blob: 14de177ffde54393d2bfbf7f7b732685563b7752 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.selection;
* Implementation of [Selection].
* Selections cannot be created directly - they are only created using
* the select or selectAll methods on [SelectionScope] and [Selection].
class _SelectionImpl implements Selection {
Iterable<SelectionGroup> groups;
SelectionScope scope;
* Creates a new selection.
* When [source] is not specified, the new selection would have exactly
* one group with [SelectionScope.root] as it's parent. Otherwise, one group
* per for each non-null element is created with element as it's parent.
* When [selector] is specified, each group contains all elements matching
* [selector] and under the group's parent element. Otherwise, [fn] is
* called once per group with parent element's "data", "index" and the
* "element" itself passed as parameters. [fn] must return an iterable of
* elements to be used in each group.
{String selector,
SelectionCallback<Iterable<Element>> fn,
SelectionScope this.scope,
Selection source}) {
assert(selector != null || fn != null);
assert(source != null || scope != null);
if (selector != null) {
fn = (d, i, c) => c == null
? scope.root.querySelectorAll(selector)
: c.querySelectorAll(selector);
var tmpGroups = new List<SelectionGroup>();
if (source != null) {
scope = source.scope;
for (int gi = 0; gi < source.groups.length; ++gi) {
final g = source.groups.elementAt(gi);
for (int ei = 0; ei < g.elements.length; ++ei) {
final e = g.elements.elementAt(ei);
if (e != null) {
new _SelectionGroupImpl(fn(scope.datum(e), gi, e), parent: e));
} else {
.add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(fn(null, 0, null), parent: scope.root));
groups = tmpGroups;
* Same as [all] but only uses the first element matching [selector] when
* [selector] is specified. Otherwise, call [fn] which must return the
* element to be selected.
{String selector,
SelectionCallback<Element> fn,
SelectionScope this.scope,
Selection source}) {
assert(selector != null || fn != null);
assert(source != null || scope != null);
if (selector != null) {
fn = (d, i, c) => c == null
? scope.root.querySelector(selector)
: c.querySelector(selector);
if (source != null) {
scope = source.scope;
groups = new List<SelectionGroup>.generate(source.groups.length, (gi) {
SelectionGroup g = source.groups.elementAt(gi);
return new _SelectionGroupImpl(
new List.generate(g.elements.length, (ei) {
var e = g.elements.elementAt(ei);
if (e != null) {
var datum = scope.datum(e);
var enterElement = fn(datum, ei, e);
if (datum != null) {
scope.associate(enterElement, datum);
return enterElement;
} else {
return null;
parent: g.parent);
} else {
groups = new List<SelectionGroup>.generate(
(_) => new _SelectionGroupImpl(
new List.generate(1, (_) => fn(null, 0, null), growable: false)),
growable: false);
/** Creates a selection using the pre-computed list of [SelectionGroup] */
Iterable<SelectionGroup> this.groups, SelectionScope this.scope);
* Creates a selection using the list of elements. All elements will
* be part of the same group, with [SelectionScope.root] as the group's parent
_SelectionImpl.elements(Iterable elements, SelectionScope this.scope) {
groups = new List<SelectionGroup>()..add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(elements));
* Utility to evaluate value of parameters (uses value when given
* or invokes a callback to get the value) and calls [action] for
* each non-null element in this selection
void _do(SelectionCallback f, Function action) {
each((d, i, e) => action(e, f == null ? null : f(scope.datum(e), i, e)));
/** Calls a function on each non-null element in the selection */
void each(SelectionCallback fn) {
if (fn == null) return;
for (int gi = 0, gLen = groups.length; gi < gLen; ++gi) {
final g = groups.elementAt(gi);
for (int ei = 0, eLen = g.elements.length; ei < eLen; ++ei) {
final e = g.elements.elementAt(ei);
if (e != null) fn(scope.datum(e), ei, e);
void on(String type, [SelectionCallback listener, bool capture]) {
Function getEventHandler(i, e) => (Event event) {
var previous = scope.event;
scope.event = event;
try {
listener(scope.datum(e), i, e);
} finally {
scope.event = previous;
if (!type.startsWith('.')) {
if (listener != null) {
// Add a listener to each element.
each((d, i, Element e) {
var handlers = scope._listeners[e];
if (handlers == null) scope._listeners[e] = handlers = {};
handlers[type] = new Pair(getEventHandler(i, e), capture);
e.addEventListener(type, handlers[type].first, capture);
} else {
// Remove the listener from each element.
each((d, i, Element e) {
var handlers = scope._listeners[e];
if (handlers != null && handlers[type] != null) {
type, handlers[type].first, handlers[type].last);
} else {
// Remove all listeners on the event type (ignoring the namespace)
each((d, i, Element e) {
var handlers = scope._listeners[e], t = type.substring(1);
handlers.forEach((String s, Pair<Function, bool> value) {
if (s.split('.')[0] == t) {
e.removeEventListener(s, value.first, value.last);
int get length {
int retval = 0;
each((d, i, e) => retval++);
return retval;
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
/** First non-null element in this selection */
Element get first {
for (int gi = 0; gi < groups.length; gi++) {
SelectionGroup g = groups.elementAt(gi);
for (int ei = 0; ei < g.elements.length; ei++) {
if (g.elements.elementAt(ei) != null) {
return g.elements.elementAt(ei);
return null;
void attr(String name, val) {
assert(name != null && name.isNotEmpty);
attrWithCallback(name, toCallback(val));
void attrWithCallback(String name, SelectionCallback fn) {
assert(fn != null);
(e, v) =>
v == null ? e.attributes.remove(name) : e.attributes[name] = "$v");
void classed(String name, [bool val = true]) {
assert(name != null && name.isNotEmpty);
classedWithCallback(name, toCallback(val));
void classedWithCallback(String name, SelectionCallback<bool> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
(e, v) => v == false ? e.classes.remove(name) : e.classes.add(name));
void style(String property, val, {String priority}) {
assert(property != null && property.isNotEmpty);
styleWithCallback(property, toCallback(val as String), priority: priority);
void styleWithCallback(String property, SelectionCallback<String> fn,
{String priority}) {
assert(fn != null);
(Element e, String v) => v == null || v.isEmpty
:, v, priority));
void text(String val) => textWithCallback(toCallback(val));
void textWithCallback(SelectionCallback<String> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
_do(fn, (e, v) => e.text = v == null ? '' : v);
void html(String val) => htmlWithCallback(toCallback(val));
void htmlWithCallback(SelectionCallback<String> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
_do(fn, (e, v) => e.innerHtml = v == null ? '' : v);
void remove() => _do(null, (e, _) => e.remove());
Selection select(String selector) {
assert(selector != null && selector.isNotEmpty);
return new _SelectionImpl.single(selector: selector, source: this);
Selection selectWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
return new _SelectionImpl.single(fn: fn, source: this);
Selection append(String tag) {
assert(tag != null && tag.isNotEmpty);
return appendWithCallback(
(d, ei, e) => Namespace.createChildElement(tag, e));
Selection appendWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
return new _SelectionImpl.single(fn: (datum, ei, e) {
Element child = fn(datum, ei, e);
return child == null ? null : e.append(child);
}, source: this);
Selection insert(String tag,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn}) {
assert(tag != null && tag.isNotEmpty);
return insertWithCallback(
(d, ei, e) => Namespace.createChildElement(tag, e),
before: before,
beforeFn: beforeFn);
Selection insertWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn}) {
assert(fn != null);
beforeFn =
before == null ? beforeFn : (d, ei, e) => e.querySelector(before);
return new _SelectionImpl.single(fn: (datum, ei, e) {
Element child = fn(datum, ei, e);
Element before = beforeFn(datum, ei, e);
return child == null ? null : e.insertBefore(child, before);
}, source: this);
Selection selectAll(String selector) {
assert(selector != null && selector.isNotEmpty);
return new _SelectionImpl.all(selector: selector, source: this);
Selection selectAllWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable<Element>> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
return new _SelectionImpl.all(fn: fn, source: this);
DataSelection data(Iterable vals, [SelectionKeyFunction keyFn]) {
assert(vals != null);
return dataWithCallback(toCallback(vals), keyFn);
DataSelection dataWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable> fn,
[SelectionKeyFunction keyFn]) {
assert(fn != null);
var enterGroups = [], updateGroups = [], exitGroups = [];
// Create a dummy node to be used with enter() selection.
Object dummy(val) {
var element = new Object();
scope.associate(element, val);
return element;
// Joins data to all elements in the group.
void join(SelectionGroup g, Iterable vals) {
final int valuesLength = vals.length;
final int elementsLength = g.elements.length;
// Nodes exiting, entering and updating in this group.
// We maintain the nodes at the same index as they currently
// are (for exiting) or where they should be (for entering and updating)
var update = new List(valuesLength),
enter = new List(valuesLength),
exit = new List(elementsLength);
// Use key function to determine DOMElement to data associations.
if (keyFn != null) {
var keysOnDOM = [], elementsByKey = {}, valuesByKey = {};
// Create a key to DOM element map.
// Used later to see if an element already exists for a key.
for (int ei = 0, len = elementsLength; ei < len; ++ei) {
final e = g.elements.elementAt(ei);
var keyValue = keyFn(scope.datum(e));
if (elementsByKey.containsKey(keyValue)) {
exit[ei] = e;
} else {
elementsByKey[keyValue] = e;
// Iterate through the values and find values that don't have
// corresponding elements in the DOM, collect the entering elements.
for (int vi = 0, len = valuesLength; vi < len; ++vi) {
final v = vals.elementAt(vi);
var keyValue = keyFn(v);
Element e = elementsByKey[keyValue];
if (e != null) {
update[vi] = e;
scope.associate(e, v);
} else if (!valuesByKey.containsKey(keyValue)) {
enter[vi] = dummy(v);
valuesByKey[keyValue] = v;
// Iterate through the previously saved keys to
// find a list of elements that don't have data anymore.
// We don't use elementsByKey.keys() because that does not
// guarantee the order of returned keys.
for (int i = 0, len = elementsLength; i < len; ++i) {
if (elementsByKey.containsKey(keysOnDOM[i])) {
exit[i] = g.elements.elementAt(i);
} else {
// When we don't have the key function, just use list index as the key
int updateElementsCount = math.min(elementsLength, valuesLength);
int i = 0;
// Collect a list of elements getting updated in this group
for (int len = updateElementsCount; i < len; ++i) {
var e = g.elements.elementAt(i);
if (e != null) {
scope.associate(e, vals.elementAt(i));
update[i] = e;
} else {
enter[i] = dummy(vals.elementAt(i));
// List of elements newly getting added
for (int len = valuesLength; i < len; ++i) {
enter[i] = dummy(vals.elementAt(i));
// List of elements exiting this group
for (int len = elementsLength; i < len; ++i) {
exit[i] = g.elements.elementAt(i);
// Create the element groups and set parents from the current group.
enterGroups.add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(enter, parent: g.parent));
updateGroups.add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(update, parent: g.parent));
exitGroups.add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(exit, parent: g.parent));
for (int gi = 0; gi < groups.length; ++gi) {
final g = groups.elementAt(gi);
join(g, fn(scope.datum(g.parent), gi, g.parent));
return new _DataSelectionImpl(updateGroups, enterGroups, exitGroups, scope);
void datum(Iterable vals) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
void datumWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable> fn) {
throw new UnimplementedError();
Transition transition() => new Transition(this);
/* Implementation of [DataSelection] */
class _DataSelectionImpl extends _SelectionImpl implements DataSelection {
EnterSelection enter;
ExitSelection exit;
_DataSelectionImpl(Iterable updated, Iterable entering, Iterable exiting,
SelectionScope scope)
: super.selectionGroups(updated, scope) {
enter = new _EnterSelectionImpl(entering, this);
exit = new _ExitSelectionImpl(exiting, this);
/* Implementation of [EnterSelection] */
class _EnterSelectionImpl implements EnterSelection {
final DataSelection update;
SelectionScope scope;
Iterable<SelectionGroup> groups;
_EnterSelectionImpl(Iterable this.groups, DataSelection this.update) {
scope = update.scope;
bool get isEmpty => false;
Selection insert(String tag,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn}) {
assert(tag != null && tag.isNotEmpty);
return insertWithCallback(
(d, ei, e) => Namespace.createChildElement(tag, e),
before: before,
beforeFn: beforeFn);
Selection insertWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn}) {
assert(fn != null);
return selectWithCallback((d, ei, e) {
Element child = fn(d, ei, e);
e.insertBefore(child, e.querySelector(before));
return child;
Selection append(String tag) {
assert(tag != null && tag.isNotEmpty);
return appendWithCallback(
(d, ei, e) => Namespace.createChildElement(tag, e));
Selection appendWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn) {
assert(fn != null);
return selectWithCallback((datum, ei, e) {
Element child = fn(datum, ei, e);
return child;
Selection select(String selector) {
assert(selector == null && selector.isNotEmpty);
return selectWithCallback((d, ei, e) => e.querySelector(selector));
Selection selectWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn) {
var subgroups = [];
for (int gi = 0, len = groups.length; gi < len; ++gi) {
final g = groups.elementAt(gi);
final u = update.groups.elementAt(gi);
final subgroup = [];
for (int ei = 0, eLen = g.elements.length; ei < eLen; ++ei) {
final e = g.elements.elementAt(ei);
if (e != null) {
var datum = scope.datum(e), selected = fn(datum, ei, g.parent);
scope.associate(selected, datum);
u.elements[ei] = selected;
} else {
subgroups.add(new _SelectionGroupImpl(subgroup, parent: g.parent));
return new _SelectionImpl.selectionGroups(subgroups, scope);
/* Implementation of [ExitSelection] */
class _ExitSelectionImpl extends _SelectionImpl implements ExitSelection {
final DataSelection update;
_ExitSelectionImpl(Iterable groups, DataSelection update)
: update = update,
super.selectionGroups(groups, update.scope);
class _SelectionGroupImpl implements SelectionGroup {
Iterable<Element> elements;
Element parent;
_SelectionGroupImpl(this.elements, {this.parent});