blob: 963e5b24befd8195aa36258b68739429087b62bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'client.dart';
import 'authorization_exception.dart';
import 'credentials.dart';
import 'handle_access_token_response.dart';
import 'parameters.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A class for obtaining credentials via an [authorization code grant][].
/// This method of authorization involves sending the resource owner to the
/// authorization server where they will authorize the client. They're then
/// redirected back to your server, along with an authorization code. This is
/// used to obtain [Credentials] and create a fully-authorized [Client].
/// To use this class, you must first call [getAuthorizationUrl] to get the URL
/// to which to redirect the resource owner. Then once they've been redirected
/// back to your application, call [handleAuthorizationResponse] or
/// [handleAuthorizationCode] to process the authorization server's response and
/// construct a [Client].
/// [authorization code grant]:
class AuthorizationCodeGrant {
/// The function used to parse parameters from a host's response.
final GetParameters _getParameters;
/// The client identifier for this client.
/// The authorization server will issue each client a separate client
/// identifier and secret, which allows the server to tell which client is
/// accessing it. Some servers may also have an anonymous identifier/secret
/// pair that any client may use.
/// This is usually global to the program using this library.
final String identifier;
/// The client secret for this client.
/// The authorization server will issue each client a separate client
/// identifier and secret, which allows the server to tell which client is
/// accessing it. Some servers may also have an anonymous identifier/secret
/// pair that any client may use.
/// This is usually global to the program using this library.
/// Note that clients whose source code or binary executable is readily
/// available may not be able to make sure the client secret is kept a secret.
/// This is fine; OAuth2 servers generally won't rely on knowing with
/// certainty that a client is who it claims to be.
final String secret;
/// A URL provided by the authorization server that serves as the base for the
/// URL that the resource owner will be redirected to to authorize this
/// client.
/// This will usually be listed in the authorization server's OAuth2 API
/// documentation.
final Uri authorizationEndpoint;
/// A URL provided by the authorization server that this library uses to
/// obtain long-lasting credentials.
/// This will usually be listed in the authorization server's OAuth2 API
/// documentation.
final Uri tokenEndpoint;
/// Callback to be invoked whenever the credentials are refreshed.
/// This will be passed as-is to the constructed [Client].
final CredentialsRefreshedCallback _onCredentialsRefreshed;
/// Whether to use HTTP Basic authentication for authorizing the client.
final bool _basicAuth;
/// A [String] used to separate scopes; defaults to `" "`.
final String _delimiter;
/// The HTTP client used to make HTTP requests.
http.Client _httpClient;
/// The URL to which the resource owner will be redirected after they
/// authorize this client with the authorization server.
Uri _redirectEndpoint;
/// The scopes that the client is requesting access to.
List<String> _scopes;
/// An opaque string that users of this library may specify that will be
/// included in the response query parameters.
String _stateString;
/// The current state of the grant object.
_State _state = _State.initial;
/// Allowed characters for generating the _codeVerifier
static const String _charset =
/// The PKCE code verifier. Will be generated if one is not provided in the constructor.
final String _codeVerifier;
/// Creates a new grant.
/// If [basicAuth] is `true` (the default), the client credentials are sent to
/// the server using using HTTP Basic authentication as defined in [RFC 2617].
/// Otherwise, they're included in the request body. Note that the latter form
/// is not recommended by the OAuth 2.0 spec, and should only be used if the
/// server doesn't support Basic authentication.
/// [RFC 2617]:
/// [httpClient] is used for all HTTP requests made by this grant, as well as
/// those of the [Client] is constructs.
/// [onCredentialsRefreshed] will be called by the constructed [Client]
/// whenever the credentials are refreshed.
/// [codeVerifier] String to be used as PKCE code verifier. If none is provided a
/// random codeVerifier will be generated.
/// The codeVerifier must meet requirements specified in [RFC 7636].
/// [RFC 7636]:
/// The scope strings will be separated by the provided [delimiter]. This
/// defaults to `" "`, the OAuth2 standard, but some APIs (such as Facebook's)
/// use non-standard delimiters.
/// By default, this follows the OAuth2 spec and requires the server's
/// responses to be in JSON format. However, some servers return non-standard
/// response formats, which can be parsed using the [getParameters] function.
/// This function is passed the `Content-Type` header of the response as well
/// as its body as a UTF-8-decoded string. It should return a map in the same
/// format as the [standard JSON response][].
/// [standard JSON response]:
this.identifier, this.authorizationEndpoint, this.tokenEndpoint,
String delimiter,
bool basicAuth = true,
http.Client httpClient,
CredentialsRefreshedCallback onCredentialsRefreshed,
Map<String, dynamic> Function(MediaType contentType, String body)
String codeVerifier})
: _basicAuth = basicAuth,
_httpClient = httpClient ?? http.Client(),
_delimiter = delimiter ?? ' ',
_getParameters = getParameters ?? parseJsonParameters,
_onCredentialsRefreshed = onCredentialsRefreshed,
_codeVerifier = codeVerifier ?? _createCodeVerifier();
/// Returns the URL to which the resource owner should be redirected to
/// authorize this client.
/// The resource owner will then be redirected to [redirect], which should
/// point to a server controlled by the client. This redirect will have
/// additional query parameters that should be passed to
/// [handleAuthorizationResponse].
/// The specific permissions being requested from the authorization server may
/// be specified via [scopes]. The scope strings are specific to the
/// authorization server and may be found in its documentation. Note that you
/// may not be granted access to every scope you request; you may check the
/// [Credentials.scopes] field of [Client.credentials] to see which scopes you
/// were granted.
/// An opaque [state] string may also be passed that will be present in the
/// query parameters provided to the redirect URL.
/// It is a [StateError] to call this more than once.
Uri getAuthorizationUrl(Uri redirect,
{Iterable<String> scopes, String state}) {
if (_state != _State.initial) {
throw StateError('The authorization URL has already been generated.');
_state = _State.awaitingResponse;
if (scopes == null) {
scopes = [];
} else {
scopes = scopes.toList();
var codeChallenge = base64Url
.replaceAll('=', '');
_redirectEndpoint = redirect;
_scopes = scopes;
_stateString = state;
var parameters = {
'response_type': 'code',
'client_id': identifier,
'redirect_uri': redirect.toString(),
'code_challenge': codeChallenge,
'code_challenge_method': 'S256'
if (state != null) parameters['state'] = state;
if (scopes.isNotEmpty) parameters['scope'] = scopes.join(_delimiter);
return addQueryParameters(authorizationEndpoint, parameters);
/// Processes the query parameters added to a redirect from the authorization
/// server.
/// Note that this "response" is not an HTTP response, but rather the data
/// passed to a server controlled by the client as query parameters on the
/// redirect URL.
/// It is a [StateError] to call this more than once, to call it before
/// [getAuthorizationUrl] is called, or to call it after
/// [handleAuthorizationCode] is called.
/// Throws [FormatError] if [parameters] is invalid according to the OAuth2
/// spec or if the authorization server otherwise provides invalid responses.
/// If `state` was passed to [getAuthorizationUrl], this will throw a
/// [FormatError] if the `state` parameter doesn't match the original value.
/// Throws [AuthorizationException] if the authorization fails.
Future<Client> handleAuthorizationResponse(
Map<String, String> parameters) async {
if (_state == _State.initial) {
throw StateError('The authorization URL has not yet been generated.');
} else if (_state == _State.finished) {
throw StateError('The authorization code has already been received.');
_state = _State.finished;
if (_stateString != null) {
if (!parameters.containsKey('state')) {
throw FormatException('Invalid OAuth response for '
'"$authorizationEndpoint": parameter "state" expected to be '
'"$_stateString", was missing.');
} else if (parameters['state'] != _stateString) {
throw FormatException('Invalid OAuth response for '
'"$authorizationEndpoint": parameter "state" expected to be '
'"$_stateString", was "${parameters['state']}".');
if (parameters.containsKey('error')) {
var description = parameters['error_description'];
var uriString = parameters['error_uri'];
var uri = uriString == null ? null : Uri.parse(uriString);
throw AuthorizationException(parameters['error'], description, uri);
} else if (!parameters.containsKey('code')) {
throw FormatException('Invalid OAuth response for '
'"$authorizationEndpoint": did not contain required parameter '
return await _handleAuthorizationCode(parameters['code']);
/// Processes an authorization code directly.
/// Usually [handleAuthorizationResponse] is preferable to this method, since
/// it validates all of the query parameters. However, some authorization
/// servers allow the user to copy and paste an authorization code into a
/// command-line application, in which case this method must be used.
/// It is a [StateError] to call this more than once, to call it before
/// [getAuthorizationUrl] is called, or to call it after
/// [handleAuthorizationCode] is called.
/// Throws [FormatError] if the authorization server provides invalid
/// responses while retrieving credentials.
/// Throws [AuthorizationException] if the authorization fails.
Future<Client> handleAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode) async {
if (_state == _State.initial) {
throw StateError('The authorization URL has not yet been generated.');
} else if (_state == _State.finished) {
throw StateError('The authorization code has already been received.');
_state = _State.finished;
return await _handleAuthorizationCode(authorizationCode);
/// This works just like [handleAuthorizationCode], except it doesn't validate
/// the state beforehand.
Future<Client> _handleAuthorizationCode(String authorizationCode) async {
var startTime =;
var headers = <String, String>{};
var body = {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'code': authorizationCode,
'redirect_uri': _redirectEndpoint.toString(),
'code_verifier': _codeVerifier
if (_basicAuth && secret != null) {
headers['Authorization'] = basicAuthHeader(identifier, secret);
} else {
// The ID is required for this request any time basic auth isn't being
// used, even if there's no actual client authentication to be done.
body['client_id'] = identifier;
if (secret != null) body['client_secret'] = secret;
var response =
await, headers: headers, body: body);
var credentials = handleAccessTokenResponse(
response, tokenEndpoint, startTime, _scopes, _delimiter,
getParameters: _getParameters);
return Client(credentials,
identifier: identifier,
secret: secret,
basicAuth: _basicAuth,
httpClient: _httpClient,
onCredentialsRefreshed: _onCredentialsRefreshed);
/// Randomly generate a 128 character string to be used as the PKCE code verifier
static String _createCodeVerifier() {
return List.generate(
128, (i) => _charset[]).join();
/// Closes the grant and frees its resources.
/// This will close the underlying HTTP client, which is shared by the
/// [Client] created by this grant, so it's not safe to close the grant and
/// continue using the client.
void close() {
if (_httpClient != null) _httpClient.close();
_httpClient = null;
/// States that [AuthorizationCodeGrant] can be in.
class _State {
/// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.getAuthorizationUrl] has not yet been called for
/// this grant.
static const initial = _State('initial');
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.getAuthorizationUrl] has been called but neither
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.handleAuthorizationResponse] nor
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.handleAuthorizationCode] has been called.
static const awaitingResponse = _State('awaiting response');
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.getAuthorizationUrl] and either
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.handleAuthorizationResponse] or
// [AuthorizationCodeGrant.handleAuthorizationCode] have been called.
static const finished = _State('finished');
final String _name;
const _State(this._name);
String toString() => _name;