blob: 9fb7d06d93eba4c4c4c818f5984f03f9af8cdede [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
/// Provides a way to measure rendered text width for clipping
/// text on tooltips and ticks when they are too long.
library charted.core.text_metrics;
import "dart:html";
import "package:charted/core/text_metrics/segmentation.dart";
/// Utilities to measure text width.
class TextMetrics {
static CanvasElement canvas;
static CanvasRenderingContext2D context;
static TextMetrics instance;
static const MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 250;
static final FONT_SIZE_REGEX = new RegExp("\s?([0-9]+)px\s?");
final String fontStyle;
int fontSize = 16;
String currentFontStyle;
factory TextMetrics({String fontStyle}) {
if (canvas == null || context == null) {
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (instance == null) {
instance = new TextMetrics._internal(fontStyle);
return instance;
TextMetrics._internal(this.fontStyle) {
Match match = FONT_SIZE_REGEX.firstMatch(fontStyle);
fontSize = int.parse(;
void setFontStyle(String fontStyle) {
if (fontStyle == null) {
fontStyle = this.fontStyle;
if (currentFontStyle != fontStyle) {
context.font = fontStyle;
currentFontStyle = fontStyle;
/// Measure width of [text] in pixels.
/// Optionally, uses [fontStyle] instead of using the default style
double getTextWidth(String text, {String fontStyle}) {
assert(text.length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
return context.measureText(text).width.toDouble();
/// Gets length of the longest string in the given [strings].
/// Optionally, uses [fontStyle] instead of using the default style.
double getLongestTextWidth(Iterable<String> strings, {String fontStyle}) {
num maxWidth = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
assert(strings.elementAt(i).length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
double width = context.measureText(strings.elementAt(i)).width.toDouble();
if (width > maxWidth) {
maxWidth = width;
return maxWidth;
/// Truncates given [text] to fit in [width]. Adds an ellipsis to the
/// returned string, if it needed to be truncated.
/// Optionally, uses [fontStyle] instead of using the default style.
String ellipsizeText(String text, num width, {String fontStyle}) {
assert(text.length <= MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
double computedWidth = context.measureText(text).width.toDouble();
if (computedWidth > width) {
var indices = graphemeBreakIndices(text);
var position = 0,
min = 0,
max = indices.length - 1,
ellipsis = context.measureText('…').width;
width = width - ellipsis;
while (max >= min) {
mid = (min + max) ~/ 2;
position = indices[mid];
if (context.measureText(text.substring(0, position)).width > width) {
max = mid - 1;
} else {
min = mid + 1;
text = text.substring(0, indices[max]) + '…';
return text;
/// Truncates text in the given [element], which is either a [SvgTextElement]
/// or a [SvgTspanElement] to fit in [width]. Appends an ellipsis to the text
/// if it had to be truncated.
/// Calling this method may force a layout on the document. For better
/// performance, use [TextMetrics.ellipsizeText].
static ellipsizeTextElement() {}