blob: 1a358273eb0027630230498995e17b594bd59baa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library credentials;
import 'dart:json';
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../../http/lib/http.dart' as http;
import 'handle_access_token_response.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// Credentials that prove that a client is allowed to access a resource on the
/// resource owner's behalf. These credentials are long-lasting and can be
/// safely persisted across multiple runs of the program.
/// Many authorization servers will attach an expiration date to a set of
/// credentials, along with a token that can be used to refresh the credentials
/// once they've expired. The [Client] will automatically refresh its
/// credentials when necessary. It's also possible to explicitly refresh them
/// via [Client.refreshCredentials] or [Credentials.refresh].
/// Note that a given set of credentials can only be refreshed once, so be sure
/// to save the refreshed credentials for future use.
class Credentials {
/// The token that is sent to the resource server to prove the authorization
/// of a client.
final String accessToken;
/// The token that is sent to the authorization server to refresh the
/// credentials. This is optional.
final String refreshToken;
/// The URL of the authorization server endpoint that's used to refresh the
/// credentials. This is optional.
final Uri tokenEndpoint;
/// The specific permissions being requested from the authorization server.
/// The scope strings are specific to the authorization server and may be
/// found in its documentation.
final List<String> scopes;
/// The date at which these credentials will expire. This is likely to be a
/// few seconds earlier than the server's idea of the expiration date.
final Date expiration;
/// Whether or not these credentials have expired. Note that it's possible the
/// credentials will expire shortly after this is called. However, since the
/// client's expiration date is kept a few seconds earlier than the server's,
/// there should be enough leeway to rely on this.
bool get isExpired => expiration != null && new > expiration;
/// Whether it's possible to refresh these credentials.
bool get canRefresh => refreshToken != null && tokenEndpoint != null;
/// Creates a new set of credentials.
/// This class is usually not constructed directly; rather, it's accessed via
/// [Client.credentials] after a [Client] is created by
/// [AuthorizationCodeGrant]. Alternately, it may be loaded from a serialized
/// form via [Credentials.fromJson].
/// Loads a set of credentials from a JSON-serialized form. Throws
/// [FormatException] if the JSON is incorrectly formatted.
factory Credentials.fromJson(String json) {
void validate(bool condition, String message) {
if (condition) return;
throw new FormatException(
"Failed to load credentials: $message.\n\n$json");
var parsed;
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(json);
} catch (e) {
// TODO(nweiz): narrow this catch clause once issue 6775 is fixed.
validate(false, 'invalid JSON');
validate(parsed is Map, 'was not a JSON map');
'did not contain required field "accessToken"');
validate(parsed['accessToken'] is String,
'required field "accessToken" was not a string, was '
for (var stringField in ['refreshToken', 'tokenEndpoint']) {
var value = parsed[stringField];
validate(value == null || value is String,
'field "$stringField" was not a string, was "$value"');
var scopes = parsed['scopes'];
validate(scopes == null || scopes is List,
'field "scopes" was not a list, was "$scopes"');
var tokenEndpoint = parsed['tokenEndpoint'];
if (tokenEndpoint != null) {
tokenEndpoint = new Uri.fromString(tokenEndpoint);
var expiration = parsed['expiration'];
if (expiration != null) {
validate(expiration is int,
'field "expiration" was not an int, was "$expiration"');
expiration = new Date.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(expiration);
return new Credentials(
/// Serializes a set of credentials to JSON. Nothing is guaranteed about the
/// output except that it's valid JSON and compatible with
/// [Credentials.toJson].
String toJson() => JSON.stringify({
'accessToken': accessToken,
'refreshToken': refreshToken,
'tokenEndpoint': tokenEndpoint == null ? null : tokenEndpoint.toString(),
'scopes': scopes,
'expiration': expiration == null ? null : expiration.millisecondsSinceEpoch
/// Returns a new set of refreshed credentials. See [Client.identifier] and
/// [Client.secret] for explanations of those parameters.
/// You may request different scopes than the default by passing in
/// [newScopes]. These must be a subset of [scopes].
/// This will throw a [StateError] if these credentials can't be refreshed, an
/// [AuthorizationException] if refreshing the credentials fails, or a
/// [FormatError] if the authorization server returns invalid responses.
Future<Credentials> refresh(
String identifier,
String secret,
{List<String> newScopes,
http.BaseClient httpClient}) {
var scopes = this.scopes;
if (newScopes != null) scopes = newScopes;
if (scopes == null) scopes = <String>[];
if (httpClient == null) httpClient = new http.Client();
var startTime = new;
return async.chain((_) {
if (refreshToken == null) {
throw new StateError("Can't refresh credentials without a refresh "
} else if (tokenEndpoint == null) {
throw new StateError("Can't refresh credentials without a token "
var fields = {
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": refreshToken,
// TODO(nweiz): the spec recommends that HTTP basic auth be used in
// preference to form parameters, but Google doesn't support that.
// Should it be configurable?
"client_id": identifier,
"client_secret": secret
if (!scopes.isEmpty) fields["scope"] = Strings.join(scopes, ' ');
return, fields: fields);
}).transform((response) {
return handleAccessTokenResponse(
response, tokenEndpoint, startTime, scopes);
}).transform((credentials) {
// The authorization server may issue a new refresh token. If it doesn't,
// we should re-use the one we already have.
if (credentials.refreshToken != null) return credentials;
return new Credentials(