blob: 997d03a7536304b39d351393e077ac63a992bda0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../inline_parser.dart';
import '../util.dart';
/// Represents one kind of Markdown tag that can be parsed.
abstract class InlineSyntax {
final RegExp pattern;
/// The first character of [pattern], to be used as an efficient first check
/// that this syntax matches the current parser position.
final int? _startCharacter;
/// Create a new [InlineSyntax] which matches text on [pattern].
/// If [startCharacter] is passed, it is used as a pre-matching check which
/// is faster than matching against [pattern].
/// If [caseSensitive] is disabled, then case is ignored when matching
/// the [pattern].
InlineSyntax(String pattern, {int? startCharacter, bool caseSensitive = true})
: pattern =
RegExp(pattern, multiLine: true, caseSensitive: caseSensitive),
_startCharacter = startCharacter;
/// Tries to match at the parser's current position.
/// The parser's position can be overriden with [startMatchPos].
/// Returns whether or not the pattern successfully matched.
bool tryMatch(InlineParser parser, [int? startMatchPos]) {
startMatchPos ??= parser.pos;
// Before matching with the regular expression [pattern], which can be
// expensive on some platforms, check if even the first character matches
// this syntax.
if (_startCharacter != null &&
parser.source.codeUnitAt(startMatchPos) != _startCharacter) {
return false;
final startMatch = pattern.matchAsPrefix(parser.source, startMatchPos);
if (startMatch == null) return false;
// Write any existing plain text up to this point.
if (onMatch(parser, startMatch)) parser.consume(startMatch.match.length);
return true;
/// Processes [match], adding nodes to [parser] and possibly advancing
/// [parser].
/// Returns whether the caller should advance [parser] by `match[0].length`.
bool onMatch(InlineParser parser, Match match);