blob: 1ebeb637bdd677e1e665aaafd7c6b3b68c40b24a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Dart Mockito authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:build/experiments.dart';
import 'package:build_test/build_test.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:mockito/src/builder.dart';
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
Builder buildMocks(BuilderOptions options) => MockBuilder();
const annotationsAsset = {
'mockito|lib/annotations.dart': '''
class GenerateMocks {
final List<Type> classes;
final List<MockSpec> customMocks;
const GenerateMocks(this.classes, {this.customMocks = []});
class MockSpec<T> {
final Symbol mockName;
final bool returnNullOnMissingStub;
const MockSpec({Symbol as, this.returnNullOnMissingStub = false})
: mockName = as;
const mockitoAssets = {
'mockito|lib/mockito.dart': '''
export 'src/mock.dart';
'mockito|lib/src/mock.dart': '''
class Mock {}
const simpleTestAsset = {
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void main() {}
const _constructorWithThrowOnMissingStub = '''
MockFoo() {
void main() {
'generates a mock class but does not override methods w/ zero parameters',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
dynamic a() => 7;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('generates a mock class but does not override private methods',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int _b(int x) => 8;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('generates a mock class but does not override static methods', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
static int c(int y) => 9;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('generates a mock class but does not override any extension methods',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
extension X on Foo {
dynamic x(int m, String n) => n + 1;
class Foo {}
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('overrides methods, matching optional positional parameters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void m(int a, [int b, int c = 0]) {}
_containsAllOf('void m(int? a, [int? b, int? c = 0]) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b, c]));'),
test('overrides methods, matching named parameters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void m(int a, {int b, int c = 0}) {}
_containsAllOf('void m(int? a, {int? b, int? c = 0}) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a], {#b: b, #c: c}));'),
test('overrides async methods legally', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Future<void> m() async => print(s);
_containsAllOf('_i3.Future<void> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), Future.value(null));'),
test('overrides async* methods legally', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Stream<int> m() async* { yield 7; }
_containsAllOf('_i3.Stream<int> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), Stream<int>.empty());'),
test('overrides sync* methods legally', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Iterable<int> m() sync* { yield 7; }
_containsAllOf('Iterable<int> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), []);'),
test('generates multiple mock classes', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
class Bar {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
@GenerateMocks([Foo, Bar])
void main() {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
class MockBar extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Bar {
MockBar() {
test('generates mock classes from multiple annotations', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
class Bar {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void fooTests() {}
void barTests() {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
class MockBar extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Bar {
MockBar() {
test('generates mock classes from multiple annotations on a single element',
() async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
class Bar {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void barTests() {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
class MockBar extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Bar {
MockBar() {
test('generates generic mock classes', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo<T, U> {}
class MockFoo<T, U> extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo<T, U> {
test('generates generic mock classes with type bounds', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
class Bar<T extends Foo> {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
@GenerateMocks([Foo, Bar])
void main() {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
class MockBar<T extends _i2.Foo> extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Bar<T> {
MockBar() {
test('writes dynamic, void w/o import prefix', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void m(dynamic a, int b) {}
'void m(dynamic a, int? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));',
test('writes type variables types w/o import prefixes', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void m<T>(T a) {}
'void m<T>(T? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));',
test('imports libraries for external class types', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {
dynamic f(List<Foo> list) {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': dedent(r'''
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:foo/foo.dart' as _i2;
/// A class which mocks [Foo].
/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
MockFoo() {
dynamic f(List<_i2.Foo>? list) =>
super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#f, [list]));
test('imports libraries for type aliases with external types', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
import 'dart:async';
typedef Callback = void Function();
typedef void Callback2();
typedef Future<T> Callback3<T>();
class Foo {
dynamic f(Callback c) {}
dynamic g(Callback2 c) {}
dynamic h(Callback3<Foo> c) {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': dedent(r'''
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:foo/foo.dart' as _i2;
/// A class which mocks [Foo].
/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
MockFoo() {
dynamic f(_i2.Callback? c) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#f, [c]));
dynamic g(_i2.Callback2? c) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#g, [c]));
dynamic h(_i2.Callback3<_i2.Foo>? c) =>
super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#h, [c]));
test('prefixes parameter type on generic function-typed parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {
dynamic m(void Function(Foo f) a) {}
_containsAllOf('dynamic m(void Function(_i2.Foo)? a) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('prefixes return type on generic function-typed parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {
void m(Foo Function() a) {}
_containsAllOf('void m(_i2.Foo Function()? a) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('prefixes parameter type on function-typed parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {
void m(void a(Foo f)) {}
_containsAllOf('void m(void Function(_i2.Foo)? a) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('prefixes return type on function-typed parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
import 'dart:async';
class Foo {
void m(Foo a()) {}
_containsAllOf('void m(_i2.Foo Function()? a) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('widens the type of parameters to be nullable', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(int? a, int b);
'void m(int? a, int? b) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
'widens the type of potentially non-nullable type variables to be '
'nullable', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo<T> {
void m(int? a, T b);
'void m(int? a, T? b) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
test('matches nullability of type arguments of a parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(List<int?> a, List<int> b);
_containsAllOf('void m(List<int?>? a, List<int>? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
'matches nullability of return type of a generic function-typed '
'parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(int? Function() a, int Function() b);
_containsAllOf('void m(int? Function()? a, int Function()? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
'matches nullability of parameter types within a generic function-typed '
'parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(void Function(int?) a, void Function(int) b);
_containsAllOf('void m(void Function(int?)? a, void Function(int)? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
test('matches nullability of return type of a function-typed parameter',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(int? a(), int b());
_containsAllOf('void m(int? Function()? a, int Function()? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
'matches nullability of parameter types within a function-typed '
'parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(void a(int? x), void b(int x));
_containsAllOf('void m(void Function(int?)? a, void Function(int)? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
test('matches nullability of a generic parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m<T>(T? a, T b);
'void m<T>(T? a, T? b) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
test('matches nullability of a dynamic parameter', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m(dynamic a, int b);
_containsAllOf('void m(dynamic a, int? b) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a, b]));'),
test('matches nullability of non-nullable return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
int m(int a);
'int m(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]), 0);'),
test('matches nullability of nullable return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
int? m(int a);
'int? m(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('matches nullability of return type type arguments', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
List<int?> m(int a);
_containsAllOf('List<int?> m(int? a) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]), <int?>[]);'),
test('matches nullability of nullable type variable return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
T? m<T>(int a);
'T? m<T>(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('overrides implicit return type with dynamic', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
m(int a);
'dynamic m(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, [a]));'),
test('overrides abstract methods', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
dynamic f(int a);
'dynamic f(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#f, [a]));'),
test('does not override methods with all nullable parameters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void a(int? p) {}
void b(dynamic p) {}
void c(var p) {}
void d(final p) {}
void e(int Function()? p) {}
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override methods with a void return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
void m();
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override methods with an implicit dynamic return type',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override methods with an explicit dynamic return type',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
dynamic m();
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override methods with a nullable return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
int? m();
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('overrides methods with a non-nullable return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
int m();
'int m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), 0);'),
test('overrides methods with a potentially non-nullable parameter', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo<T> {
void a(T m) {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(
'void a(T? m) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#a, [m]));'),
test('overrides generic methods', () async {
await _testWithNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {
dynamic f<T>(int a) {}
dynamic g<T extends Foo>(int a) {}
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': dedent(r'''
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:foo/foo.dart' as _i2;
/// A class which mocks [Foo].
/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
MockFoo() {
dynamic f<T>(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#f, [a]));
dynamic g<T extends _i2.Foo>(int? a) =>
super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#g, [a]));
test('overrides non-nullable instance getters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int get m => 7;
'int get m => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.getter(#m), 0);'),
test('does not override nullable instance getters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int? get m => 7;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('overrides non-nullable instance setters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void set m(int a) {}
'set m(int? a) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.setter(#m, [a]));'),
test('does not override nullable instance setters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void set m(int? a) {}
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('overrides non-nullable fields', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int m;
'int get m => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.getter(#m), 0);',
'set m(int? _m) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.setter(#m, [_m]));'),
test('overrides final non-nullable fields', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
final int m;
'int get m => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.getter(#m), 0);'),
test('does not override nullable fields', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int? m;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override private fields', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int _a;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('does not override static fields', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
static int b;
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
test('overrides binary operators', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int operator +(Foo other) => 7;
_containsAllOf('int operator +(_i2.Foo? other) =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#+, [other]), 0);'),
test('overrides index operators', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int operator [](int x) => 7;
'int operator [](int? x) => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#[], [x]), 0);'),
test('overrides unary operators', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int operator ~() => 7;
'int operator ~() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#~, []), 0);'),
test('creates dummy non-null bool return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
bool m() => false;
'bool m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), false);'),
test('creates dummy non-null double return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
double m() => 3.14;
'double m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), 0.0);'),
test('creates dummy non-null int return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
int m() => 7;
'int m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), 0);'),
test('creates dummy non-null String return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
String m() => "Hello";
"String m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), '');"),
test('creates dummy non-null List return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
List<Foo> m() => [Foo()];
_containsAllOf('List<_i2.Foo> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), <_i2.Foo>[]);'),
test('creates dummy non-null Set return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Set<Foo> m() => {Foo()};
_containsAllOf('Set<_i2.Foo> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), <_i2.Foo>{});'),
test('creates dummy non-null Map return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Map<int, Foo> m() => {7: Foo()};
_containsAllOf('Map<int, _i2.Foo> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), <int, _i2.Foo>{});'),
test('creates dummy non-null raw-typed return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
Map m();
_containsAllOf('Map<dynamic, dynamic> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), <dynamic, dynamic>{});'),
test('creates dummy non-null return values for Futures of known core classes',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Future<bool> m() async => false;
_containsAllOf('_i3.Future<bool> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), Future.value(false));'),
test('creates dummy non-null Stream return value', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
Stream<int> m();
_containsAllOf('Stream<int> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), Stream<int>.empty());'),
test('creates dummy non-null return values for unknown classes', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Bar m() => Bar('name');
class Bar {
final String name;
'_i2.Bar m() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), _FakeBar());'),
test('creates dummy non-null return values for generic type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
abstract class Foo {
Bar<int> m();
class Bar<T> {}
_containsAllOf('Bar<int> m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), _FakeBar<int>());'),
test('creates dummy non-null return values for enums', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Bar m1() => Bar('name');
enum Bar {
'_i2.Bar m1() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m1, []),;'),
'creates a dummy non-null function-typed return value, with optional '
'parameters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void Function(int, [String]) m() => (int i, [String s]) {};
_containsAllOf('void Function(int, [String]) m() => super',
'.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), (int __p0, [String __p1]) {});'),
'creates a dummy non-null function-typed return value, with named '
'parameters', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
void Function(Foo, {bool b}) m() => (Foo f, {bool b}) {};
_containsAllOf('void Function(_i2.Foo, {bool b}) m() => super',
'.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), (_i2.Foo __p0, {bool b}) {});'),
'creates a dummy non-null function-typed return value, with non-core '
'return type', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Foo Function() m() => () => Foo();
_containsAllOf('_i2.Foo Function() m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), () => _FakeFoo());'),
test('creates a dummy non-null generic function-typed return value',
() async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
T? Function<T>(T) m() => (int i, [String s]) {};
// TODO(srawlins): This output is invalid: `T __p0` is out of the scope
// where T is defined.
_containsAllOf('T? Function<T>(T) m() =>',
'super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m, []), (T __p0) => null);'),
test('generates a fake class used in return values', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Bar m1() => Bar('name1');
class Bar {}
_containsAllOf('class _FakeBar extends _i1.Fake implements _i2.Bar {}'),
test('generates a fake generic class used in return values', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Bar m1() => Bar('name1');
class Bar<T, U> {}
'class _FakeBar<T, U> extends _i1.Fake implements _i2.Bar<T, U> {}'),
test('deduplicates fake classes', () async {
await _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
class Foo {
Bar m1() => Bar('name1');
Bar m2() => Bar('name2');
class Bar {
final String name;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart' as _i1;
import 'package:foo/foo.dart' as _i2;
class _FakeBar extends _i1.Fake implements _i2.Bar {}
/// A class which mocks [Foo].
/// See the documentation for Mockito's code generation for more information.
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
MockFoo() {
_i2.Bar m1() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m1, []), _FakeBar());
_i2.Bar m2() => super.noSuchMethod(Invocation.method(#m2, []), _FakeBar());
test('throws when GenerateMocks is given a class multiple times', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': '''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
@GenerateMocks([Foo, Foo])
void main() {}
message: contains(
'Mockito cannot generate two mocks with the same name: MockFoo (for '
'Foo declared in /foo/lib/foo.dart, and for Foo declared in '
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'private return type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
_Bar m(int a);
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private return type, and cannot be "
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a return '
'type with private type arguments', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
List<_Bar> m(int a);
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private type argument, and cannot be "
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a return '
'function type, with a private return type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
_Bar Function() m();
class _Bar {}
message: contains("The method 'Foo.m' features a private return type, "
'and cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'private parameter type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {
void m(_Bar a) {}
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private parameter type, '_Bar', and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'parameter with private type arguments', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {
void m(List<_Bar> a) {}
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private type argument, and cannot be "
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'function parameter type, with a private return type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {
void m(_Bar Function() a) {}
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private return type, and cannot be "
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a return '
'function type, with a private parameter type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
Function(_Bar) m();
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private parameter type, '_Bar', and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a type parameter with a '
'private bound', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo<T extends _Bar> {
void m(int a) {}
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The class 'Foo' features a private type parameter bound, and cannot "
'be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'type parameter with a private bound', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {
void m<T extends _Bar>(int a) {}
class _Bar {}
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a private type parameter bound, and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'non-nullable class-declared type variable return type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo<T> {
T m(int a);
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a non-nullable unknown return type, and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'non-nullable method-declared type variable return type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
T m<T>(int a);
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a non-nullable unknown return type, and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
'throws when GenerateMocks is given a class with a method with a '
'non-nullable method-declared bounded type variable return type',
() async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent('''
abstract class Foo {
T m<T extends num>(int a);
message: contains(
"The method 'Foo.m' features a non-nullable unknown return type, and "
'cannot be stubbed.'),
test('throws when GenerateMocks is missing an argument', () async {
assets: {
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
// Missing required argument to GenerateMocks.
void main() {}
message: contains('The GenerateMocks "classes" argument is missing'),
test('throws when GenerateMocks is given a private class', () async {
assets: {
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void main() {}
class _Foo {}
message: contains('Mockito cannot mock a private type: _Foo.'),
test('throws when GenerateMocks references an unresolved type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
// missing foo.dart import.
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
@GenerateMocks([List, Foo])
void main() {}
message: contains('includes an unknown type'),
test('throws when two distinct classes with the same name are mocked',
() async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/a.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|lib/b.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:foo/a.dart' as a;
import 'package:foo/b.dart' as b;
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
@GenerateMocks([a.Foo, b.Foo])
void main() {}
message: contains(
'Mockito cannot generate two mocks with the same name: MockFoo (for '
'Foo declared in /foo/lib/a.dart, and for Foo declared in '
test('throws when a mock class of the same name already exists', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void main() {}
class MockFoo {}
message: contains(
'Mockito cannot generate a mock with a name which conflicts with '
'another class declared in this library: MockFoo'),
test('throws when a mock class of class-to-mock already exists', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
class Foo {}
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:foo/foo.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
void main() {}
class FakeFoo extends Mock implements Foo {}
message: contains(
'contains a class which appears to already be mocked inline: FakeFoo'),
test('throws when GenerateMocks references a non-type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void main() {}
message: 'The "classes" argument includes a non-type: int (7)',
test('throws when GenerateMocks references a typedef', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
typedef Foo = void Function();
message: 'Mockito cannot mock a typedef: Foo',
test('throws when GenerateMocks references an enum', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
enum Foo {}
message: 'Mockito cannot mock an enum: Foo',
test('throws when GenerateMocks references an extension', () async {
assets: {
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
extension Foo on String {}
message: contains('includes an extension'),
test('throws when GenerateMocks references a non-subtypeable type', () async {
assets: {
'foo|test/foo_test.dart': dedent('''
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
void main() {}
message: contains('Mockito cannot mock a non-subtypable type: int'),
test('given a pre-non-nullable library, does not override any members',
() async {
await _testPreNonNullable(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': dedent(r'''
abstract class Foo {
int f(int a);
outputs: {
'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': _containsAllOf(dedent('''
class MockFoo extends _i1.Mock implements _i2.Foo {
MockFoo() {
/// Test [MockBuilder] in a package which has not opted into the non-nullable
/// type system.
/// Whether the non-nullable experiment is enabled depends on the SDK executing
/// this test, but that does not affect the opt-in state of the package under
/// test.
Future<void> _testPreNonNullable(Map<String, String> sourceAssets,
{Map<String, /*String|Matcher<String>*/ dynamic> outputs}) async {
var packageConfig = PackageConfig([
Package('foo', Uri.file('/foo/'),
packageUriRoot: Uri.file('/foo/lib/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion(2, 7))
await testBuilder(buildMocks(BuilderOptions({})), sourceAssets,
outputs: outputs, packageConfig: packageConfig);
/// Test [MockBuilder] in a package which has opted into the non-nullable type
/// system, and with the non-nullable experiment enabled.
Future<void> _testWithNonNullable(Map<String, String> sourceAssets,
{Map<String, /*String|Matcher<List<int>>*/ dynamic> outputs}) async {
var packageConfig = PackageConfig([
Package('foo', Uri.file('/foo/'),
packageUriRoot: Uri.file('/foo/lib/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion(2, 9))
await withEnabledExperiments(
() async => await testBuilder(buildMocks(BuilderOptions({})), sourceAssets,
outputs: outputs, packageConfig: packageConfig),
/// Test [MockBuilder] on a single source file, in a package which has opted
/// into the non-nullable type system, and with the non-nullable experiment
/// enabled.
Future<void> _expectSingleNonNullableOutput(
String sourceAssetText,
/*String|Matcher<List<int>>*/ dynamic output) async {
var packageConfig = PackageConfig([
Package('foo', Uri.file('/foo/'),
packageUriRoot: Uri.file('/foo/lib/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion(2, 9))
await withEnabledExperiments(
() async => await testBuilder(
'foo|lib/foo.dart': sourceAssetText,
outputs: {'foo|test/foo_test.mocks.dart': output},
packageConfig: packageConfig),
TypeMatcher<List<int>> _containsAllOf(a, [b]) => decodedMatches(
b == null ? allOf(contains(a)) : allOf(contains(a), contains(b)));
/// Expect that [testBuilder], given [assets], throws an
/// [InvalidMockitoAnnotationException] with a message containing [message].
void _expectBuilderThrows(
{@required Map<String, String> assets,
@required dynamic /*String|Matcher<List<int>>*/ message}) {
() async => await testBuilder(buildMocks(BuilderOptions({})), assets),
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', message)));
/// Dedent [input], so that each line is shifted to the left, so that the first
/// line is at the 0 column.
String dedent(String input) {
final indentMatch = RegExp(r'^(\s*)').firstMatch(input);
final indent = ''.padRight(;
return input.splitMapJoin('\n',
onNonMatch: (s) => s.replaceFirst(RegExp('^$indent'), ''));