Add imaginary function examples and OAuth documentation links to README (#72)

diff --git a/ b/
index 567d73f..98df16a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,16 +12,10 @@
 OAuth2 provides several different methods for the client to obtain
 authorization. At the time of writing, this library only supports the
-[AuthorizationCodeGrant][], [clientCredentialsGrant][] and [resourceOwnerPasswordGrant][] methods, but
-further methods may be added in the future. The following example uses this
-method to authenticate, and assumes that the library is being used by a
-server-side application.
+[Authorization Code Grant][authorizationCodeGrantSection], [Client Credentials Grant][clientCredentialsGrantSection] and [Resource Owner Password Grant][resourceOwnerPasswordGrantSection] flows, but more may be added in the future.
 ## Authorization Code Grant
+**Resources:** [Class summary][authorizationCodeGrantMethod], [OAuth documentation][authorizationCodeGrantDocs]
 import 'dart:io';
@@ -79,22 +73,25 @@
       identifier, authorizationEndpoint, tokenEndpoint,
       secret: secret);
-  // Redirect the resource owner to the authorization URL. This will be a URL on
-  // the authorization server (authorizationEndpoint with some additional query
-  // parameters). Once the resource owner has authorized, they'll be redirected
-  // to `redirectUrl` with an authorization code.
+  // A URL on the authorization server (authorizationEndpoint with some additional
+  // query parameters). Scopes and state can optionally be passed into this method.
+  var authorizationUrl = grant.getAuthorizationUrl(redirectUrl);
+  // Redirect the resource owner to the authorization URL. Once the resource
+  // owner has authorized, they'll be redirected to `redirectUrl` with an
+  // authorization code.
   // `redirect` is an imaginary function that redirects the resource
   // owner's browser.
-  await redirect(grant.getAuthorizationUrl(redirectUrl));
+  await redirect(authorizationUrl);
   // Another imaginary function that listens for a request to `redirectUrl`.
-  var request = await listen(redirectUrl);
+  var responseUrl = await listen(redirectUrl);
   // Once the user is redirected to `redirectUrl`, pass the query parameters to
   // the AuthorizationCodeGrant. It will validate them and extract the
   // authorization code to create a new Client.
-  return await grant.handleAuthorizationResponse(request.uri.queryParameters);
+  return await grant.handleAuthorizationResponse(responseUrl.queryParameters);
 main() async {
@@ -113,7 +110,52 @@
+  <summary>Click here to learn how to implement the imaginary functions mentioned above.</summary>
+  -----
+  Unfortunately, there's not a universal example for implementing the imaginary functions, `redirect` and `listen`, because different options exist for each platform.
+  For Flutter apps, there's two popular approaches:
+  1. Launch a browser using [url_launcher][] and listen for a redirect using [uni_links][].
+      ```dart
+        if (await canLaunch(authorizationUrl.toString())) {
+          await launch(authorizationUrl.toString());
+        }
+        ...
+        final linksStream = getLinksStream().listen((Uri uri) async {
+          if (uri.toString().startsWith(redirectUrl)) {
+            responseUrl = uri;
+          }
+        });
+      ```
+  2. Launch a WebView inside the app and listen for a redirect using [webview_flutter][].
+      ```dart
+        WebView(
+          javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
+          initialUrl: authorizationUrl.toString(),
+          navigationDelegate: (navReq) {
+            if (navReq.url.startsWith(redirectUrl)) {
+              responseUrl = Uri.parse(navReq.url);
+              return NavigationDecision.prevent;
+            }
+            return NavigationDecision.navigate;
+          },
+          ...
+        );
+      ```
+  For Dart apps, the best approach depends on the available options for accessing a browser. In general, you'll need to launch the authorization URL through the client's browser and listen for the redirect URL.
 ## Client Credentials Grant
+**Resources:** [Method summary][clientCredentialsGrantMethod], [OAuth documentation][clientCredentialsGrantDocs]
 // This URL is an endpoint that's provided by the authorization server. It's
 // usually included in the server's documentation of its OAuth2 API.
@@ -149,6 +191,7 @@
 ## Resource Owner Password Grant
+**Resources:** [Method summary][resourceOwnerPasswordGrantMethod], [OAuth documentation][resourceOwnerPasswordGrantDocs]
 // This URL is an endpoint that's provided by the authorization server. It's
@@ -185,3 +228,16 @@
 new File("~/.myapp/credentials.json")
+[authorizationCodeGrantSection]: #authorization-code-grant
+[clientCredentialsGrantSection]: #client-credentials-grant
+[resourceOwnerPasswordGrantSection]: #resource-owner-password-grant