blob: b3a5323adbe0eb72e3a6268343f7056f92fe0e6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.throws_matcher;
import 'dart:async';
import 'expect.dart';
import 'interfaces.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// This can be used to match two kinds of objects:
/// * A [Function] that throws an exception when called. The function cannot
/// take any arguments. If you want to test that a function expecting
/// arguments throws, wrap it in another zero-argument function that calls
/// the one you want to test.
/// * A [Future] that completes with an exception. Note that this creates an
/// asynchronous expectation. The call to `expect()` that includes this will
/// return immediately and execution will continue. Later, when the future
/// completes, the actual expectation will run.
const Matcher throws = const Throws();
/// This can be used to match two kinds of objects:
/// * A [Function] that throws an exception when called. The function cannot
/// take any arguments. If you want to test that a function expecting
/// arguments throws, wrap it in another zero-argument function that calls
/// the one you want to test.
/// * A [Future] that completes with an exception. Note that this creates an
/// asynchronous expectation. The call to `expect()` that includes this will
/// return immediately and execution will continue. Later, when the future
/// completes, the actual expectation will run.
/// In both cases, when an exception is thrown, this will test that the exception
/// object matches [matcher]. If [matcher] is not an instance of [Matcher], it
/// will implicitly be treated as `equals(matcher)`.
Matcher throwsA(matcher) => new Throws(wrapMatcher(matcher));
class Throws extends Matcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
const Throws([Matcher matcher]) : this._matcher = matcher;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (item is! Function && item is! Future) return false;
if (item is Future) {
var done = wrapAsync((fn) => fn());
// Queue up an asynchronous expectation that validates when the future
// completes.
item.then((value) {
done(() {
fail("Expected future to fail, but succeeded with '$value'.");
}, onError: (error, trace) {
done(() {
if (_matcher == null) return;
var reason;
if (trace != null) {
var stackTrace = trace.toString();
stackTrace = " ${stackTrace.replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}";
reason = "Actual exception trace:\n$stackTrace";
expect(error, _matcher, reason: reason);
// It hasn't failed yet.
return true;
try {
return false;
} catch (e, s) {
if (_matcher == null || _matcher.matches(e, matchState)) {
return true;
} else {
addStateInfo(matchState, {'exception': e, 'stack': s});
return false;
Description describe(Description description) {
if (_matcher == null) {
return description.add("throws");
} else {
return description.add('throws ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState,
bool verbose) {
if (item is! Function && item is! Future) {
return mismatchDescription.add('is not a Function or Future');
} else if (_matcher == null || matchState['exception'] == null) {
return mismatchDescription.add('did not throw');
} else {
mismatchDescription. add('threw ').
if (verbose) {
mismatchDescription.add(' at ').add(matchState['stack'].toString());
return mismatchDescription;