blob: c9036dcef2167364ddc7979cfb26faaffcf4643d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* TODO(prsd): Document library
library charted.selection;
import "dart:html" show Element, Event, document;
import "dart:math" as math;
import "package:charted/core/utils.dart";
import "package:charted/selection/transition.dart";
part "selection_scope.dart";
part "src/selection_impl.dart";
* Callback to access key value from a given data object. During the process
* of binding data to Elements, the key values are used to match Elements
* that have previously bound data
typedef SelectionKeyFunction(datum);
* Callback for all DOM related operations - The first parameter [datum] is
* the piece of data associated with the node, [ei] is the index of the
* element in it's group and [c] is the context to which the data is
* associated to.
typedef E SelectionCallback<E>(datum, int index, Element element);
/** Callback used to access a value from a datum */
typedef E SelectionValueAccessor<E>(datum, int index);
/** Create a ChartedCallback that always returns [val] */
SelectionCallback toCallback(val) => (datum, index, element) => val;
/** Create a ChartedValueAccessor that always returns [val] */
SelectionValueAccessor toValueAccessor(val) => (datum, index) => val;
* [Selection] is a collection of elements - this collection defines
* operators that can be applied on all elements of the collection.
* All operators accept parameters either as a constant value or a callback
* function (typically using the named parameters "val" and "fn"). These
* operators, when invoked with the callback function, the function is
* called once per element and is passed the "data" associated, the "index"
* and the element itself.
abstract class Selection {
* Collection of groups - A selection when created by calling [selectAll]
* on an existing [Selection], could contain more than one group.
Iterable<SelectionGroup> groups;
* Scope of this selection that manages the element, data associations for
* all elements in this selection (and the sub-selections)
SelectionScope get scope;
/** Indicates if this selection is empty */
bool get isEmpty;
/** Number of elements in this selection */
int get length;
/** First non-null element in this selection, if any. */
Element get first;
* Creates and returns a new [Selection] containing the first element
* matching [selector] under each element in the current selection.
* If an element does not have a matching descendant, a placeholder is used
* in it's position - thus being able to match the indices of elements in
* the current and the created sub-selection.
* Any data bound to elements in this selection is inherited by the
* selected descendants.
Selection select(String selector);
* Same as [select], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the selected element that will
* be selected.
Selection selectWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn);
* Creates and returns a new [Selection] containing all elements matching
* [selector] under each element in the current selection.
* The resulting [Selection] is nested with elements from current selection
* as parents and the selected descendants grouped by elements in the
* current selection. When no descendants match the selector, the
* collection of selected elements in a group is empty.
* Data bound to the elements is not automatically inherited by the
* selected descendants.
Selection selectAll(String selector);
* Same as [selectAll], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get a collection of selected
* elements that will be part of the new selection.
Selection selectAllWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable<Element>> fn);
* Sets the attribute [name] on all elements when [val] is not null.
* Removes the attribute when [val] is null.
void attr(String name, val);
* Same as [attr], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the value of the attribute.
void attrWithCallback(String name, SelectionCallback fn);
* Ensures presence of a class when [val] is true. Ensures that the class
* isn't present if [val] is false.
void classed(String name, [bool val = true]);
* Same as [classed], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the boolean value that
* indicates if the class must be added or removed.
void classedWithCallback(String name, SelectionCallback<bool> fn);
/** Sets CSS [property] to [val] on all elements in the selection. */
void style(String property, val, {String priority});
* Same as [style], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the value of the property.
void styleWithCallback(String property, SelectionCallback<String> fn,
{String priority});
* Sets textContent of all elements in the selection to [val]. A side-effect
* of this call is that any children of these elements will not be part of
* the DOM anymore.
void text(String val);
* Same as [text], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in
* the selection (with data associated to the element, index of the
* element in it's group and the element itself) to get the text content
void textWithCallback(SelectionCallback<String> fn);
* Sets innerHtml of all elements in the selection to [val]. A side-effect
* of this call is that any children of these elements will not be part of
* the DOM anymore.
void html(String val);
* Same as [html], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in
* the selection (with data associated to the element, index of the
* element in it's group and the element itself) to get the html content
void htmlWithCallback(SelectionCallback<String> fn);
* Appends a new child element to each element in the selection.
* Returns a [Selection] containing the newly created elements. As with
* [select], any data bound to the elements in this selection is inherited
* by the new elements.
Selection append(String tag);
* Same as [append], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the element to be appended.
Selection appendWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn);
* Inserts a child node to each element in the selection before the first
* element matching [before] or before the element returned by [beforeFn].
* Returns a [Selection] containing the newly created elements. As with
* [select], any data bound to the elements in this selection is inherited
* by the new elements.
Selection insert(String tag,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn});
* Same as [insert], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the element to be inserted.
Selection insertWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn});
/** Removes all selected elements from the DOM */
void remove();
/** Calls [fn] on each element in this selection */
void each(SelectionCallback fn);
* Adds or removes an event [listener] to each element in the selection for
* the specified [type] (Eg: "mouseclick", "mousedown")
* Any existing listener of the same type will be removed. To register
* multiple listener for the same event type, the [type] can be suffixed
* with a namespace. (Eg: "", "")
* When [listener] is null, any existing listener of the same type and in
* the same namespace will be removed (Eg: Using "" as type
* will only remove listeners for "" and not "")
* To remove listeners of an event type in all namespaces, prefix the type
* with a "." (Eg: ".mouseclick" will remove "",
* "mouseclick .foo" and all other mouseclick event listeners)
* To summarize, [type] can be any DOM event type optionally in the format
* "event.namespace" where event is the DOM event type and namespace is
* used to distinguish between added listeners.
* When [listener] is called, it is passed the current value associated with
* the element. Please note that index passed to the listener contains a
* value as it was at the time of adding the listener.
void on(String type, [SelectionCallback listener, bool capture]);
* Associates data with the selected elements.
* Computes the enter, update and exit selections.
DataSelection data(Iterable vals, [SelectionKeyFunction keyFn]);
* Same as [data], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the data to be set on the
* current element.
DataSelection dataWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable> fn,
[SelectionKeyFunction keyFn]);
* Associates data with all the elements - no join is performed. Unlike
* [data], this does not compute the enter, update and exit selections.
void datum(Iterable vals);
* Same as [datum], but calls [fn] for each non-null element in the
* selection (with data associated to the element, index of the element in
* it's group and the element itself) to get the data to be set on the
* current element.
void datumWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Iterable> fn);
* Starts a transition for the current selection. Transitions behave much
* like selections, except operators animate smoothly over time rather than
* applying instantaneously.
Transition transition();
* Group of elements in the selection.
* Each selection may contain more than one group of elements.
abstract class SelectionGroup {
Iterable<Element> elements;
Element parent;
* [EnterSelection] is a sub-selection that represents missing elements of a
* selection - an element is considered missing when there is data and no
* corresponding element in a selection.
abstract class EnterSelection {
* Indicate if this selection is empty
* See [Selection.isEmpty] for more information.
bool get isEmpty;
/** [DataSelection] that corresponds to this selection. */
DataSelection get update;
* Appends an element to all elements in this selection and return
* [Selection] containing the newly added elements.
* See [Selection.append] for more information.
* The new nodes are merged into the [DataSelection]
Selection append(String tag);
* Same as [append] but calls [fn] to get the element to be appended.
* See [Selection.appendWithCallback] for more information.
Selection appendWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn);
* Insert a child node to each element in the selection and return
* [Selection] containing the newly added elements.
* See [Selection.insert] for more information.
* The new nodes are merged into the [UpdateSelection]
Selection insert(String tag,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn});
* Same as [insert] but calls [fn] to get the element to be inserted.
* See [Selection.insertWithCallback] for more information.
Selection insertWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn,
{String before, SelectionCallback<Element> beforeFn});
* For each element in the current selection, select exactly one
* descendant and return [Selection] containing the selected elements.
* See [] for more information.
Selection select(String selector);
* Same as [select] but calls [fn] to get the element to be inserted.
* See [Selection.selectWithCallback] for more information.
Selection selectWithCallback(SelectionCallback<Element> fn);
* [ExitSelection] is a sub-selection that represents elements that don't
* have data associated to them.
abstract class ExitSelection extends Selection {
DataSelection get update;
* Selection that consists elements in the selection that aren't part of
* [EnterSelection] or the [ExitSelection]
* An [UpdateSelection] is only available after data() is attached and is
* currently exactly the same as [Selection] itself.
abstract class DataSelection extends Selection {
* A view of the current selection that contains a collection of data
* elements which weren't associated with an element in the DOM.
EnterSelection get enter;
* A view of the current selection containing elements that don't have data
* associated with them.
ExitSelection get exit;