Relax mixin criteria

Remove the restriction that mixins must implement the mocked type so that [MockPlatformInterfaceMixin]( can be used.

Fixes #603
diff --git a/lib/src/builder.dart b/lib/src/builder.dart
index 71bbeb5..7ee303f 100644
--- a/lib/src/builder.dart
+++ b/lib/src/builder.dart
@@ -618,11 +618,6 @@
       final mixinInterfaceType =
           _determineDartType(typeToMixin, entryLib.typeProvider);
-      if (!mixinInterfaceType.interfaces.contains(type)) {
-        throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException('The "mixingIn" type, '
-            '${typeToMixin.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)}, must '
-            'implement the class to mock, ${typeToMock.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)}');
-      }
diff --git a/test/builder/custom_mocks_test.dart b/test/builder/custom_mocks_test.dart
index 71dc963..8199923 100644
--- a/test/builder/custom_mocks_test.dart
+++ b/test/builder/custom_mocks_test.dart
@@ -415,6 +415,29 @@
+  test('generates a mock class with a marker mixin', () async {
+    var mocksContent = await buildWithNonNullable({
+      ...annotationsAsset,
+      'foo|lib/foo.dart': '''
+        class Foo {}
+        class FooMarkerMixin {}
+        ''',
+      'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
+        import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
+        import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
+        @GenerateMocks([], customMocks: [
+          MockSpec<Foo>(mixingIn: [FooMarkerMixin])
+        ])
+        void main() {}
+        '''
+    });
+    expect(
+      mocksContent,
+      contains(
+          'class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock with _i2.FooMarkerMixin implements _i2.Foo {'),
+    );
+  });
       'generates a mock class which uses the old behavior of returning null on '
       'missing stubs', () async {
@@ -1215,27 +1238,6 @@
-  test('throws when MockSpec mixes in a non-mixinable type', () async {
-    _expectBuilderThrows(
-      assets: {
-        ...annotationsAsset,
-        'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
-        class Foo {}
-        '''),
-        'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
-        import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
-        import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
-        @GenerateMocks([], customMocks: [MockSpec<Foo>(mixingIn: [FooMixin])])
-        void main() {}
-        mixin FooMixin {}
-        '''),
-      },
-      message: contains(
-          'The "mixingIn" type, FooMixin, must implement the class to mock, Foo'),
-    );
-  });
   test('throws when type argument is unknown type', () async {
       assets: {