blob: c176a1b8cefd0c0adb975afb80559fcf5dc7bc63 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Returns a matcher that expects an invocation that matches arguments given.
/// Both [positionalArguments] and [namedArguments] can also be [Matcher]s:
/// // Expects an invocation of "foo(String a, bool b)" where "a" must be
/// // the value 'hello' but "b" may be any value. This would match both
/// // foo('hello', true), foo('hello', false), and foo('hello', null).
/// expect(fooInvocation, invokes(
/// #foo,
/// positionalArguments: ['hello', any]
/// ));
/// Suitable for use in mocking libraries, where `noSuchMethod` can be used to
/// get a handle to attempted [Invocation] objects and then compared against
/// what a user expects to be called.
Matcher invokes(
Symbol memberName, {
List positionalArguments: const [],
Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments: const {},
bool isGetter: false,
bool isSetter: false,
}) {
if (isGetter && isSetter) {
throw new ArgumentError('Cannot set isGetter and iSetter');
if (positionalArguments == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull('positionalArguments');
if (namedArguments == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull('namedArguments');
return new _InvocationMatcher(new _InvocationSignature(
memberName: memberName,
positionalArguments: positionalArguments,
namedArguments: namedArguments,
isGetter: isGetter,
isSetter: isSetter,
/// Returns a matcher that matches the name and arguments of an [invocation].
/// To expect the same _signature_ see [invokes].
Matcher isInvocation(Invocation invocation) =>
new _InvocationMatcher(invocation);
class _InvocationSignature extends Invocation {
final Symbol memberName;
final List positionalArguments;
final Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isSetter;
@required this.memberName,
this.positionalArguments: const [],
this.namedArguments: const {},
this.isGetter: false,
this.isSetter: false,
bool get isMethod => !isAccessor;
class _InvocationMatcher implements Matcher {
static Description _describeInvocation(Description d, Invocation invocation) {
// For a getter or a setter, just return get <member> or set <member> <arg>.
if (invocation.isAccessor) {
d = d
.add(invocation.isGetter ? 'get ' : 'set ')
if (invocation.isSetter) {
d = d.add(' ').addDescriptionOf(invocation.positionalArguments.first);
return d;
// For a method, return <member>(<args>).
d = d
.addAll('', ', ', '', invocation.positionalArguments);
if (invocation.positionalArguments.isNotEmpty &&
invocation.namedArguments.isNotEmpty) {
d = d.add(', ');
// Also added named arguments, if any.
return d.addAll('', ', ', '', _namedArgsAndValues(invocation)).add(')');
// Returns named arguments as an iterable of '<name>: <value>'.
static Iterable<String> _namedArgsAndValues(Invocation invocation) =>*<String>*/((name) =>
'${_symbolToString(name)}: ${invocation.namedArguments[name]}');
// This will give is a mangled symbol in dart2js/aot with minification
// enabled, but it's safe to assume very few people will use the invocation
// matcher in a production test anyway due to noSuchMethod.
static String _symbolToString(Symbol symbol) {
return symbol.toString().split('"')[1];
final Invocation _invocation;
_InvocationMatcher(this._invocation) {
if (_invocation == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull();
Description describe(Description d) => _describeInvocation(d, _invocation);
// TODO(matanl): Better implement describeMismatch and use state from matches.
// Specifically, if a Matcher is passed as an argument, we'd like to get an
// error like "Expected fly(miles: > 10), Actual: fly(miles: 5)".
Description describeMismatch(item, Description d, _, __) {
if (item is Invocation) {
d = d.add('Does not match ');
return _describeInvocation(d, item);
return d.add('Is not an Invocation');
bool matches(item, _) =>
item is Invocation &&
_invocation.memberName == item.memberName &&
_invocation.isSetter == item.isSetter &&
_invocation.isGetter == item.isGetter &&
const ListEquality(const _MatcherEquality())
.equals(_invocation.positionalArguments, item.positionalArguments) &&
const MapEquality(values: const _MatcherEquality())
.equals(_invocation.namedArguments, item.namedArguments);
class _MatcherEquality extends DefaultEquality /* <Matcher | E> */ {
const _MatcherEquality();
bool equals(e1, e2) {
if (e1 is Matcher && e2 is! Matcher) {
return e1.matches(e2, const {});
if (e2 is Matcher && e1 is! Matcher) {
return e2.matches(e1, const {});
return super.equals(e1, e2);
// We force collisions on every value so equals() is called.
int hash(_) => 0;