blob: 1e444a66fcf687894d61a7cb9dec8f7f6ed4e0cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'description.dart';
import 'equals_matcher.dart';
import 'feature_matcher.dart';
import 'interfaces.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s in which all elements
/// match the given [matcher].
Matcher everyElement(matcher) => _EveryElement(wrapMatcher(matcher));
class _EveryElement extends _IterableMatcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) {
var i = 0;
for (var element in item) {
if (!_matcher.matches(element, matchState)) {
addStateInfo(matchState, {'index': i, 'element': element});
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('every element(').addDescriptionOf(_matcher).add(')');
Description describeTypedMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (matchState['index'] != null) {
var index = matchState['index'];
var element = matchState['element'];
.add('has value ')
.add(' which ');
var subDescription = StringDescription();
element, subDescription, matchState['state'] as Map, verbose);
if (subDescription.length > 0) {
} else {
mismatchDescription.add("doesn't match ");
mismatchDescription.add(' at index $index');
return mismatchDescription;
return super
.describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
/// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s in which at least one
/// element matches the given [matcher].
Matcher anyElement(matcher) => _AnyElement(wrapMatcher(matcher));
class _AnyElement extends _IterableMatcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) =>
item.any((e) => _matcher.matches(e, matchState));
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('some element ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
/// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s that have the same
/// length and the same elements as [expected], in the same order.
/// This is equivalent to [equals] but does not recurse.
Matcher orderedEquals(Iterable expected) => _OrderedEquals(expected);
class _OrderedEquals extends _IterableMatcher {
final Iterable _expected;
final Matcher _matcher;
_OrderedEquals(this._expected) : _matcher = equals(_expected, 1);
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) =>
_matcher.matches(item, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('equals ').addDescriptionOf(_expected).add(' ordered');
Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item,
Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
return _matcher.describeMismatch(
item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
/// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s that have the same length and
/// the same elements as [expected], but not necessarily in the same order.
/// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should
/// only be used on small iterables.
Matcher unorderedEquals(Iterable expected) => _UnorderedEquals(expected);
class _UnorderedEquals extends _UnorderedMatches {
final List _expectedValues;
_UnorderedEquals(Iterable expected)
: _expectedValues = expected.toList(),
Description describe(Description description) => description
.add('equals ')
.add(' unordered');
/// Iterable matchers match against [Iterable]s. We add this intermediate
/// class to give better mismatch error messages than the base Matcher class.
abstract class _IterableMatcher extends FeatureMatcher<Iterable> {
const _IterableMatcher();
/// Returns a matcher which matches [Iterable]s whose elements match the
/// matchers in [expected], but not necessarily in the same order.
/// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should
/// only be used on small iterables.
Matcher unorderedMatches(Iterable expected) => _UnorderedMatches(expected);
class _UnorderedMatches extends _IterableMatcher {
final List<Matcher> _expected;
final bool _allowUnmatchedValues;
_UnorderedMatches(Iterable expected, {bool allowUnmatchedValues = false})
: _expected =,
_allowUnmatchedValues = allowUnmatchedValues;
String? _test(List values) {
// Check the lengths are the same.
if (_expected.length > values.length) {
return 'has too few elements (${values.length} < ${_expected.length})';
} else if (!_allowUnmatchedValues && _expected.length < values.length) {
return 'has too many elements (${values.length} > ${_expected.length})';
var edges = List.generate(values.length, (_) => <int>[], growable: false);
for (var v = 0; v < values.length; v++) {
for (var m = 0; m < _expected.length; m++) {
if (_expected[m].matches(values[v], {})) {
// The index into `values` matched with each matcher or `null` if no value
// has been matched yet.
var matched = List<int?>.filled(_expected.length, null);
for (var valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < values.length; valueIndex++) {
_findPairing(edges, valueIndex, matched);
for (var matcherIndex = 0;
matcherIndex < _expected.length;
matcherIndex++) {
if (matched[matcherIndex] == null) {
final description = StringDescription()
.add('has no match for ')
.add(' at index $matcherIndex');
final remainingUnmatched =
matched.sublist(matcherIndex + 1).where((m) => m == null).length;
return remainingUnmatched == 0
? description.toString()
: description
.add(' along with $remainingUnmatched other unmatched')
return null;
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map mismatchState) =>
_test(item.toList()) == null;
Description describe(Description description) => description
.add('matches ')
.addAll('[', ', ', ']', _expected)
.add(' unordered');
Description describeTypedMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState, bool verbose) =>
/// Returns `true` if the value at [valueIndex] can be paired with some
/// unmatched matcher and updates the state of [matched].
/// If there is a conflict where multiple values may match the same matcher
/// recursively looks for a new place to match the old value.
bool _findPairing(
List<List<int>> edges, int valueIndex, List<int?> matched) =>
_findPairingInner(edges, valueIndex, matched, <int>{});
/// Implementation of [_findPairing], tracks [reserved] which are the
/// matchers that have been used _during_ this search.
bool _findPairingInner(List<List<int>> edges, int valueIndex,
List<int?> matched, Set<int> reserved) {
final possiblePairings =
edges[valueIndex].where((m) => !reserved.contains(m));
for (final matcherIndex in possiblePairings) {
final previouslyMatched = matched[matcherIndex];
if (previouslyMatched == null ||
// If the matcher isn't already free, check whether the existing value
// occupying the matcher can be bumped to another one.
_findPairingInner(edges, matched[matcherIndex]!, matched, reserved)) {
matched[matcherIndex] = valueIndex;
return true;
return false;
/// A pairwise matcher for [Iterable]s.
/// The [comparator] function, taking an expected and an actual argument, and
/// returning whether they match, will be applied to each pair in order.
/// [description] should be a meaningful name for the comparator.
Matcher pairwiseCompare<S, T>(Iterable<S> expected,
bool Function(S, T) comparator, String description) =>
_PairwiseCompare(expected, comparator, description);
typedef _Comparator<S, T> = bool Function(S a, T b);
class _PairwiseCompare<S, T> extends _IterableMatcher {
final Iterable<S> _expected;
final _Comparator<S, T> _comparator;
final String _description;
_PairwiseCompare(this._expected, this._comparator, this._description);
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) {
if (item.length != _expected.length) return false;
var iterator = item.iterator;
var i = 0;
for (var e in _expected) {
if (!_comparator(e, iterator.current as T)) {
{'index': i, 'expected': e, 'actual': iterator.current});
return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('pairwise $_description ').addDescriptionOf(_expected);
Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item,
Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item.length != _expected.length) {
return mismatchDescription
.add('has length ${item.length} instead of ${_expected.length}');
} else {
return mismatchDescription
.add('has ')
.add(' which is not $_description ')
.add(' at index ${matchState["index"]}');
/// Matches [Iterable]s which contain an element matching every value in
/// [expected] in any order, and may contain additional values.
/// For example: `[0, 1, 0, 2, 0]` matches `containsAll([1, 2])` and
/// `containsAll([2, 1])` but not `containsAll([1, 2, 3])`.
/// Will only match values which implement [Iterable].
/// Each element in the value will only be considered a match for a single
/// matcher in [expected] even if it could satisfy more than one. For instance
/// `containsAll([greaterThan(1), greaterThan(2)])` will not be satisfied by
/// `[3]`. To check that all matchers are satisfied within an iterable and allow
/// the same element to satisfy multiple matchers use
/// `allOf(`.
/// Note that this is worst case O(n^2) runtime and memory usage so it should
/// only be used on small iterables.
Matcher containsAll(Iterable expected) => _ContainsAll(expected);
class _ContainsAll extends _UnorderedMatches {
final Iterable _unwrappedExpected;
_ContainsAll(Iterable expected)
: _unwrappedExpected = expected,
super(, allowUnmatchedValues: true);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('contains all of ').addDescriptionOf(_unwrappedExpected);
/// Matches [Iterable]s which contain an element matching every value in
/// [expected] in the same order, but may contain additional values interleaved
/// throughout.
/// For example: `[0, 1, 0, 2, 0]` matches `containsAllInOrder([1, 2])` but not
/// `containsAllInOrder([2, 1])` or `containsAllInOrder([1, 2, 3])`.
/// Will only match values which implement [Iterable].
Matcher containsAllInOrder(Iterable expected) => _ContainsAllInOrder(expected);
class _ContainsAllInOrder extends _IterableMatcher {
final Iterable _expected;
String? _test(Iterable item, Map matchState) {
var matchers =;
var matcherIndex = 0;
for (var value in item) {
if (matchers[matcherIndex].matches(value, matchState)) matcherIndex++;
if (matcherIndex == matchers.length) return null;
return StringDescription()
.add('did not find a value matching ')
.add(' following expected prior values')
bool typedMatches(Iterable item, Map matchState) =>
_test(item, matchState) == null;
Description describe(Description description) => description
.add('contains in order(')
Description describeTypedMismatch(Iterable item,
Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) =>
mismatchDescription.add(_test(item, matchState)!);