blob: 48465f2044a590319d5cab2e368e8b738e1ca05f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library handle_access_token_response_test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:json' as JSON;
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../http/lib/http.dart' as http;
import '../lib/oauth2.dart' as oauth2;
import '../lib/src/handle_access_token_response.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
final Uri tokenEndpoint = new Uri.fromString("");
final Date startTime = new;
oauth2.Credentials handle(http.Response response) =>
handleAccessTokenResponse(response, tokenEndpoint, startTime, ["scope"]);
void main() {
group('an error response', () {
oauth2.Credentials handleError(
{String body: '{"error": "invalid_request"}',
int statusCode: 400,
Map<String, String> headers:
const {"content-type": "application/json"}}) =>
handle(new http.Response(body, statusCode, headers: headers));
test('causes an AuthorizationException', () {
expect(() => handleError(), throwsAuthorizationException);
test('with a 401 code causes an AuthorizationException', () {
expect(() => handleError(statusCode: 401), throwsAuthorizationException);
test('with an unexpected code causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(statusCode: 500),
test('with no content-type causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(headers: {}), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-JSON content-type causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(headers: {
'content-type': 'text/plain'
}), throwsFormatException);
test('with a JSON content-type and charset causes an '
'AuthorizationException', () {
expect(() => handleError(headers: {
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
}), throwsAuthorizationException);
test('with invalid JSON causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: 'not json'),
test('with a non-string error causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: '{"error": 12}'),
test('with a non-string error_description causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: JSON.stringify({
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": 12
})), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-string error_uri causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: JSON.stringify({
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_uri": 12
})), throwsFormatException);
test('with a string error_description causes a AuthorizationException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: JSON.stringify({
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "description"
})), throwsAuthorizationException);
test('with a string error_uri causes a AuthorizationException', () {
expect(() => handleError(body: JSON.stringify({
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_uri": ""
})), throwsAuthorizationException);
group('a success response', () {
oauth2.Credentials handleSuccess(
{String contentType: "application/json",
accessToken: 'access token',
tokenType: 'bearer',
scope}) {
return handle(new http.Response(JSON.stringify({
'access_token': accessToken,
'token_type': tokenType,
'expires_in': expiresIn,
'refresh_token': refreshToken,
'scope': scope
}), 200, headers: {'content-type': contentType}));
test('returns the correct credentials', () {
var credentials = handleSuccess();
expect(credentials.accessToken, equals('access token'));
test('with no content-type causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(contentType: null), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-JSON content-type causes a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(contentType: 'text/plain'),
test('with a JSON content-type and charset returns the correct '
'credentials', () {
var credentials = handleSuccess(
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
expect(credentials.accessToken, equals('access token'));
test('with a null access token throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(accessToken: null), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-string access token throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(accessToken: 12), throwsFormatException);
test('with a null token type throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(tokenType: null), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-string token type throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(tokenType: 12), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-"bearer" token type throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(tokenType: "mac"), throwsFormatException);
test('with a non-int expires-in throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(expiresIn: "whenever"), throwsFormatException);
test('with expires-in sets the expiration to ten seconds earlier than the '
'server says', () {
var credentials = handleSuccess(expiresIn: 100);
startTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch + 90 * 1000);
test('with a non-string refresh token throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(refreshToken: 12), throwsFormatException);
test('with a refresh token sets the refresh token', () {
var credentials = handleSuccess(refreshToken: "refresh me");
expect(credentials.refreshToken, equals("refresh me"));
test('with a non-string scope throws a FormatException', () {
expect(() => handleSuccess(scope: 12), throwsFormatException);
test('with a scope sets the scopes', () {
var credentials = handleSuccess(scope: "scope1 scope2");
expect(credentials.scopes, equals(["scope1", "scope2"]));