blob: 8e7e4211e2f6a5fdb22c16922eeea80b5bd6f497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// test w/ `pub run test -N lines_longer_than_80_chars`
var short = 'This is a short line'; // OK
var line80 =
' '; // OK
var line81 =
' '; // LINT
var long =
'This line is a long, very long, very very long, very very very long, very very very very long'; // LINT
var uriIsOk =
''; // OK
var posixPathIsOk =
'/home/'; // OK
var windowsPathIsOk =
r'C:\home\\guides\language\effective-dart\style\avoid-lines-longer-than-80-characters'; // OK
var multilinesOK = '''
This line is a long, very long, very very long, very very very long, very very very very long
var interpolated = 'this $uriIsOk that';
var line80EndingWithCRLF =
' '; // OK