blob: 2648d7d8865c109784f67fa279f240e2e71b86c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'bound_multipart_stream.dart';
import 'char_code.dart' as char_code;
import 'mime_shared.dart';
Uint8List _getBoundary(String boundary) {
final charCodes = boundary.codeUnits;
final boundaryList = Uint8List(4 + charCodes.length);
// Set-up the matching boundary preceding it with CRLF and two
// dashes.
boundaryList[0] =;
boundaryList[1] = char_code.lf;
boundaryList[2] = char_code.dash;
boundaryList[3] = char_code.dash;
boundaryList.setRange(4, 4 + charCodes.length, charCodes);
return boundaryList;
/// Parser for MIME multipart types of data as described in RFC 2046
/// section 5.1.1. The data is transformed into [MimeMultipart] objects, each
/// of them streaming the multipart data.
class MimeMultipartTransformer
extends StreamTransformerBase<List<int>, MimeMultipart> {
final List<int> _boundary;
/// Construct a new MIME multipart parser with the boundary
/// [boundary]. The boundary should be as specified in the content
/// type parameter, that is without the -- prefix.
MimeMultipartTransformer(String boundary)
: _boundary = _getBoundary(boundary);
Stream<MimeMultipart> bind(Stream<List<int>> stream) =>
BoundMultipartStream(_boundary, stream).stream;