blob: 1a70893b7027292ad3e5aa577debc14bb28ee2b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/util/dart_type_utilities.dart';
typedef _InterfaceTypePredicate = bool Function(InterfaceType type);
/// Returns a predicate which returns whether a given [InterfaceTypeDefinition]
/// is equal to [definition].
_InterfaceTypePredicate _buildImplementsDefinitionPredicate(
InterfaceTypeDefinition definition) =>
(InterfaceType interface) => == && == definition.library;
/// Returns all implemented interfaces of [type].
/// This flattens all of the super-interfaces of [type] into one list.
List<InterfaceType> _findImplementedInterfaces(InterfaceType type,
{List<InterfaceType> accumulator = const []}) =>
? accumulator
: type.interfaces.fold(
(List<InterfaceType> acc, InterfaceType e) => List.from(acc)
..addAll(_findImplementedInterfaces(e, accumulator: acc)));
/// Returns the first type argument on [definition], as implemented by [type].
/// In the simplest case, [type] is the same class as [definition]. For
/// example, given the definition `List<E>` and the type `List<int>`,
/// this function returns the DartType for `int`.
/// In a more complicated case, we must traverse [type]'s interfaces to find
/// [definition]. For example, given the definition `Set<E>` and the type `A`
/// where `A implements B<List, String>` and `B<E, F> implements Set<F>, C<E>`,
/// this function returns the DartType for `String`.
DartType _findIterableTypeArgument(
InterfaceTypeDefinition definition, InterfaceType type,
{List<InterfaceType> accumulator = const []}) {
if (type == null ||
type.isObject ||
type.isDynamic ||
accumulator.contains(type)) {
return null;
_InterfaceTypePredicate predicate =
if (predicate(type)) {
return type.typeArguments.first;
List<InterfaceType> implementedInterfaces = _findImplementedInterfaces(type);
InterfaceType interface =
implementedInterfaces.firstWhere(predicate, orElse: () => null);
if (interface != null && interface.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
return interface.typeArguments.first;
return _findIterableTypeArgument(definition, type.superclass,
accumulator: [type]..addAll(accumulator)..addAll(implementedInterfaces));
bool _isParameterizedMethodInvocation(
String methodName, MethodInvocation node) => == methodName &&
node.argumentList.arguments.length == 1;
/// Base class for visitor used in rules where we want to lint about invoking
/// methods on generic classes where the type of the singular argument is
/// unrelated to the singular type argument of the class. Extending this
/// visitor is as simple as knowing the method, class and library that uniquely
/// define the target, i.e. implement only [definition] and [methodName].
abstract class UnrelatedTypesProcessors extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
final LintRule rule;
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
UnrelatedTypesProcessors(this.rule, this.typeSystem);
/// The type definition which this [UnrelatedTypesProcessors] is concerned
/// with.
InterfaceTypeDefinition get definition;
/// The name of the method which this [UnrelatedTypesProcessors] is concerned
/// with.
String get methodName;
void visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
if (!_isParameterizedMethodInvocation(methodName, node)) {
// At this point, we know that [node] is an invocation of a method which
// has the same name as the method that this UnrelatedTypesProcessors] is
// concerned with, and that the method has a single parameter.
// We've completed the "cheap" checks, and must now continue with the
// arduous task of determining whether the method target implements
// [definition].
DartType targetType;
if ( != null) {
targetType =;
} else {
final classDeclaration =
if (classDeclaration == null) {
targetType = null;
} else if (classDeclaration is ClassDeclaration) {
targetType = classDeclaration.declaredElement?.type;
} else if (classDeclaration is MixinDeclaration) {
targetType = classDeclaration.declaredElement?.type;
Expression argument = node.argumentList.arguments.first;
// Finally, determine whether the type of the argument is related to the
// type of the method target.
if (targetType is InterfaceType &&
DartTypeUtilities.unrelatedTypes(typeSystem, argument.staticType,
_findIterableTypeArgument(definition, targetType))) {