blob: dc71e404716e3b527a660c908d7c91139f6c2335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library client;
import 'dart:uri';
import '../../../http/lib/http.dart' as http;
import 'credentials.dart';
import 'expiration_exception.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
// TODO(nweiz): Add an onCredentialsRefreshed event once we have some event
// infrastructure.
/// An OAuth2 client. This acts as a drop-in replacement for an
/// [http.BaseClient], while sending OAuth2 authorization credentials along with
/// each request.
/// The client also automatically refreshes its credentials if possible. When it
/// makes a request, if its credentials are expired, it will first refresh them.
/// This means that any request may throw an [AuthorizationException] if the
/// refresh is not authorized for some reason, a [FormatException] if the
/// authorization server provides ill-formatted responses, or an
/// [ExpirationException] if the credentials are expired and can't be refreshed.
/// Currently this client doesn't attempt to identify errors from the resource
/// server that are caused by authentication failure. However, it may throw
/// [AuthorizationException]s for such errors in the future.
/// If you already have a set of [Credentials], you can construct a [Client]
/// directly. However, in order to first obtain the credentials, you must
/// authorize. At the time of writing, the only authorization method this
/// library supports is [AuthorizationCodeGrant].
class Client extends http.BaseClient {
/// The client identifier for this client. The authorization server will issue
/// each client a separate client identifier and secret, which allows the
/// server to tell which client is accessing it. Some servers may also have an
/// anonymous identifier/secret pair that any client may use.
/// This is usually global to the program using this library.
final String identifier;
/// The client secret for this client. The authorization server will issue
/// each client a separate client identifier and secret, which allows the
/// server to tell which client is accessing it. Some servers may also have an
/// anonymous identifier/secret pair that any client may use.
/// This is usually global to the program using this library.
/// Note that clients whose source code or binary executable is readily
/// available may not be able to make sure the client secret is kept a secret.
/// This is fine; OAuth2 servers generally won't rely on knowing with
/// certainty that a client is who it claims to be.
final String secret;
/// The credentials this client uses to prove to the resource server that it's
/// authorized. This may change from request to request as the credentials
/// expire and the client refreshes them automatically.
Credentials get credentials => _credentials;
Credentials _credentials;
/// The underlying HTTP client.
http.BaseClient _httpClient;
/// Creates a new client from a pre-existing set of credentials. When
/// authorizing a client for the first time, you should use
/// [AuthorizationCodeGrant] instead of constructing a [Client] directly.
/// [httpClient] is the underlying client that this forwards requests to after
/// adding authorization credentials to them.
{http.BaseClient httpClient})
: _httpClient = httpClient == null ? new http.Client() : httpClient;
/// Sends an HTTP request with OAuth2 authorization credentials attached. This
/// will also automatically refresh this client's [Credentials] before sending
/// the request if necessary.
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
return async.chain((_) {
if (!credentials.isExpired) return new Future.immediate(null);
if (!credentials.canRefresh) throw new ExpirationException(credentials);
return refreshCredentials();
}).chain((_) {
request.headers['authorization'] = "Bearer ${credentials.accessToken}";
return _httpClient.send(request);
// TODO(nweiz): parse 401 errors that are caused by OAuth errors here.
/// Explicitly refreshes this client's credentials. Returns this client.
/// This will throw a [StateError] if the [Credentials] can't be refreshed, an
/// [AuthorizationException] if refreshing the credentials fails, or a
/// [FormatError] if the authorization server returns invalid responses.
/// You may request different scopes than the default by passing in
/// [newScopes]. These must be a subset of the scopes in the
/// [Credentials.scopes] field of [Client.credentials].
Future<Client> refreshCredentials([List<String> newScopes]) {
return async.chain((_) {
if (!credentials.canRefresh) {
var prefix = "OAuth credentials";
if (credentials.isExpired) prefix = "$prefix have expired and";
throw new StateError("$prefix can't be refreshed.");
return credentials.refresh(identifier, secret,
newScopes: newScopes, httpClient: _httpClient);
}).transform((credentials) {
_credentials = credentials;
return this;
/// Closes this client and its underlying HTTP client.
void close() {
if (_httpClient != null) _httpClient.close();
_httpClient = null;