blob: 05623ba52a74b6956c5ce44457d585ea5eb91222 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
class StackedBarChartRenderer extends CartesianRendererBase {
static const RADIUS = 2;
final Iterable<int> dimensionsUsingBand = const [0];
final bool alwaysAnimate;
final String name = "stack-rdr";
/// Used to capture the last measure with data in a data row. This is used
/// to decided whether to round the cornor of the bar or not.
List<int> _lastMeasureWithData = [];
StackedBarChartRenderer({this.alwaysAnimate: false});
/// Returns false if the number of dimension axes on the area is 0.
/// Otherwise, the first dimension scale is used to render the chart.
bool prepare(CartesianArea area, ChartSeries series) {
_ensureAreaAndSeries(area, series);
return true;
void draw(Element element, {Future schedulePostRender}) {
var verticalBars = !area.config.isLeftAxisPrimary;
var measuresCount = series.measures.length,
measureScale = area.measureScales(series).first,
dimensionScale = area.dimensionScales.first;
var rows = new List()
..addAll( => new List.generate(measuresCount,
(i) => e.elementAt(series.measures.elementAt(_reverseIdx(i))))));
var dimensionVals =
.map((row) => row.elementAt(area.config.dimensions.first))
var groups = root.selectAll('.stack-rdr-rowgroup').data(rows);
var animateBarGroups = alwaysAnimate || !groups.isEmpty;
(d, i, c) => verticalBars
? 'translate(${dimensionScale.scale(dimensionVals[i])}, 0)'
: 'translate(0, ${dimensionScale.scale(dimensionVals[i])})');
groups.attrWithCallback('data-row', (d, i, e) => i);
if (animateBarGroups) {
(d, i, c) => verticalBars
? 'translate(${dimensionScale.scale(dimensionVals[i])}, 0)'
: 'translate(0, ${dimensionScale.scale(dimensionVals[i])})')
var bar =
groups.selectAll('.stack-rdr-bar').dataWithCallback((d, i, c) => d);
var prevOffsetVal = new List();
// Keep track of "y" values.
// These are used to insert values in the middle of stack when necessary
if (animateBarGroups) {
bar.each((d, i, e) {
var offset = e.dataset['offset'],
offsetVal = offset != null ? int.parse(offset) : 0;
if (i == 0) {
} else {
prevOffsetVal[prevOffsetVal.length - 1] = offsetVal;
var barWidth = dimensionScale.rangeBand - theme.defaultStrokeWidth;
// Calculate height of each segment in the bar.
// Uses prevAllZeroHeight and prevOffset to track previous segments
var prevAllZeroHeight = true, prevOffset = 0;
var getBarLength = (d, i) {
if (!verticalBars) return measureScale.scale(d).round();
var retval = rect.height - measureScale.scale(d).round();
if (i != 0) {
// If previous bars has 0 height, don't offset for spacing
// If any of the previous bar has non 0 height, do the offset.
retval -= prevAllZeroHeight
? 1
: (theme.defaultSeparatorWidth + theme.defaultStrokeWidth);
retval += prevOffset;
} else {
// When rendering next group of bars, reset prevZeroHeight.
prevOffset = 0;
prevAllZeroHeight = true;
retval -= 1; // -1 so bar does not overlap x axis.
if (retval <= 0) {
prevOffset = prevAllZeroHeight
? 0
: theme.defaultSeparatorWidth + theme.defaultStrokeWidth + retval;
retval = 0;
prevAllZeroHeight = (retval == 0) && prevAllZeroHeight;
return retval;
// Initial "y" position of a bar that is being created.
// Only used when animateBarGroups is set to true.
var ic = 10000000, order = 0;
var getInitialBarPos = (i) {
var tempY;
if (i <= ic && i > 0) {
tempY = prevOffsetVal[order];
} else {
tempY = verticalBars ? rect.height : 0;
ic = i;
return tempY;
// Position of a bar in the stack. yPos is used to keep track of the
// offset based on previous calls to getBarY
var yPos = 0;
var getBarPos = (d, i) {
if (verticalBars) {
if (i == 0) {
yPos = measureScale.scale(0).round();
return yPos -= (rect.height - measureScale.scale(d).round());
} else {
if (i == 0) {
// 1 to not overlap the axis line.
yPos = 1;
var pos = yPos;
yPos += measureScale.scale(d).round();
// Check if after adding the height of the bar, if y has changed, if
// changed, we offset for space between the bars.
if (yPos != pos) {
yPos += (theme.defaultSeparatorWidth + theme.defaultStrokeWidth);
return pos;
var buildPath = (d, int i, Element e, bool animate, int roundIdx) {
var position = animate ? getInitialBarPos(i) : getBarPos(d, i),
length = animate ? 0 : getBarLength(d, i),
radius =
series.measures.elementAt(_reverseIdx(i)) == roundIdx ? RADIUS : 0,
path = (length != 0)
? verticalBars
? topRoundedRect(0, position, barWidth, length, radius)
: rightRoundedRect(position, 0, length, barWidth, radius)
: '';
e.attributes['data-offset'] =
verticalBars ? position.toString() : (position + length).toString();
return path;
var enter = bar.enter.appendWithCallback((d, i, e) {
var rect = Namespace.createChildElement('path', e),
measure = series.measures.elementAt(_reverseIdx(i)),
row = int.parse(e.dataset['row']),
color = colorForValue(measure, row),
filter = filterForValue(measure, row),
style = stylesForValue(measure, row),
roundIndex = _lastMeasureWithData[row];
if (!isNullOrEmpty(style)) {
..['d'] =
buildPath(d == null ? 0 : d, i, rect, animateBarGroups, roundIndex)
..['stroke-width'] = '${theme.defaultStrokeWidth}px'
..['fill'] = color
..['stroke'] = color;
if (!isNullOrEmpty(filter)) {
rect.attributes['filter'] = filter;
if (!animateBarGroups) {
rect.attributes['data-column'] = '$measure';
return rect;
..on('click', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseClickController, d, i, e))
..on('mouseover', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseOverController, d, i, e))
..on('mouseout', (d, i, e) => _event(mouseOutController, d, i, e));
if (animateBarGroups) {
bar.each((d, i, e) {
var measure = series.measures.elementAt(_reverseIdx(i)),
row = int.parse(e.parent.dataset['row']),
color = colorForValue(measure, row),
filter = filterForValue(measure, row),
styles = stylesForValue(measure, row);
..['data-column'] = '$measure'
..['fill'] = color
..['stroke'] = color;
if (isNullOrEmpty(filter)) {
} else {
e.attributes['filter'] = filter;
..attrWithCallback('d', (d, i, e) {
var row = int.parse(e.parent.dataset['row']),
roundIndex = _lastMeasureWithData[row];
return buildPath(d == null ? 0 : d, i, e, false, roundIndex);
void dispose() {
if (root == null) return;
double get bandInnerPadding =>
Extent get extent {
assert(area != null && series != null);
var rows =,
rowIndex = 0;
_lastMeasureWithData = new List.generate(rows.length, (i) => -1);
rows.forEach((row) {
var bar = null;
series.measures.forEach((idx) {
var value = row.elementAt(idx);
if (value != null && value.isFinite) {
if (bar == null) bar = 0;
bar += value;
if (value.round() != 0 && _lastMeasureWithData[rowIndex] == -1) {
_lastMeasureWithData[rowIndex] = idx;
if (bar > max) max = bar;
if (bar < min) min = bar;
return new Extent(min, max);
void handleStateChanges(List<ChangeRecord> changes) {
var groups = host.querySelectorAll('.stack-rdr-rowgroup');
if (groups == null || groups.isEmpty) return;
for (int i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; ++i) {
var group = groups.elementAt(i),
bars = group.querySelectorAll('.stack-rdr-bar'),
row = int.parse(group.dataset['row']);
for (int j = 0, barsCount = bars.length; j < barsCount; ++j) {
var bar = bars.elementAt(j),
column = int.parse(bar.dataset['column']),
color = colorForValue(column, row),
filter = filterForValue(column, row);
bar.classes.addAll(stylesForValue(column, row));
..['fill'] = color
..['stroke'] = color;
if (isNullOrEmpty(filter)) {
} else {
bar.attributes['filter'] = filter;
void _event(StreamController controller, data, int index, Element e) {
if (controller == null) return;
var rowStr = e.parent.dataset['row'];
var row = rowStr != null ? int.parse(rowStr) : null;
controller.add(new DefaultChartEventImpl(scope.event, area, series, row,
series.measures.elementAt(_reverseIdx(index)), data));
// Stacked bar chart renders items from bottom to top (first measure is at
// the bottom of the stack). We use [_reversedIdx] instead of index to
// match the color and order of what is displayed in the legend.
int _reverseIdx(int index) => series.measures.length - 1 - index;