toString());
_svg.attr('height', height.toString());
layout.chartArea = current;
var transform = 'translate(${paddingLeft},${})';
visualization.first.attributes['transform'] = transform;
lowerBehaviorPane.first.attributes['transform'] = transform;
upperBehaviorPane.first.attributes['transform'] = transform;
return layout.chartArea;
draw({bool preRender: false, Future schedulePostRender}) {
assert(data != null && config != null);
assert(config.series != null && config.series.isNotEmpty);
// One time initialization.
// Each [ChartArea] has it's own [SelectionScope]
if (_scope == null) {
_scope = new SelectionScope.element(host);
_svg = _scope.append('svg:svg')..classed('chart-canvas');
if (!isNullOrEmpty(theme.filters)) {
var element = _svg.first,
defs = Namespace.createChildElement('defs', element)
..append(new SvgElement.svg(theme.filters,
treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer()));
lowerBehaviorPane = _svg.append('g')..classed('lower-render-pane');
visualization = _svg.append('g')..classed('chart-render-pane');
upperBehaviorPane = _svg.append('g')..classed('upper-render-pane');
if (_behaviors.isNotEmpty) {
.forEach((b) => b.init(this, upperBehaviorPane, lowerBehaviorPane));
// Compute chart sizes and filter out unsupported series
var series = config.series
.where((s) => _isSeriesValid(s) && s.renderer.prepare(this, s)),
selection = visualization
.data(series, (x) => x.hashCode),
axesDomainCompleter = new Completer();
// Wait till the axes are rendered before rendering series.
// In an SVG, z-index is based on the order of nodes in the DOM.
axesDomainCompleter.future.then((_) {
String transform =
selection.each((_s, _, Element group) {
ChartSeries s = _s;
_ChartSeriesInfo info = _seriesInfoCache[s];
if (info == null) {
info = _seriesInfoCache[s] = new _ChartSeriesInfo(this, s);
group.attributes['transform'] = transform;
(s.renderer as CartesianRenderer)
?.draw(group, schedulePostRender: schedulePostRender);
// A series that was rendered earlier isn't there anymore, remove it
..each((_s, _, __) {
ChartSeries s = _s;
var info = _seriesInfoCache.remove(s);
// Notify on the stream that the chart has been updated.
isReady = true;
// Save the list of valid series and initialize axes.
_series = series;
_initAxes(preRender: preRender);
// Render the chart, now that the axes layer is already in DOM.
// Updates the legend if required.
String _orientRTL(String orientation) => orientation;
/// Initialize the axes - required even if the axes are not being displayed.
_initAxes({bool preRender: false}) {
var measureAxisUsers = <String, List<ChartSeries>>{};
var keysToRemove = _measureAxes.keys.toList();
// Create necessary measures axes.
// If measure axes were not configured on the series, default is used.
_series.forEach((ChartSeries s) {
var measureAxisIds =
isNullOrEmpty(s.measureAxisIds) ? MEASURE_AXIS_IDS : s.measureAxisIds;
measureAxisIds.forEach((axisId) {
if (keysToRemove.contains(axisId)) {
_getMeasureAxis(axisId); // Creates axis if required
var users = measureAxisUsers[axisId];
if (users == null) {
measureAxisUsers[axisId] = [s];
} else {
for (var key in keysToRemove) {
// Now that we know a list of series using each measure axis, configure
// the input domain of each axis.
measureAxisUsers.forEach((String id, List<ChartSeries> listOfSeries) {
var sampleCol = listOfSeries.first.measures.first,
sampleColSpec = data.columns.elementAt(sampleCol),
axis = _getMeasureAxis(id);
List<num> domain;
if (sampleColSpec.useOrdinalScale) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Ordinal measure axes are not currently supported.');
} else {
// Extent is available because [ChartRenderer.prepare] was already
// called (when checking for valid series in [draw].
var extents = listOfSeries
.map((s) => (s.renderer as CartesianRenderer).extent)
var lowest = min( => e.min as num));
var highest = max( => e.max as num));
// Use default domain if lowest and highest are the same, right now
// lowest is always 0 unless it is less than 0 - change to lowest when
// we make use of it.
domain = highest == lowest
? (highest == 0
? [0, 1]
: (highest < 0 ? [highest, 0] : [0, highest]))
: (lowest <= 0 ? [lowest, highest] : [0, highest]);
axis.initAxisDomain(sampleCol, false, domain);
// Configure dimension axes.
int dimensionAxesCount = useTwoDimensionAxes ? 2 : 1;
config.dimensions.take(dimensionAxesCount).forEach((int column) {
var axis = _getDimensionAxis(column);
var sampleColumnSpec = data.columns.elementAt(column);
Iterable values = data.rows
.map((row) => row.elementAt(column));
if (sampleColumnSpec.useOrdinalScale) {
List<String> domain = => v.toString()).toList();
axis.initAxisDomain(column, true, domain);
} else {
var extent = new Extent.items(values.cast<num>());
List<num> domain = [extent.min, extent.max];
axis.initAxisDomain(column, true, domain);
// See if any dimensions need "band" on the axis.
List<bool> usingBands = [false, false];
_series.forEach((ChartSeries s) =>
(s.renderer as CartesianRenderer).dimensionsUsingBand.forEach((x) {
if (x <= 1 && !(usingBands[x])) {
usingBands[x] = true;
// List of measure and dimension axes that are displayed
assert(isNullOrEmpty(config.displayedMeasureAxes) ||
config.displayedMeasureAxes.length < 2);
var measureAxesCount = dimensionAxesCount == 1 ? 2 : 0;
var displayedMeasureAxes = (isNullOrEmpty(config.displayedMeasureAxes)
? _measureAxes.keys.take(measureAxesCount)
: config.displayedMeasureAxes.take(measureAxesCount))
.toList(growable: false);
var displayedDimensionAxes =
config.dimensions.take(dimensionAxesCount).toList(growable: false);
// Compute size of the dimension axes
if (config.renderDimensionAxes != false) {
var dimensionAxisOrientations = config.isLeftAxisPrimary
for (int i = 0, len = displayedDimensionAxes.length; i < len; ++i) {
var axis = _dimensionAxes[displayedDimensionAxes[i]],
orientation = _orientRTL(dimensionAxisOrientations[i]);
layout._axes[orientation] = axis.size;
// Compute size of the measure axes
if (displayedMeasureAxes.isNotEmpty) {
var measureAxisOrientations = config.isLeftAxisPrimary
displayedMeasureAxes.asMap().forEach((int index, String key) {
var axis = _measureAxes[key];
var orientation = _orientRTL(measureAxisOrientations[index]);
layout._axes[orientation] = axis.size;
// Consolidate all the information that we collected into final layout
displayedMeasureAxes.isEmpty && config.renderDimensionAxes == false);
// Domains for all axes have been taken care of and _ChartAxis ensures
// that the scale is initialized on visible axes. Initialize the scale on
// all invisible measure scales.
if (_measureAxes.length != displayedMeasureAxes.length) {
_measureAxes.keys.forEach((String axisId) {
if (displayedMeasureAxes.contains(axisId)) return;
_getMeasureAxis(axisId).initAxisScale([layout.renderArea.height, 0]);
// Draw the visible measure axes, if any.
if (displayedMeasureAxes.isNotEmpty) {
var axisGroups = visualization
// Update measure axis (add/remove/update)
axisGroups.each((_axisId, index, group) {
String axisId = _axisId;
_getMeasureAxis(axisId).draw(group, _scope, preRender: preRender);
group.attributes['class'] = 'measure-axis-group measure-${index}';
// Draw the dimension axes, unless asked not to.
if (config.renderDimensionAxes != false) {
var dimAxisGroups = visualization
// Update dimension axes (add/remove/update)
dimAxisGroups.each((_column, index, group) {
int column = _column;
_getDimensionAxis(column).draw(group, _scope, preRender: preRender);
group.attributes['class'] = 'dimension-axis-group dim-${index}';
} else {
// Initialize scale on invisible axis
var dimensionAxisOrientations = config.isLeftAxisPrimary
for (int i = 0; i < dimensionAxesCount; ++i) {
var column = config.dimensions.elementAt(i),
axis = _dimensionAxes[column],
orientation = dimensionAxisOrientations[i];
axis.initAxisScale(orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT
? [layout.renderArea.height, 0]
: [0, layout.renderArea.width]);
// Compute chart render area size and positions of all elements
_computeLayout(bool notRenderingAxes) {
if (notRenderingAxes) {
layout.renderArea =
new Rect(0, 0, layout.chartArea.height, layout.chartArea.width);
var top = layout.axes[ORIENTATION_TOP],
left = layout.axes[ORIENTATION_LEFT],
bottom = layout.axes[ORIENTATION_BOTTOM],
right = layout.axes[ORIENTATION_RIGHT];
var renderAreaHeight = layout.chartArea.height -
(top.height + layout.axes[ORIENTATION_BOTTOM].height),
renderAreaWidth = layout.chartArea.width -
(left.width + layout.axes[ORIENTATION_RIGHT].width);
layout.renderArea =
new Rect(left.width, top.height, renderAreaWidth, renderAreaHeight);
..[ORIENTATION_TOP] = new Rect(left.width, 0, renderAreaWidth, top.height)
left.width + renderAreaWidth, top.y, right.width, renderAreaHeight)
..[ORIENTATION_BOTTOM] = new Rect(left.width,
top.height + renderAreaHeight, renderAreaWidth, bottom.height)
new Rect(left.width, top.height, left.width, renderAreaHeight);
// Updates the legend, if configuration changed since the last
// time the legend was updated.
_updateLegend() {
if (!_pendingLegendUpdate) return;
if (_config == null || _config.legend == null || _series.isEmpty) return;
var legend = <ChartLegendItem>[];
List<List<ChartSeries>> seriesByColumn =
new List<List<ChartSeries>>.generate(
data.columns.length, (_) => <ChartSeries>[]);
_series.forEach((s) => s.measures.forEach((m) => seriesByColumn[m].add(s)));
seriesByColumn.asMap().forEach((int i, List<ChartSeries> s) {
if (s.length == 0) return;
legend.add(new ChartLegendItem(
index: i,
label: data.columns.elementAt(i).label,
series: s,
color: theme.getColorForKey(i)));
_config.legend.update(legend, this);
_pendingLegendUpdate = false;
// Updates the AxisConfig, if configuration chagned since the last time the
// AxisConfig was updated.
void _updateAxisConfig() {
if (!_pendingAxisConfigUpdate) return;
_series.forEach((ChartSeries s) {
var measureAxisIds =
isNullOrEmpty(s.measureAxisIds) ? MEASURE_AXIS_IDS : s.measureAxisIds;
measureAxisIds.forEach((axisId) {
var axis = _getMeasureAxis(axisId); // Creates axis if required
axis.config = config.getMeasureAxis(axisId);
int dimensionAxesCount = useTwoDimensionAxes ? 2 : 1;
config.dimensions.take(dimensionAxesCount).forEach((int column) {
var axis = _getDimensionAxis(column);
axis.config = config.getDimensionAxis(column);
_pendingAxisConfigUpdate = false;
Stream<ChartEvent> get onMouseUp => e) => new DefaultChartEventImpl(e, this));
Stream<ChartEvent> get onMouseDown => host.onMouseDown
.map((MouseEvent e) => new DefaultChartEventImpl(e, this));
Stream<ChartEvent> get onMouseOver => host.onMouseOver
.map((MouseEvent e) => new DefaultChartEventImpl(e, this));
Stream<ChartEvent> get onMouseOut => e) => new DefaultChartEventImpl(e, this));
Stream<ChartEvent> get onMouseMove => host.onMouseMove
.map((MouseEvent e) => new DefaultChartEventImpl(e, this));
Stream<ChartEvent> get onValueClick {
if (_valueMouseClickController == null) {
_valueMouseClickController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
Stream<ChartEvent> get onValueMouseOver {
if (_valueMouseOverController == null) {
_valueMouseOverController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
Stream<ChartEvent> get onValueMouseOut {
if (_valueMouseOutController == null) {
_valueMouseOutController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
Stream<ChartArea> get onChartAxesUpdated {
if (_chartAxesUpdatedController == null) {
_chartAxesUpdatedController = new StreamController.broadcast(sync: true);
void addChartBehavior(ChartBehavior behavior) {
if (behavior == null || _behaviors.contains(behavior)) return;
if (upperBehaviorPane != null && lowerBehaviorPane != null) {
behavior.init(this, upperBehaviorPane, lowerBehaviorPane);
void removeChartBehavior(ChartBehavior behavior) {
if (behavior == null || !_behaviors.contains(behavior)) return;
if (upperBehaviorPane != null && lowerBehaviorPane != null) {
class _ChartAreaLayout implements ChartAreaLayout {
final _axes = <String, Rect>{
ORIENTATION_TOP: const Rect(),
UnmodifiableMapView<String, Rect> _axesView;
get axes => _axesView;
Rect renderArea = const Rect();
Rect chartArea = const Rect();
_ChartAreaLayout() {
_axesView = new UnmodifiableMapView(_axes);
class _ChartSeriesInfo {
CartesianRenderer _renderer;
SubscriptionsDisposer _disposer = new SubscriptionsDisposer();
ChartSeries _series;
DefaultCartesianAreaImpl _area;
_ChartSeriesInfo(this._area, this._series);
_click(ChartEvent e) {
var state = _area.state;
if (state != null) {
if (state.isHighlighted(e.column, e.row)) {
state.unhighlight(e.column, e.row);
} else {
state.highlight(e.column, e.row);
if (_area._valueMouseClickController != null) {
_mouseOver(ChartEvent e) {
var state = _area.state;
if (state != null) {
state.hovered = new Pair(e.column, e.row);
if (_area._valueMouseOverController != null) {
_mouseOut(ChartEvent e) {
var state = _area.state;
if (state != null) {
var current = state.hovered;
if (current != null &&
current.first == e.column &&
current.last == e.row) {
state.hovered = null;
if (_area._valueMouseOutController != null) {
check() {
if (_renderer != _series.renderer) {
if (_series.renderer is ChartRendererBehaviorSource) {
_renderer = _series.renderer as CartesianRenderer;
dispose() {