blob: d524eeded0fd11fdd1e99026d1f1d31d1d74f57a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' as resource;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart' as resource;
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/cache.dart'
show AnalysisCache, CachePartition;
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context.dart' show AnalysisContextImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' show AnalysisEngine;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk, SdkLibrary;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart'
show DartUriResolver, Source, SourceFactory;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_file_builder.dart';
/// Mock SDK for testing purposes.
class MockSdk implements DartSdk {
static const String librariesContent = r'''
const Map<String, LibraryInfo> libraries = const {
"async": const LibraryInfo("async/async.dart"),
"collection": const LibraryInfo("collection/collection.dart"),
"convert": const LibraryInfo("convert/convert.dart"),
"core": const LibraryInfo("core/core.dart"),
"io": const LibraryInfo("io/io.dart'"),
"html": const LibraryInfo(
dart2jsPath: "html/dart2js/html_dart2js.dart"),
"math": const LibraryInfo("math/math.dart"),
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_CORE =
const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:core', '/lib/core/core.dart', '''
library dart.core;
import 'dart:async';
class Object {
const Object();
bool operator ==(other) => identical(this, other);
String toString() => 'a string';
int get hashCode => 0;
class Function {}
class StackTrace {}
class Symbol {}
class Type {}
abstract class Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T other);
abstract class String extends Object implements Comparable<String> {
external factory String.fromCharCodes(Iterable<int> charCodes,
[int start = 0, int end]);
bool get isEmpty => false;
bool get isNotEmpty => false;
int get length => 0;
bool contains(String other, [int startIndex = 0]);
int indexOf(String other, [int start]);
String toUpperCase();
List<int> get codeUnits;
class bool extends Object {}
abstract class num extends Object implements Comparable<num> {
bool operator <(num other);
bool operator <=(num other);
bool operator >(num other);
bool operator >=(num other);
num operator +(num other);
num operator -(num other);
num operator *(num other);
num operator /(num other);
int toInt();
num abs();
int round();
abstract class int extends num {
bool get isEven => false;
int operator -();
external static int parse(String source,
{ int radix,
int onError(String source) });
class double extends num {}
class DateTime extends Object { {}
bool isBefore(DateTime other) => true;
class Null extends Object {}
class Deprecated extends Object {
final String expires;
const Deprecated(this.expires);
const Object deprecated = const Deprecated("next release");
class Error {
static String safeToString(Object object);
external static String _stringToSafeString(String string);
external static String _objectToString(Object object);
external StackTrace get stackTrace;
class Iterator<E> {
bool moveNext();
E get current;
abstract class Iterable<E> {
const Iterable();
const factory Iterable.empty() = Iterable;
Iterator<E> get iterator;
bool contains(Object element);
E firstWhere(bool test(E element), { E orElse()});
bool get isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty;
E get first;
E get last;
int get length;
Set<E> toSet() => new Set<E>.from(this);
abstract class List<E> implements Iterable<E> {
/* external */ factory List([int length]);
/* external */ factory List.filled(int length, E fill, {bool growable: false});
void add(E value);
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable);
E operator [](int index);
void operator []=(int index, E value);
Iterator<E> get iterator => null;
void clear();
int indexOf(Object element);
bool get isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty;
Set<E> toSet() => new Set<E>.from(this);
abstract class Map<K, V> extends Object {
/* external */ factory Map();
factory Map.from(Map other) = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.from;
factory Map.fromIterable(Iterable iterable,
{K key(element), V value(element)}) = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.fromIterable;
factory Map.fromIterables(Iterable<K> keys, Iterable<V> values) =
LinkedHashMap<K, V>.fromIterables;
factory Map.of(Map<K, V> other) = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.of;
factory Map.identity() = LinkedHashMap<K, V>.identity;
/* external */ factory Map.unmodifiable(Map other);
Iterable<K> get keys;
bool get isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty;
int get length;
V putIfAbsent(K key, V ifAbsent());
abstract class Set<E> implements Iterable<E> {
Set<R> cast<R>();
factory Set() = LinkedHashSet<E>;
factory Set.identity() = LinkedHashSet<E>.identity;
factory Set.from(Iterable elements) = LinkedHashSet<E>.from;
factory Set.of(Iterable<E> elements) = LinkedHashSet<E>.of;
external bool identical(Object a, Object b);
void print(Object object) {}
class _Override {
const _Override();
const Object override = const _Override();
abstract class RegExp {
external factory RegExp(String source, {bool multiLine: false,
bool caseSensitive: true});
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_ASYNC =
const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:async', '/lib/async/async.dart', '''
library dart.async;
import 'dart:math';
class Stream<T> {}
abstract class StreamTransformer<S, T> {}
class Future<T> {
factory Future.delayed(Duration duration, [T computation()]) => null;
factory Future.value([value]) => null;
static Future wait(List<Future> futures) => null;
class FutureOr<T> {}
''', const <_MockSdkFile>[
const _MockSdkFile('/lib/async/stream.dart', r'''
part of dart.async;
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_COLLECTION = const _MockSdkLibrary(
'dart:collection', '/lib/collection/collection.dart', '''
library dart.collection;
abstract class HashMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {}
abstract class LinkedHashMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
/* external */ factory LinkedHashMap(
{bool equals(K key1, K key2),
int hashCode(K key),
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)});
/* external */ factory LinkedHashMap.identity();
factory LinkedHashMap.from(Map other);
factory LinkedHashMap.fromIterable(Iterable iterable,
{K key(element), V value(element)});
factory LinkedHashMap.fromIterables(Iterable<K> keys, Iterable<V> values);
factory LinkedHashMap.of(Map<K, V> other) =>
new LinkedHashMap<K, V>()..addAll(other);
class LinkedHashSet<E> implements Set<E> {
/* external factory */ LinkedHashSet(
{bool equals(E e1, E e2),
int hashCode(E e),
bool isValidKey(potentialKey)});
/* external factory */ LinkedHashSet.identity();
factory LinkedHashSet.from(Iterable elements);
factory LinkedHashSet.of(Iterable<E> elements) =>
new LinkedHashSet<E>()..addAll(elements);
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_CONVERT =
const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:convert', '/lib/convert/convert.dart', '''
library dart.convert;
import 'dart:async';
abstract class Converter<S, T> implements StreamTransformer {}
class JsonDecoder extends Converter<String, Object> {}
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_IO =
const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:io', '/lib/io/io.dart', '''
abstract class File implements FileSystemEntity {
factory File(String path) => null;
Future<DateTime> lastModified();
DateTime lastModifiedSync();
Future<bool> exists() async => true;
bool existsSync() => true;
Future<FileStat> stat() async => null;
FileStat statSync() => null;
abstract class FileSystemEntity {
static Future<bool> isDirectory(String path) => true;
static bool isDirectorySync(String path) => true;
static Future<bool> isFile(String path) => true;
static bool isFileSync(String path) => true;
static Future<bool> isLink(String path) => true;
static bool isLinkSync(String path) => true;
static Future<FileSystemEntityType> type(
String path, {bool followLinks: true}) async => null;
static FileSystemEntityType typeSync(
String path, {bool followLinks: true}) => null;
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_MATH =
const _MockSdkLibrary('dart:math', '/lib/math/math.dart', '''
library dart.math;
const double E = 2.718281828459045;
const double PI = 3.1415926535897932;
const double LN10 = 2.302585092994046;
num min(num a, num b) => 0;
num max(num a, num b) => 0;
external double cos(num x);
external double sin(num x);
external double sqrt(num x);
class Random {
bool nextBool() => true;
double nextDouble() => 2.0;
int nextInt() => 1;
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_HTML = const _MockSdkLibrary(
'dart:html', '/lib/html/dartium/html_dartium.dart', '''
library dart.html;
export 'dart:_dom_html';
class HtmlElement {}
static const _MockSdkLibrary LIB_DOM_HTML = const _MockSdkLibrary(
'dart:_dom_html', '/lib/html/dartium/dom_html_dartium.dart', '''
library dart.dom.html;
class ScriptElement {
String src;
static const List<SdkLibrary> LIBRARIES = const [
/// The cached linked bundle of the SDK.
PackageBundle _bundle;
final resource.MemoryResourceProvider provider;
/// The [AnalysisContextImpl] which is used for all of the sources.
AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext;
MockSdk(this.provider) {
LIBRARIES.forEach((SdkLibrary library) {
if (library is _MockSdkLibrary) {
provider.newFile(provider.convertPath(library.path), library.content); {
provider.newFile(provider.convertPath(file.path), file.content);
AnalysisContextImpl get context {
if (_analysisContext == null) {
_analysisContext = new _SdkAnalysisContext(this);
SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory([new DartUriResolver(this)]);
_analysisContext.sourceFactory = factory;
return _analysisContext;
List<SdkLibrary> get sdkLibraries => LIBRARIES;
String get sdkVersion => throw unimplemented;
UnimplementedError get unimplemented => new UnimplementedError();
List<String> get uris => library) => library.shortName).toList();
Source fromFileUri(Uri uri) {
String filePath = provider.pathContext.fromUri(uri);
if (!filePath.startsWith(provider.convertPath('/lib/'))) {
return null;
for (SdkLibrary library in sdkLibraries) {
String libraryPath = provider.convertPath(library.path);
if (filePath == libraryPath) {
try {
resource.File file = provider.getResource(filePath);
Uri dartUri = Uri.parse(library.shortName);
return file.createSource(dartUri);
} on FormatException {
return null;
String libraryRootPath = provider.pathContext.dirname(libraryPath) +
if (filePath.startsWith(libraryRootPath)) {
String pathInLibrary = filePath.substring(libraryRootPath.length);
String uriStr = '${library.shortName}/$pathInLibrary';
try {
resource.File file = provider.getResource(filePath);
Uri dartUri = Uri.parse(uriStr);
return file.createSource(dartUri);
} on FormatException {
return null;
return null;
PackageBundle getLinkedBundle() {
if (_bundle == null) {
resource.File summaryFile =
List<int> bytes;
if (summaryFile.exists) {
bytes = summaryFile.readAsBytesSync();
} else {
bytes = _computeLinkedBundleBytes();
_bundle = new PackageBundle.fromBuffer(bytes);
return _bundle;
SdkLibrary getSdkLibrary(String dartUri) {
for (SdkLibrary library in LIBRARIES) {
if (library.shortName == dartUri) {
return library;
return null;
Source mapDartUri(String dartUri) {
const Map<String, String> uriToPath = const {
'dart:core': '/lib/core/core.dart',
'dart:html': '/lib/html/dartium/html_dartium.dart',
'dart:_dom_html': '/lib/html/dartium/dom_html_dartium.dart',
'dart:async': '/lib/async/async.dart',
'dart:async/stream.dart': '/lib/async/stream.dart',
'dart:collection': '/lib/collection/collection.dart',
'dart:convert': '/lib/convert/convert.dart',
'dart:io': '/lib/io/io.dart',
'dart:math': '/lib/math/math.dart'
String path = uriToPath[dartUri];
if (path != null) {
resource.File file = provider.getResource(provider.convertPath(path));
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: dartUri.substring(5));
return file.createSource(uri);
// If we reach here then we tried to use a dartUri that's not in the
// table above.
return null;
/// Compute the bytes of the linked bundle associated with this SDK.
List<int> _computeLinkedBundleBytes() {
List<Source> librarySources = sdkLibraries
.map((SdkLibrary library) => mapDartUri(library.shortName))
return new SummaryBuilder(librarySources, context).build();
class _MockSdkFile {
final String path;
final String content;
const _MockSdkFile(this.path, this.content);
class _MockSdkLibrary implements SdkLibrary {
final String shortName;
final String path;
final String content;
final List<_MockSdkFile> parts;
const _MockSdkLibrary(this.shortName, this.path, this.content,
[ = const <_MockSdkFile>[]]);
String get category => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isDart2JsLibrary => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isDocumented => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isImplementation => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isInternal => shortName.startsWith('dart:_');
bool get isShared => throw new UnimplementedError();
bool get isVmLibrary => throw new UnimplementedError();
/// An [AnalysisContextImpl] that only contains sources for a Dart SDK.
class _SdkAnalysisContext extends AnalysisContextImpl {
final DartSdk sdk;
AnalysisCache createCacheFromSourceFactory(SourceFactory factory) {
if (factory == null) {
return super.createCacheFromSourceFactory(factory);
return new AnalysisCache(