blob: 97bee48ae35aa55a369ed8b45c542d68bc671457 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 Dart Mockito authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// The API in this file includes functions that return `void`, but are intended
// to be passed as arguments to method stubs, so they must be declared to return
// `Null` in order to not trigger `use_of_void_result` warnings in user code.
// ignore_for_file: prefer_void_to_null
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:matcher/expect.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:mockito/src/call_pair.dart';
import 'package:mockito/src/invocation_matcher.dart';
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
import 'package:test_api/fake.dart';
/// Whether a [when] call is "in progress."
/// Since [when] is a getter, this is `true` immediately after [when] returns,
/// `false` immediately after the closure which [when] returns has returned, and
/// `false` otherwise. For example:
/// ```none
/// ,--- (1) Before [when] is called, [_whenInProgress] is `false`.
/// | ,--- (2) The [when] getter sets [_whenInProgress] to `true`, so that it
/// | | is true immediately after [when] returns.
/// | | ,--- (3) The argument given to [when]'s return closure is computed
/// | | | before entering the closure, so [_whenInProgress] is still
/// | | | `true`.
/// | | | ,--- (4) The closure resets [_whenInProgress] to `false`.
/// v v v v
/// when(;
/// ```
bool _whenInProgress = false;
/// Whether an [untilCalled] call is "in progress."
/// This follows similar logic to [_whenInProgress]; see its comment.
bool _untilCalledInProgress = false;
/// Whether a [verify], [verifyNever], or [verifyInOrder] call is "in progress."
/// This follows similar logic to [_whenInProgress]; see its comment.
bool _verificationInProgress = false;
_WhenCall? _whenCall;
_UntilCall? _untilCall;
final List<_VerifyCall> _verifyCalls = <_VerifyCall>[];
final _TimeStampProvider _timer = _TimeStampProvider();
final List<dynamic> _capturedArgs = [];
final List<ArgMatcher> _storedArgs = <ArgMatcher>[];
final Map<String, ArgMatcher> _storedNamedArgs = <String, ArgMatcher>{};
'This function is not a supported function, and may be deleted as early as '
'Mockito 5.0.0')
void setDefaultResponse(
Mock mock, CallPair<dynamic> Function() defaultResponse) {
mock._defaultResponse = defaultResponse;
/// Opt-into [Mock] throwing [NoSuchMethodError] for unimplemented methods.
/// The default behavior when not using this is to always return `null`.
void throwOnMissingStub(
Mock mock, {
void Function(Invocation)? exceptionBuilder,
}) {
exceptionBuilder ??= mock._noSuchMethod;
mock._defaultResponse =
() => CallPair<dynamic>.allInvocations(exceptionBuilder!);
/// Extend or mixin this class to mark the implementation as a [Mock].
/// A mocked class implements all fields and methods with a default
/// implementation that does not throw a [NoSuchMethodError], and may be further
/// customized at runtime to define how it may behave using [when].
/// __Example use__:
/// // Real class.
/// class Cat {
/// String getSound(String suffix) => 'Meow$suffix';
/// }
/// // Mock class.
/// class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}
/// void main() {
/// // Create a new mocked Cat at runtime.
/// var cat = new MockCat();
/// // When 'getSound' is called, return 'Woof'
/// when(cat.getSound(any)).thenReturn('Woof');
/// // Try making a Cat sound...
/// print(cat.getSound('foo')); // Prints 'Woof'
/// }
/// A class which `extends Mock` should not have any directly implemented
/// overridden fields or methods. These fields would not be usable as a [Mock]
/// with [verify] or [when]. To implement a subset of an interface manually use
/// [Fake] instead.
/// **WARNING**: [Mock] uses
/// [noSuchMethod](
/// , which is a _form_ of runtime reflection, and causes sub-standard code to
/// be generated. As such, [Mock] should strictly _not_ be used in any
/// production code, especially if used within the context of Dart for Web
/// (dart2js, DDC) and Dart for Mobile (Flutter).
class Mock {
static Null _answerNull(_) => null;
static const _nullResponse = CallPair<Null>.allInvocations(_answerNull);
final StreamController<Invocation> _invocationStreamController =
final _realCalls = <RealCall>[];
final _responses = <CallPair<dynamic>>[];
String? _givenName;
int? _givenHashCode;
_ReturnsCannedResponse _defaultResponse = () => _nullResponse;
void _setExpected(CallPair<dynamic> cannedResponse) {
/// A sentinal value used as the default argument for noSuchMethod's
/// 'returnValueForMissingStub' parameter.
static const deferToDefaultResponse = Object();
/// Handles method stubbing, method call verification, and real method calls.
/// If passed, [returnValue] will be returned during method stubbing and
/// method call verification. This is useful in cases where the method
/// invocation which led to `noSuchMethod` being called has a non-nullable
/// return type.
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation,
{Object? returnValue,
Object? returnValueForMissingStub = deferToDefaultResponse}) {
// noSuchMethod is that 'magic' that allows us to ignore implementing fields
// and methods and instead define them later at compile-time per instance.
invocation = _useMatchedInvocationIfSet(invocation);
if (_whenInProgress) {
_whenCall = _WhenCall(this, invocation);
return returnValue;
} else if (_verificationInProgress) {
_verifyCalls.add(_VerifyCall(this, invocation));
return returnValue;
} else if (_untilCalledInProgress) {
_untilCall = _UntilCall(this, invocation);
return returnValue;
} else {
_ReturnsCannedResponse defaultResponse;
if (returnValueForMissingStub == deferToDefaultResponse) {
defaultResponse = _defaultResponse;
} else {
defaultResponse = () =>
CallPair<Object?>.allInvocations((_) => returnValueForMissingStub);
_realCalls.add(RealCall(this, invocation));
final cannedResponse = _responses.lastWhere(
(cr) =>, {}),
orElse: defaultResponse);
final response = cannedResponse.response(invocation);
return response;
dynamic _noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) =>
throw MissingStubError(invocation, this);
int get hashCode => _givenHashCode ?? 0;
bool operator ==(other) => (_givenHashCode != null && other is Mock)
? _givenHashCode == other._givenHashCode
: identical(this, other);
String toString() => _givenName ?? runtimeType.toString();
String _realCallsToString([Iterable<RealCall>? realCalls]) {
final stringRepresentations =
(realCalls ?? _realCalls).map((call) => call.toString());
if (stringRepresentations.any((s) => s.contains('\n'))) {
// As each call contains newlines, put each on its own line, for better
// readability.
return stringRepresentations.join(',\n');
} else {
// A compact String should be perfect.
return stringRepresentations.join(', ');
String _unverifiedCallsToString() =>
_realCallsToString(_realCalls.where((call) => !call.verified));
/// A slightly smarter fake to be used for return value on missing stubs.
/// Shows a more descriptive error message to the user that mentions not
/// only a place where a fake was used but also why it was created
/// (i.e. which stub needs to be added).
/// Inspired by Java's Mockito `SmartNull`.
class SmartFake {
final Object _parent;
final Invocation _parentInvocation;
final StackTrace _createdStackTrace;
late final StackTrace _toStringFirstCalled = StackTrace.current;
// Override [Object.operator==] to accept `Object?`. This is needed to
// make Analyzer happy, if we fake classes that override `==` to
// accept `Object?` or `dynamic` (most notably [Interceptor]).
// ignore: non_nullable_equals_parameter
bool operator ==(Object? other) => identical(this, other);
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => throw FakeUsedError(
_parentInvocation, invocation, _parent, _createdStackTrace);
SmartFake(this._parent, this._parentInvocation)
: _createdStackTrace = StackTrace.current;
String toString() {
final memberName = _symbolToString(_parentInvocation.memberName);
return '''Fake object created as a result of calling unstubbed member
$memberName of a mock.
Here is the stack trace where $memberName was called:
Normally you would never see this message, if it breaks your test,
consider adding a stub for ${_parent.runtimeType}.$memberName using Mockito's
'when' API.
Here is the stack trace where toString() was first called:
class FakeUsedError extends Error {
final Invocation parentInvocation, invocation;
final Object receiver;
final StackTrace createdStackTrace;
final String _memberName;
FakeUsedError(this.parentInvocation, this.invocation, this.receiver,
: _memberName = _symbolToString(parentInvocation.memberName);
String toString() => "FakeUsedError: '$_memberName'\n"
'No stub was found which matches the argument of this method call:\n'
'A fake object was created for this call, in the hope that it '
"won't be ever accessed.\n"
"Here is the stack trace where '$_memberName' was called:\n\n"
"However, member '${_symbolToString(invocation.memberName)}' of the "
'created fake object was accessed.\n'
'Add a stub for '
"${receiver.runtimeType}.$_memberName using Mockito's 'when' API.\n";
/// An error which is thrown when no stub is found which matches the arguments
/// of a real method call on a mock object.
class MissingStubError extends Error {
final Invocation invocation;
final Object receiver;
MissingStubError(this.invocation, this.receiver);
String toString() =>
"MissingStubError: '${_symbolToString(invocation.memberName)}'\n"
'No stub was found which matches the arguments of this method call:\n'
"Add a stub for this method using Mockito's 'when' API, or generate the "
'${receiver.runtimeType} mock with the @GenerateNiceMocks annotation '
'(see '
typedef _ReturnsCannedResponse = CallPair<dynamic> Function();
// When using an [ArgMatcher], we transform our invocation to have knowledge of
// which arguments are wrapped, and which ones are not. Otherwise we just use
// the existing invocation object.
Invocation _useMatchedInvocationIfSet(Invocation invocation) {
if (_storedArgs.isNotEmpty || _storedNamedArgs.isNotEmpty) {
invocation = _InvocationForMatchedArguments(invocation);
return invocation;
/// An Invocation implementation that takes arguments from [_storedArgs] and
/// [_storedNamedArgs].
class _InvocationForMatchedArguments extends Invocation {
final Symbol memberName;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments;
final List<dynamic> positionalArguments;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isMethod;
final bool isSetter;
factory _InvocationForMatchedArguments(Invocation invocation) {
if (_storedArgs.isEmpty && _storedNamedArgs.isEmpty) {
throw StateError(
'_InvocationForMatchedArguments called when no ArgMatchers have been '
// Handle named arguments first, so that we can provide useful errors for
// the various bad states. If all is well with the named arguments, then we
// can process the positional arguments, and resort to more general errors
// if the state is still bad.
final namedArguments = _reconstituteNamedArgs(invocation);
final positionalArguments = _reconstitutePositionalArgs(invocation);
return _InvocationForMatchedArguments._(
// Reconstitutes the named arguments in an invocation from
// [_storedNamedArgs].
// The `namedArguments` in [invocation] which are null should be represented
// by a stored value in [_storedNamedArgs].
static Map<Symbol, dynamic> _reconstituteNamedArgs(Invocation invocation) {
final namedArguments = <Symbol, dynamic>{};
final storedNamedArgSymbols = => Symbol(name));
// Iterate through [invocation]'s named args, validate them, and add them
// to the return map.
invocation.namedArguments.forEach((name, arg) {
if (arg == null) {
if (!storedNamedArgSymbols.contains(name)) {
// Either this is a parameter with default value `null`, or a `null`
// argument was passed, or an unnamed ArgMatcher was used. Just use
// `null`.
namedArguments[name] = null;
} else {
// Add each real named argument (not wrapped in an ArgMatcher).
namedArguments[name] = arg;
// Iterate through the stored named args, validate them, and add them to
// the return map.
_storedNamedArgs.forEach((name, arg) {
final nameSymbol = Symbol(name);
if (!invocation.namedArguments.containsKey(nameSymbol)) {
// Clear things out for the next call.
throw ArgumentError(
'An ArgumentMatcher was declared as named $name, but was not '
'passed as an argument named $name.\n\n'
'BAD: when(obj.fn(anyNamed: "a")))\n'
'GOOD: when(obj.fn(a: anyNamed: "a")))');
if (invocation.namedArguments[nameSymbol] != null) {
// Clear things out for the next call.
throw ArgumentError(
'An ArgumentMatcher was declared as named $name, but a different '
'value (${invocation.namedArguments[nameSymbol]}) was passed as '
'BAD: when(obj.fn(b: anyNamed("a")))\n'
'GOOD: when(obj.fn(b: anyNamed("b")))');
namedArguments[nameSymbol] = arg;
return namedArguments;
static List<dynamic> _reconstitutePositionalArgs(Invocation invocation) {
final positionalArguments = <dynamic>[];
final nullPositionalArguments =
invocation.positionalArguments.where((arg) => arg == null);
if (_storedArgs.length > nullPositionalArguments.length) {
// More _positional_ ArgMatchers were stored than were actually passed as
// positional arguments. There are three ways this call could have been
// parsed and resolved:
// * an ArgMatcher was passed in [invocation] as a named argument, but
// without a name, and thus stored in [_storedArgs], something like
// `when(obj.fn(a: any))`,
// * an ArgMatcher was passed in an expression which was passed in
// [invocation], and thus stored in [_storedArgs], something like
// `when(obj.fn(Foo(any)))`, or
// * a combination of the above.
throw ArgumentError(
'An argument matcher (like `any`) was either not used as an '
'immediate argument to ${invocation.memberName} (argument matchers '
'can only be used as an argument for the very method being stubbed '
'or verified), or was used as a named argument without the Mockito '
'"named" API (Each argument matcher that is used as a named argument '
'needs to specify the name of the argument it is being used in. For '
'example: `when(obj.fn(x: anyNamed("x")))`).');
var storedIndex = 0;
var positionalIndex = 0;
while (storedIndex < _storedArgs.length &&
positionalIndex < invocation.positionalArguments.length) {
final arg = _storedArgs[storedIndex];
if (invocation.positionalArguments[positionalIndex] == null) {
// Add the [ArgMatcher] given to the argument matching helper.
} else {
// An argument matching helper was not used; add the [ArgMatcher] from
// [invocation].
while (positionalIndex < invocation.positionalArguments.length) {
// Some trailing non-ArgMatcher arguments.
return positionalArguments;
_InvocationForMatchedArguments._(this.memberName, this.positionalArguments,
this.namedArguments, this.isGetter, this.isMethod, this.isSetter);
'This function does not provide value; hashCode and toString() can be '
'stubbed individually. This function may be deleted as early as Mockito '
T named<T extends Mock>(T mock, {String? name, int? hashCode}) => mock
.._givenName = name
.._givenHashCode = hashCode;
/// Clear stubs of, and collected interactions with [mock].
void reset(var mock) {
/// Clear the collected interactions with [mock].
void clearInteractions(var mock) {
class PostExpectation<T> {
/// Store a canned response for this method stub.
/// Note: [expected] cannot be a Future or Stream, due to Zone considerations.
/// To return a Future or Stream from a method stub, use [thenAnswer].
void thenReturn(T expected) {
if (expected is Future) {
throw ArgumentError('`thenReturn` should not be used to return a Future. '
'Instead, use `thenAnswer((_) => future)`.');
if (expected is Stream) {
throw ArgumentError('`thenReturn` should not be used to return a Stream. '
'Instead, use `thenAnswer((_) => stream)`.');
return _completeWhen((_) => expected);
/// Store an exception to throw when this method stub is called.
void thenThrow(Object throwable) {
return _completeWhen((Invocation _) {
throw throwable;
/// Store a function which is called when this method stub is called.
/// The function will be called, and the return value will be returned.
void thenAnswer(Answering<T> answer) {
return _completeWhen(answer);
void _completeWhen(Answering<T> answer) {
if (_whenCall == null) {
throw StateError(
'No method stub was called from within `when()`. Was a real method '
'called, or perhaps an extension method?');
_whenCall = null;
_whenInProgress = false;
class InvocationMatcher {
final Invocation roleInvocation;
bool matches(Invocation invocation) {
final isMatching =
_isMethodMatches(invocation) && _isArgumentsMatches(invocation);
if (isMatching) {
return isMatching;
bool _isMethodMatches(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.memberName != roleInvocation.memberName) {
return false;
if ((invocation.isGetter != roleInvocation.isGetter) ||
(invocation.isSetter != roleInvocation.isSetter) ||
(invocation.isMethod != roleInvocation.isMethod)) {
return false;
return true;
void _captureArguments(Invocation invocation) {
var index = 0;
for (final roleArg in roleInvocation.positionalArguments) {
final actArg = invocation.positionalArguments[index];
if (roleArg is ArgMatcher && roleArg._capture) {
for (final roleKey in roleInvocation.namedArguments.keys) {
final roleArg = roleInvocation.namedArguments[roleKey];
final actArg = invocation.namedArguments[roleKey];
if (roleArg is ArgMatcher && roleArg._capture) {
bool _isArgumentsMatches(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.positionalArguments.length !=
roleInvocation.positionalArguments.length) {
return false;
if (invocation.namedArguments.length !=
roleInvocation.namedArguments.length) {
return false;
var index = 0;
for (final roleArg in roleInvocation.positionalArguments) {
final actArg = invocation.positionalArguments[index];
if (!isMatchingArg(roleArg, actArg)) {
return false;
final Set roleKeys = roleInvocation.namedArguments.keys.toSet();
final Set actKeys = invocation.namedArguments.keys.toSet();
if (roleKeys.difference(actKeys).isNotEmpty ||
actKeys.difference(roleKeys).isNotEmpty) {
return false;
for (final roleKey in roleInvocation.namedArguments.keys) {
final roleArg = roleInvocation.namedArguments[roleKey];
final actArg = invocation.namedArguments[roleKey];
if (!isMatchingArg(roleArg, actArg)) {
return false;
return true;
bool isMatchingArg(roleArg, actArg) {
if (roleArg is ArgMatcher) {
return roleArg.matcher.matches(actArg, {});
} else {
return equals(roleArg).matches(actArg, {});
class _TimeStampProvider {
int _now = 0;
DateTime now() {
var candidate =;
if (candidate.millisecondsSinceEpoch <= _now) {
candidate = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(_now + 1);
_now = candidate.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
return candidate;
class RealCall {
final Mock mock;
final Invocation invocation;
final DateTime timeStamp;
bool verified = false;
RealCall(this.mock, this.invocation) : timeStamp =;
String toString() {
final verifiedText = verified ? '[VERIFIED] ' : '';
return '$verifiedText$mock.${invocation.toPrettyString()}';
// Converts a [Symbol] to a meaningful [String].
String _symbolToString(Symbol symbol) => symbol.toString().split('"')[1];
class _WhenCall {
final Mock mock;
final Invocation whenInvocation;
_WhenCall(this.mock, this.whenInvocation);
void _setExpected<T>(Answering<T> answer) {
mock._setExpected(CallPair<T>(isInvocation(whenInvocation), answer));
class _UntilCall {
final InvocationMatcher _invocationMatcher;
final Mock _mock;
_UntilCall(this._mock, Invocation invocation)
: _invocationMatcher = InvocationMatcher(invocation);
bool _matchesInvocation(RealCall realCall) =>
List<RealCall> get _realCalls => _mock._realCalls;
Future<Invocation> get invocationFuture {
if (_realCalls.any(_matchesInvocation)) {
return Future.value(_realCalls.firstWhere(_matchesInvocation).invocation);
/// A simple struct for storing a [RealCall] and any [capturedArgs] stored
/// during [InvocationMatcher.matches].
class _RealCallWithCapturedArgs {
final RealCall realCall;
final List<Object?> capturedArgs;
_RealCallWithCapturedArgs(this.realCall, this.capturedArgs);
class _VerifyCall {
final Mock mock;
final Invocation verifyInvocation;
final List<_RealCallWithCapturedArgs> matchingInvocations;
final List<Object?> matchingCapturedArgs;
factory _VerifyCall(Mock mock, Invocation verifyInvocation) {
final expectedMatcher = InvocationMatcher(verifyInvocation);
final matchingInvocations = <_RealCallWithCapturedArgs>[];
for (final realCall in mock._realCalls) {
if (!realCall.verified && expectedMatcher.matches(realCall.invocation)) {
// [Invocation.matcher] collects captured arguments if
// [verifyInvocation] included capturing matchers.
.add(_RealCallWithCapturedArgs(realCall, [..._capturedArgs]));
final matchingCapturedArgs = [
for (var invocation in matchingInvocations) ...invocation.capturedArgs,
return _VerifyCall._(
mock, verifyInvocation, matchingInvocations, matchingCapturedArgs);
_VerifyCall._(this.mock, this.verifyInvocation, this.matchingInvocations,
_RealCallWithCapturedArgs _findAfter(DateTime time) {
return matchingInvocations.firstWhere((invocation) =>
!invocation.realCall.verified &&
void _checkWith(bool never) {
if (!never && matchingInvocations.isEmpty) {
String message;
if (mock._realCalls.isEmpty) {
message = 'No matching calls (actually, no calls at all).';
} else {
final otherCalls = mock._realCallsToString();
message = 'No matching calls. All calls: $otherCalls';
'(If you called `verify(...).called(0);`, please instead use '
if (never && matchingInvocations.isNotEmpty) {
final calls = mock._unverifiedCallsToString();
fail('Unexpected calls: $calls');
for (final invocation in matchingInvocations) {
invocation.realCall.verified = true;
String toString() =>
'VerifyCall<mock: $mock, memberName: ${verifyInvocation.memberName}>';
// An argument matcher that acts like an argument during stubbing or
// verification, and stores "matching" information.
/// Users do not need to construct this manually; users can instead use the
/// built-in values, [any], [anyNamed], [captureAny], [captureAnyNamed], or the
/// functions [argThat] and [captureThat].
class ArgMatcher {
final Matcher matcher;
final bool _capture;
ArgMatcher(this.matcher, this._capture);
String toString() => '$ArgMatcher {$matcher: $_capture}';
/// An argument matcher that matches any argument passed in this argument
/// position.
/// See the README section on
/// [argument matchers](
/// for examples.
Null get any => _registerMatcher(anything, false, argumentMatcher: 'any');
/// An argument matcher that matches any named argument passed in for the
/// parameter named [named].
/// See the README section on
/// [named argument matchers](
/// for examples.
Null anyNamed(String named) => _registerMatcher(anything, false,
named: named, argumentMatcher: 'anyNamed');
/// An argument matcher that matches any argument passed in this argument
/// position, and captures the argument for later access with
/// [VerificationResult.captured].
/// See the README section on
/// [capturing arguments](
/// for examples.
Null get captureAny =>
_registerMatcher(anything, true, argumentMatcher: 'captureAny');
/// An argument matcher that matches any named argument passed in for the
/// parameter named [named], and captures the argument for later access with
/// [VerificationResult.captured].
/// See the README section on
/// [capturing arguments](
/// for examples.
Null captureAnyNamed(String named) => _registerMatcher(anything, true,
named: named, argumentMatcher: 'captureAnyNamed');
/// An argument matcher that matches an argument (named or positional) that
/// matches [matcher].
/// When capturing a named argument, the name of the argument must be passed via
/// [named].
/// See the README section on
/// [argument matchers](
/// for examples.
Null argThat(Matcher matcher, {String? named}) =>
_registerMatcher(matcher, false, named: named, argumentMatcher: 'argThat');
/// An argument matcher that matches an argument (named or positional) that
/// matches [matcher], and captures the argument for later access with
/// [VerificationResult.captured].
/// When capturing a named argument, the name of the argument must be passed via
/// [named].
/// See the README section on
/// [capturing arguments](
/// for examples.
Null captureThat(Matcher matcher, {String? named}) =>
_registerMatcher(matcher, true,
named: named, argumentMatcher: 'captureThat');
/// Registers [matcher] into the stored arguments collections.
/// Creates an [ArgMatcher] with [matcher] and [capture], then if [named] is
/// non-null, stores that into the positional stored arguments list; otherwise
/// stores it into the named stored arguments map, keyed on [named].
/// [argumentMatcher] is the name of the public API used to register [matcher],
/// for error messages.
Null _registerMatcher(Matcher matcher, bool capture,
{String? named, String? argumentMatcher}) {
if (!_whenInProgress && !_untilCalledInProgress && !_verificationInProgress) {
// It is not meaningful to store argument matchers outside of stubbing
// (`when`), or verification (`verify` and `untilCalled`). Such argument
// matchers will be processed later erroneously.
throw ArgumentError(
'The "$argumentMatcher" argument matcher is used outside of method '
'stubbing (via `when`) or verification (via `verify` or '
'`untilCalled`). This is invalid, and results in bad behavior during '
'the next stubbing or verification.');
final argMatcher = ArgMatcher(matcher, capture);
if (named == null) {
} else {
_storedNamedArgs[named] = argMatcher;
return null;
/// Information about a stub call verification.
/// This class is most useful to users in two ways:
/// * verifying call count, via [called],
/// * collecting captured arguments, via [captured].
class VerificationResult {
List<dynamic> _captured;
/// List of all arguments captured in real calls.
/// This list will include any captured default arguments and has no
/// structure differentiating the arguments of one call from another. Given
/// the following class:
/// ```dart
/// class C {
/// String methodWithPositionalArgs(int x, [int y]) => '';
/// String methodWithTwoNamedArgs(int x, {int y, int z}) => '';
/// }
/// ```
/// the following stub calls will result in the following captured arguments:
/// ```dart
/// mock.methodWithPositionalArgs(1);
/// mock.methodWithPositionalArgs(2, 3);
/// var captured = verify(
/// mock.methodWithPositionalArgs(captureAny, captureAny)).captured;
/// print(captured); // Prints "[1, null, 2, 3]"
/// mock.methodWithTwoNamedArgs(1, y: 42, z: 43);
/// mock.methodWithTwoNamedArgs(1, y: 44, z: 45);
/// var captured = verify(
/// mock.methodWithTwoNamedArgs(any,
/// y: captureAnyNamed('y'), z: captureAnyNamed('z'))).captured;
/// print(captured); // Prints "[42, 43, 44, 45]"
/// ```
/// Named arguments are listed in the order they are captured in, not the
/// order in which they were passed.
List<dynamic> get captured => _captured;
'captured should be considered final - assigning this field may be '
'removed as early as Mockito 5.0.0')
// ignore: unnecessary_getters_setters
set captured(List<dynamic> captured) => _captured = captured;
/// The number of calls matched in this verification.
int callCount;
bool _testApiMismatchHasBeenChecked = false;
VerificationResult._(this.callCount, this._captured);
/// Assert that the number of calls matches [matcher].
/// Examples:
/// * `verify(mock.m()).called(1)` asserts that `m()` is called exactly once.
/// * `verify(mock.m()).called(greaterThan(2))` asserts that `m()` is called
/// more than two times.
/// To assert that a method was called zero times, use [verifyNever].
void called(dynamic matcher) {
if (!_testApiMismatchHasBeenChecked) {
// Only execute the check below once. `Invoker.current` may look like a
// cheap getter, but it involves Zones and casting.
_testApiMismatchHasBeenChecked = true;
expect(callCount, wrapMatcher(matcher),
reason: 'Unexpected number of calls');
typedef Answering<T> = T Function(Invocation realInvocation);
typedef Verification = VerificationResult Function<T>(T matchingInvocations);
/// Verify that a method on a mock object was never called with the given
/// arguments.
/// Call a method on a mock object within a `verifyNever` call. For example:
/// ```dart
/// cat.eatFood("chicken");
/// verifyNever(cat.eatFood("fish"));
/// ```
/// Mockito will pass the current test case, as `cat.eatFood` has not been
/// called with `"chicken"`.
Verification get verifyNever => _makeVerify(true);
/// Verify that a method on a mock object was called with the given arguments.
/// Call a method on a mock object within the call to `verify`. For example:
/// ```dart
/// cat.eatFood("chicken");
/// verify(cat.eatFood("fish"));
/// ```
/// Mockito will fail the current test case if `cat.eatFood` has not been called
/// with `"fish"`. Optionally, call `called` on the result, to verify that the
/// method was called a certain number of times. For example:
/// ```dart
/// verify(cat.eatFood("fish")).called(2);
/// verify(cat.eatFood("fish")).called(greaterThan(3));
/// ```
/// Note: When mockito verifies a method call, said call is then excluded from
/// further verifications. A single method call cannot be verified from multiple
/// calls to `verify`, or `verifyInOrder`. See more details in the FAQ.
/// Note: because of an unintended limitation, `verify(...).called(0);` will
/// not work as expected. Please use `verifyNever(...);` instead.
/// See also: [verifyNever], [verifyInOrder], [verifyZeroInteractions], and
/// [verifyNoMoreInteractions].
Verification get verify => _makeVerify(false);
Verification _makeVerify(bool never) {
if (_verifyCalls.isNotEmpty) {
var message = 'Verification appears to be in progress.';
if (_verifyCalls.length == 1) {
message =
'$message One verify call has been stored: ${_verifyCalls.single}';
} else {
message =
'$message ${_verifyCalls.length} verify calls have been stored. '
'[${_verifyCalls.first}, ..., ${_verifyCalls.last}]';
throw StateError(message);
if (_verificationInProgress) {
fail('There is already a verification in progress, '
'check if it was not called with a verify argument(s)');
_verificationInProgress = true;
return <T>(T mock) {
_verificationInProgress = false;
if (_verifyCalls.length == 1) {
final verifyCall = _verifyCalls.removeLast();
final result = VerificationResult._(verifyCall.matchingInvocations.length,
return result;
} else {
fail('Used on a non-mockito object');
/// Verifies that a list of methods on a mock object have been called with the
/// given arguments. For example:
/// ```dart
/// verifyInOrder([cat.eatFood("Milk"), cat.sound(), cat.eatFood(any)]);
/// ```
/// This verifies that `eatFood` was called with `"Milk"`, `sound` was called
/// with no arguments, and `eatFood` was then called with some argument.
/// Returns a list of verification results, one for each call which was
/// verified.
/// For example, if [verifyInOrder] is given these calls to verify:
/// ```dart
/// var verification = verifyInOrder(
/// [cat.eatFood(captureAny), cat.chew(), cat.eatFood(captureAny)]);
/// ```
/// then `verification` is a list which contains a `captured` getter which
/// returns three lists:
/// 1. a list containing the argument passed to `eatFood` in the first
/// verified `eatFood` call,
/// 2. an empty list, as nothing was captured in the verified `chew` call,
/// 3. a list containing the argument passed to `eatFood` in the second
/// verified `eatFood` call.
/// Note: [verifyInOrder] only verifies that each call was made in the order
/// given, but not that those were the only calls. In the example above, if
/// other calls were made to `eatFood` or `sound` between the three given
/// calls, or before or after them, the verification will still succeed.
List<VerificationResult> Function<T>(List<T> recordedInvocations)
get verifyInOrder {
if (_verifyCalls.isNotEmpty) {
throw StateError(_verifyCalls.join());
_verificationInProgress = true;
return <T>(List<T> responses) {
if (responses.length != _verifyCalls.length) {
fail("'verifyInOrder' called with non-mockito stub calls; List contains "
'${responses.length} elements, but ${_verifyCalls.length} stub calls '
'were stored: $_verifyCalls');
_verificationInProgress = false;
final verificationResults = <VerificationResult>[];
var time = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
final tmpVerifyCalls = List<_VerifyCall>.from(_verifyCalls);
final matchedCalls = <RealCall>[];
for (final verifyCall in tmpVerifyCalls) {
try {
final matched = verifyCall._findAfter(time);
verificationResults.add(VerificationResult._(1, matched.capturedArgs));
time = matched.realCall.timeStamp;
} on StateError {
final mocks = => vc.mock).toSet();
final allInvocations =
mocks.expand((m) => m._realCalls).toList(growable: false);
.sort((inv1, inv2) => inv1.timeStamp.compareTo(inv2.timeStamp));
var otherCalls = '';
if (allInvocations.isNotEmpty) {
otherCalls = " All calls: ${allInvocations.join(", ")}";
fail('Matching call #${tmpVerifyCalls.indexOf(verifyCall)} '
'not found.$otherCalls');
for (final call in matchedCalls) {
call.verified = true;
return verificationResults;
void _throwMockArgumentError(String method, var nonMockInstance) {
if (nonMockInstance == null) {
throw ArgumentError('$method was called with a null argument');
throw ArgumentError('$method must only be given a Mock object');
void verifyNoMoreInteractions(var mock) {
if (mock is Mock) {
final unverified = mock._realCalls.where((inv) => !inv.verified).toList();
if (unverified.isNotEmpty) {
fail('No more calls expected, but following found: ${unverified.join()}');
} else {
_throwMockArgumentError('verifyNoMoreInteractions', mock);
void verifyZeroInteractions(var mock) {
if (mock is Mock) {
if (mock._realCalls.isNotEmpty) {
fail('No interaction expected, but following found: '
} else {
_throwMockArgumentError('verifyZeroInteractions', mock);
typedef Expectation = PostExpectation<T> Function<T>(T x);
/// Create a stub method response.
/// Call a method on a mock object within the call to `when`, and call a
/// canned response method on the result. For example:
/// ```dart
/// when(cat.eatFood("fish")).thenReturn(true);
/// ```
/// Mockito will store the fake call to `cat.eatFood`, and pair the exact
/// arguments given with the response. When `cat.eatFood` is called outside a
/// `when` or `verify` context (a call "for real"), Mockito will respond with
/// the stored canned response, if it can match the mock method parameters.
/// The response generators include `thenReturn`, `thenAnswer`, and `thenThrow`.
/// See the README for more information.
Expectation get when {
if (_whenCall != null) {
throw StateError('Cannot call `when` within a stub response');
_whenInProgress = true;
return <T>(T _) {
_whenInProgress = false;
return PostExpectation<T>();
typedef InvocationLoader = Future<Invocation> Function<T>(T _);
/// Returns a future [Invocation] that will complete upon the first occurrence
/// of the given invocation.
/// Usage of this is as follows:
/// ```dart
/// cat.eatFood("fish");
/// await untilCalled(cat.chew());
/// ```
/// In the above example, the untilCalled(cat.chew()) will complete only when
/// that method is called. If the given invocation has already been called, the
/// future will return immediately.
InvocationLoader get untilCalled {
_untilCalledInProgress = true;
return <T>(T _) {
_untilCalledInProgress = false;
return _untilCall!.invocationFuture;
/// Print all collected invocations of any mock methods of [mocks].
void logInvocations(List<Mock> mocks) {
final allInvocations =
mocks.expand((m) => m._realCalls).toList(growable: false);
allInvocations.sort((inv1, inv2) => inv1.timeStamp.compareTo(inv2.timeStamp));
for (final inv in allInvocations) {
/// Reset the state of Mockito, typically for use between tests.
/// For example, when using the test package, mock methods may accumulate calls
/// in a `setUp` method, making it hard to verify method calls that were made
/// _during_ an individual test. Or, there may be unverified calls from previous
/// test cases that should not affect later test cases.
/// In these cases, [resetMockitoState] might be called at the end of `setUp`,
/// or in `tearDown`.
void resetMockitoState() {
_whenInProgress = false;
_untilCalledInProgress = false;
_verificationInProgress = false;
_whenCall = null;
_untilCall = null;
extension on Invocation {
/// Returns a pretty String representing a method (or getter or setter) call
/// including its arguments, separating elements with newlines when it should
/// improve readability.
String toPrettyString() {
String argString;
// Add quotes around strings to clarify the type of the argument to the user
// and so the empty string is represented.
final args = => v is String ? "'$v'" : '$v');
if (args.any((arg) => arg.contains('\n'))) {
// As one or more arg contains newlines, put each on its own line, and
// indent each, for better readability.
final indentedArgs = args
.map((arg) => arg.splitMapJoin('\n', onNonMatch: (m) => ' $m'));
argString = '\n${indentedArgs.join(',\n')}';
} else {
// A compact String should be perfect.
argString = args.join(', ');
if (namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
if (argString.isNotEmpty) argString += ', ';
var namedArgs = namedArguments.keys
.map((key) => '${_symbolToString(key)}: ${namedArguments[key]}');
if (namedArgs.any((arg) => arg.contains('\n'))) {
// As one or more arg contains newlines, put each on its own line, and
// indent each, for better readability.
namedArgs = namedArgs
.map((arg) => arg.splitMapJoin('\n', onNonMatch: (m) => ' $m'));
argString += '{\n${namedArgs.join(',\n')}}';
} else {
// A compact String should be perfect.
argString += '{${namedArgs.join(', ')}}';
var method = _symbolToString(memberName);
if (isMethod) {
method = '$method($argString)';
} else if (isGetter) {
method = method;
} else if (isSetter) {
method = '$method=$argString';
} else {
throw StateError('Invocation should be getter, setter or a method call.');
return method;
extension ListOfVerificationResult on List<VerificationResult> {
/// Returns the list of argument lists which were captured within
/// [verifyInOrder].
List<List<dynamic>> get captured => [ => result.captured)];