blob: c1716bfa4e57ed9360d088a8589bd4bf9b17e3f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
library charted.demo.treemap;
import 'dart:html';
import '../../lib/layout/layout.dart';
import '../../lib/selection/selection.dart';
import '../../lib/charts/charts.dart';
import 'dart:math';
main() {
// Label, parent column, value
var rows = [
['aaa', 3, 25], // p = ddd
['bbb', 2, 10], // p = ccc, leaf
['ccc', -1, 145], // root
['ddd', 2, 125], // p = ccc
['eee', 3, 30], // p = ddd
['fff', 4, 10], // p = eee, leaf
['ggg', 3, 30], // p = ddd, leaf
['hhh', 2, 10], // p = ccc, leaf
['iii', 3, 20], // p = ddd, leaf
['jjj', 3, 13], // p = ddd, leaf
['kkk', 3, 7], // p = ddd, leaf
['lll', 4, 15], // p = eee, leaf
['mmm', 4, 5], // p = eee, leaf
['nnn', 0, 13], // p = aaa, leaf
['ooo', 0, 12], // p = aaa, leaf
var width = 400,
height = 300;
var theme = new QuantumChartTheme();
var host = querySelector('.demos-container');
var scope = new SelectionScope.element(host);
var root = scope.selectElements([host]);
void _createTreeMap(String host, int mode) {
var tree = new TreeMapLayout();
tree.mode = mode;
tree.size = [width, height];
List<TreeMapNode> nodes = tree.layout(rows, 1, 0, 2);
var treemap =;
var div = treemap.append('div')'position', 'relative')'width', '${width}px')'height', '${height}px');
var node = div.selectAll(".node").data(nodes);
..styleWithCallback('left', (d, i, e) => '${d.x}px')
..styleWithCallback('top', (d, i, e) => '${d.y}px')
..styleWithCallback('width', (d, i, e) =>
'${max(0, (d.dx as int) - 1)}px')
..styleWithCallback('height', (d, i, e) =>
'${max(0, (d.dy as int) - 1)}px')
..styleWithCallback('background', (TreeMapNode d, i, e) =>
d.children.isNotEmpty ?
theme.getColorForKey(d.label, ChartTheme.STATE_NORMAL) : null)
..textWithCallback((TreeMapNode d, i, e) => d.children.isNotEmpty ?
null : d.label)
_createTreeMap('.squarify', TreeMapLayout.TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SQUARIFY);
_createTreeMap('.slice', TreeMapLayout.TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SLICE);
_createTreeMap('.dice', TreeMapLayout.TREEMAP_LAYOUT_DICE);
_createTreeMap('.slicedice', TreeMapLayout.TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SLICE_DICE);