[native_assets_cli] Separate out public API (#885)

This does not change any of the public API yet, but it slims down the API surface of `package:native_assets_cli` to the bare minimum.

Internal details may be accessed in `package:native_assets_builder` via:

import 'package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli_internal.dart';

This enables the yaml serialization/deserialization to live in one place and be unit tested as one.

One hack is that we also access `package:native_assets_cli/native_assets_cli_internal.dart` in `package:native_toolchain_c` in the unit tests to depend on the C compilers provided on the Dart CI.
62 files changed
tree: 3416eb3a9d028a4285424d0b8a7b3f3d91c975c8
  1. .github/
  2. pkgs/
  3. tools/
  7. README.md

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This repository is home to Dart packages related to FFI and native assets building and bundling.


ffigenGenerator for FFI bindings, using LibClang to parse C, Objective-C, and Swift files.pub package
jniA library to access JNI from Dart and Flutter that acts as a support library for package:jnigen.pub package
jnigenA Dart bindings generator for Java and Kotlin that uses JNI under the hood to interop with Java virtual machine.pub package
native_assets_builderThis package is the backend that invokes top-level build.dart scripts.pub package
native_assets_cliA library that contains the argument and file formats for implementing a native assets CLI.pub package
native_toolchain_cA library to invoke the native C compiler installed on the host machine.pub package

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